
A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these


Walking leisurely in the drizzle of time, every old wise man is an indispensable treasure in the long river of time. When the wheels of time slowly pass by, food is no longer a simple pursuit of taste, but transformed into an attitude to life, a deep respect for health. For those elders who have been through 70 years of ups and downs, wisdom and experience, how to find a food art that can not only nourish the body and mind, but also avoid risks at the dinner table is particularly important and full of wisdom.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

Imagine a well-prepared dinner at sunset, not only a short-term pleasure for the taste buds, but also the key to health and longevity. Illuminated by the wisdom of doctors and nutritionists, greasy delicacies that were once considered delicacies, such as the richness of braised pork and the tantalizing fireworks of barbecue stands, now require a cautious eye.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

Although they can satisfy the appetite for a while, they hide health crises, such as the accumulation of high fat, the rise in blood pressure caused by high salt, and the destruction of blood sugar balance by high sugar, which are all invisible stumbling blocks on the road to the health of the elderly. So, we can't help but ask ourselves, how to enjoy delicious food while also protecting that hard-won health?

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

After much deliberation, a new food philosophy is quietly blooming in the heart – simple, but by no means ordinary. Porridge and steamed buns, this seemingly simple combination, but in fact contains profound health wisdom. A bowl of porridge, whether it is the gentle nourishment of yam and wolfberry porridge or the sweet care of red date barley porridge, each combination is like a nutritional secret recipe tailored for the elderly, which is not only easy to digest, but also provides full energy and nutrition.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

Steamed bread, an ordinary pasta, is a reliable source of energy because it is rich in carbohydrates, and when paired with a plate of fresh and refreshing seasonal vegetables or a perfectly steamed fish, it simply reveals love and respect for life.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

When the greasy and irritating are far away, the table of the elderly does not mean monotonous and boring, but opens up a different world of flavor. Vegetables and fruits are colourful like nature's palette, each representing a vitamin or mineral, and together they form a powerful line of defense against disease.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

The delicate oats and brown rice aroma not only enrich the taste, but also provide indispensable support for intestinal health. When it comes to protein, the clever combination of fish, lean meat and soy products not only ensures the necessary nutrient intake, but also avoids the burden of excessive fat, achieving the perfect balance between deliciousness and health.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

When it comes to the health of the elderly, the health of the bones is just as important as the health of the cardiovascular system. A glass of warm, low-fat milk or a handful of fresh leafy greens are excellent sources of calcium, which silently inject strength into the bones and make every walk feel firm and confident.

A number of doctors appealed: the elderly over 70 years old would rather drink porridge and eat pickles at home than eat these

As for the intake of healthy fats, the fragrance of olive oil, the crispiness of nuts, and the delicacy of avocado, these gifts of nature nourish the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels in a gentle way, guarding every beat of life, and making the road to health smoother.