
Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

author:Quacking cats

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Gold has long been regarded as a symbol of wealth and security. On 20 May, the price of gold hit an all-time high of US$2,450.1 an ounce.

However, in just 40 days, the price of the gleaming metal began to decline, and on June 29, the price of gold fell to $2,336.9 an ounce, a decline of more than 4.6%. Among them, on June 7, the price of gold plummeted by 3.34% in a single day.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

You will be asking why the price of gold has fallen suddenly. There are a lot of factors behind this. First of all, from the perspective of the global economy, the price of gold is usually constrained by a variety of factors, such as the inflation rate, the US dollar exchange rate, the global political situation, and so on.

To put it simply, gold is a safe-haven asset, and when the economy is unstable, everyone likes to buy gold to preserve its value; When the economy is good and people like to invest in stocks and other assets, gold is less attractive.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

On June 7, China officially released its gold reserve data for May 2024, showing a total of 72.8 million ounces, with no increase or decrease compared to the previous month.

As soon as this data came out, some people in the market began to sell gold, because they thought that the fact that large gold buyers such as China did not increase their holdings may indicate that the high price of gold has passed.

Meanwhile, SPDR Gold Trust, the world's largest gold-traded ETF, also reduced its holdings of 1.44t on the same day, further exacerbating the sell-off. As of 27 June, SPDR Gold Trust holdings fell to 829.05t.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

Historically, the volatility of gold prices has long been nothing new. In 2011, for example, in the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis, the price of gold soared to US$1,900 an ounce and then gradually declined over the next few years. The recent rise and fall of gold prices has a lot to do with changes in the global economic situation.

Since last year, the global inflation rate has been rising, and the currencies of many countries have depreciated, and everyone has bought gold as a safe-haven, which has pushed up the price of gold. Now, as central banks take steps to ease inflation and the economy recovers, the safe-haven demand for gold has naturally declined.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

Many netizens also expressed their opinions on this wave of gold price fluctuations. Some netizens joked: "I knew that the price of gold would drop, so it was better to sell the gold chain at home and exchange it for stocks as soon as possible." Some netizens said: "I am frightened by this wave of operations, and it seems that I really have to see the right time to invest in gold." "Indeed, as an investment product, the price of gold is very volatile, and there are risks in entering the market, so we need to be cautious.


Dig deeper, in fact, the volatility of gold prices also reflects some changes in the global economy. In recent years, global economic uncertainty has increased and geopolitical tensions have led to a naturally high demand for gold as a safe-haven asset.

However, as the economy gradually recovers, investors' risk appetite is also changing, and everyone is more willing to invest their money in high-yield assets such as the stock market and real estate, which has led to a decline in demand for gold, and the price will naturally go down.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

At a deeper level, the volatility of gold prices also has a lot to do with the strength of the US dollar. The U.S. dollar and gold prices are usually inversely related, meaning that when the U.S. dollar strengthens, the gold price tends to weaken. Recently, the US dollar has recovered, which is one of the important reasons for the decline in gold prices.

And for countries like China, the stability of gold reserves also reflects their confidence in the future economy, so the market will adjust its expectations accordingly after the release of the data.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

What will happen to the price of gold in the future? It's hard to say. Some economists believe that as the global economy gradually recovers, the price of gold may fall further;

Others believe that given geopolitical risks and inflationary pressures, gold prices may have some room to rise. After all, the unique value of gold, as a traditional safe-haven asset, cannot be ignored.

Gold prices have plummeted, falling more than 4.6% in 40 days, is now the perfect time to buy gold?

Personally, investing in gold is indeed a good choice, but it also needs to be treated with caution. Gold prices are highly volatile, and investors need to have a certain degree of market judgment and risk tolerance. At the same time, don't invest all your money in gold, and diversify your investments reasonably to better protect your financial security.

Finally, to sum it up in one sentence: although gold is good, you need to be cautious in investment, and it is all up to you to buy and sell. As the old saying goes, "Don't put your eggs in one basket." "It's the same with investment, diversifying risks can better respond to market changes.

What do you think about the volatility of gold prices? Do you have any experience in investing in gold? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss it together!

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