
Outrageous! In the bathhouse, my fourth uncle actually attacked me!

author:Elegant travel guide

In my ordinary life, what happened that day was like a boulder thrown into the lake, causing ripples that I will never forget. It was a weekend afternoon, and the sunlight shone through the hazy glass windows of the bathhouse and sprinkled on the ground, creating dappled light and shadow. As usual, with a week of exhaustion, I stepped into the familiar bathhouse.

The bathhouse was full of people and steaming, and I habitually looked for the shower head in the corner. Just as I was about to take off my clothes, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in my sight - it was my fourth uncle. He doesn't usually talk much, but he always gives people a sense of calm and reliable. Why did he come here to take a bath today? I wondered.

"Xiaojie, you're here too." The fourth uncle's voice interrupted my thoughts. He smiled as he walked up to me, his eyes revealing a subtle hint of strangeness.

"Yes, fourth uncle, why are you here too?" I responded, feeling a little uneasy.

"Oh, I happened to be passing by, so I came in and took a shower." The fourth uncle said lightly, but I could feel that there seemed to be something hidden in his words.

We each started showering, and the sound of the water rattling obscured each other's thoughts. However, just as I was immersed in the comfortable temperature of the water, an unexpected thing happened.

Suddenly, I felt a powerful force coming from behind, followed by a sharp pain. I exclaimed, and when I looked back, I saw that my fourth uncle was standing behind me with a serious face, his hands tightly grasping my shoulders.

"Fourth uncle, what are you doing?" I was furious and tried to break free from him.

"Xiaojie, listen to me." The fourth uncle's voice was low and firm, "I know it's hard to accept, but you have to trust me. ”

I struggled, but the strength of the fourth uncle was surprisingly great, and I couldn't break free at all. He held me tightly as if to merge me into his body.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Let go of me! I roared, but the sound faded in the echo of the bathhouse.

The fourth uncle took a deep breath, and then spoke slowly: "Xiaojie, I know you are angry now, but I have something important to tell you. ”

I glared at him, my heart filled with doubt and anger. But looking at his serious expression, I gradually calmed down.

"Do you remember that car accident when you were a kid?" The fourth uncle's voice trembled a little.

That car accident, how could I forget? I was only five years old when my father took me home and got into a car accident on the way. My father died instantly, and although I survived, I was left with indelible scars. That car accident became an eternal pain in my heart.

"That crash was actually a conspiracy." The fourth uncle's voice was deep and powerful, "Your father discovered the secrets of some outlaws at that time, and they caused that car accident in order to silence them. ”

I looked at my fourth uncle in shock, and an indescribable emotion welled up in my heart. Over the years, I have always thought that the car accident was just an accident, but I didn't expect that there was such a truth hidden behind it.

"I've been secretly investigating this for years." The fourth uncle continued, "I found clues about those outlaws, who have been spying on you secretly. I know they're going to be bad for you today, that's why I'm here to protect you. ”

A warm current swelled up in my heart, and I looked at my fourth uncle gratefully. It turned out that he had been silently guarding me, and I didn't know anything.

"Then why did they do it to me?" I asked.

"Because you are your father's sole heir." The fourth uncle explained, "They are afraid that you will continue to investigate this matter by carrying on your father's legacy. So they want to get rid of you in order to prevent future troubles. ”

I took a deep breath, filled with anger and determination. I decided to carry on my father's legacy, continue to investigate the matter, and seek justice for my father.

The fourth uncle looked at my determined eyes and nodded with satisfaction. He let go of his hand and set me free again.

"Xiaojie, you have to be careful." The fourth uncle instructed, "Those people are very cunning, you must protect yourself." ”

I nodded, my heart filled with gratitude and respect. I know that I am not fighting alone, and that my fourth uncle is silently supporting me.

That afternoon, we had a long conversation in the bathhouse. My fourth uncle told me a lot about my father and his own experiences. As I listened to his words, my heart was filled with emotion and admiration.

From that day on, I began to re-examine my life. I knew I couldn't live my life in the same mess anymore as I used to. I want to work hard for the expectations of my father and my fourth uncle, and strive for a better future for myself.

Looking back now, what happened in the bathhouse that day, as bizarre and thrilling, was an important turning point in my life. It made me reacquaint myself and the people around me, and it also strengthened my belief and determination. I believe that no matter what difficulties and challenges I encounter in the days ahead, I will be able to face them bravely and overcome them.

On the way home from the bathhouse, the afterglow of the setting sun filled the entire street, but my heart fluctuated and I could not calm down for a long time. The words of the fourth uncle were like a seed that took root in my heart and made me start to re-examine my own life.

I went home, sat in front of the window, and remembered my father's life and my fourth uncle's words in the bathhouse. I realized that I could no longer dwell on the pain of the past, but should face the future with courage, carry on my father's legacy, and pursue the truths that were hidden in the darkness.

I started making a plan, starting with sorting out my father's belongings. I looked through my father's notes and documents from his lifetime, hoping to find some clues. In the process, I discovered many details that I had never paid attention to before, and they were like pearls, connecting amazing secrets.

However, the process of the investigation did not go smoothly. The outlaws seemed to be aware of my actions and began to keep a close watch on me. I felt more pressure than I had ever felt before, but I knew I couldn't back down. Using my wits and courage, I skillfully escaped their tracking and continued to investigate further.

In this process, I received the full support of my fourth uncle. He not only encouraged me spiritually, but also helped me a lot in practical actions. Together, we analyze clues, make plans, and face the enemies hiding in the darkness together.

After months of hard work, we finally found the hiding place of those outlaws. It was an abandoned warehouse, deserted all around, with only a few dilapidated vehicles parked outside. We quietly approached the warehouse, ready for the final showdown.

In the warehouse, we had a fierce fight with the outlaws. They were outnumbered, but with firm faith and courage, we finally defeated the enemy. In the struggle, the fourth uncle was unfortunately injured, but he still persevered until the last moment and won the chance for me to win.

When we walked out of the warehouse, the sun had set, but our hearts were filled with the joy of victory. We succeeded in getting justice for my father and removing a cancer for society.

This experience made me deeply realize the power of family affection and the importance of faith. I know that I am not fighting alone, and with the support of my family and the support of faith, I can overcome any difficulties and challenges.

Now I am no longer the child who only dwells in pain. I became stronger and braver, and I knew I had a bigger mission and responsibility. I will continue to pursue the truths hidden in the darkness, seek justice for my father, and contribute to society.

And the fourth uncle, he will always be the greatest person in my heart. He is not only my relative, but also my mentor and friend. His wisdom and courage have always inspired me to move forward, convincing me that nothing is impossible with faith and courage.

That afternoon in the bathhouse was an important turning point in my life. It made me reacquaint myself and the people around me, and it also strengthened my belief and determination. I believe that in the days to come, no matter what difficulties and challenges I encounter, I will be able to face them bravely and overcome them.

Outrageous! In the bathhouse, my fourth uncle actually attacked me!