
What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

author:Delightful glutinous rice YLEhje
What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

In people's daily life, there are always some seemingly absurd or even absurd behaviors or phenomena, but there may be a reasonable scientific basis behind them. For example, one might think that a description of "jumping on a corpse covered in corpses" sounds ridiculous, but it may actually be a description of a particular medical phenomenon.

If you don't understand, just ask, are Europeans and Americans really like this?

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Forehead... You seem to be a bit of a tongue twister.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Should I say it or not, your father successfully predicted your prediction with his own strength.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Dare to love all this is his psychological effect.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Congratulations on successfully finding your cause.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Sure enough, in terms of professionalism, you have to let you go.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Hahaha, if you don't post Spring Festival couplets, you can basically conclude that no one lives at home!

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

And don't watch the excitement, the last time I watched the excitement, I chased someone else's tail directly!

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Hey, isn't that a coincidence, this patient is really blessed.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Hey, for the sake of the overall situation, let's bring your own dry food in the future.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

It seems that the big guys really want to avoid this in the future.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

It looks so profound, and the big guy has to follow it carefully.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

Mother: Otherwise, how do you think it drops?

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

There's nothing wrong with it, this wave of editors must be on your father's side.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

I didn't expect that the delicious food could save my life at a critical moment.

What are some things that seem absurd but have a sound scientific basis? Netizen: Covered with corpse spots, I still went to jump

In some special cases, the human body may experience skin discoloration similar to "corpse spots" due to prolonged holding a fixed position or compression, which is usually caused by poor blood circulation. However, this does not mean that the individual is dead or in a dying state. When this happens, proper activity and exercise, such as a dance activity like Bundy, may actually help boost blood circulation and speed up the body's recovery process. Therefore, although it may sound ridiculous to "go to the bunch all over the body", there is a medically sound explanation behind it. This reminds us not to jump to conclusions when faced with seemingly irrational phenomena, but to dig deeper into the science behind them.

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