
Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

author:Southland white shirt

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Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

Summary: Grief and Reflection: Reflections triggered by the sudden death of young badminton player Zhang Zhijie

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"He's still so young..." - Sudden bad news

On July 1st, a summer day that should have been full of sunshine was shrouded in bad news. Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground while competing in Indonesia, and eventually passed away. This news hit the hearts of all badminton lovers like a hammer.

I remember the first time I heard the news, my mind went blank. "How is that possible?" I kept refreshing the various social platforms, hoping that it was just a miscommunication. However, with the press conference of the Indonesian Badminton Association, this cruel fact was finally confirmed.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

Timeline: 36 hours of life elapsed

The Indonesian Badminton Association announced a detailed timeline of Zhang Zhijie's death from his fall to the ground at a press conference. Looking at this icy timeline, I can't help but imagine how many people are doing their best to save this young life in these 36 hours.

  • He collapsed in the stadium and was taken to the hospital
  • Arrived at the hospital without a pulse and breathing on his own
  • A 3-hour compression resuscitation was performed
  • Death was pronounced at 8:50 p.m
  • The Chinese Badminton Association still hopes to try to transfer to the hospital
  • Transferred to another hospital for another 1.5-hour cardiac resuscitation
  • He was finally pronounced dead at 11:20 p.m

Every point in time is like a sigh, and people can't help but sigh at the fragility of life.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"Why didn't you get treatment in time?" - The Death of the Rules

In this incident, a widely discussed question is: why was Zhang Zhijie not treated in time?

It turned out that according to the current rules, the medical team was not allowed to enter without the permission of the referee. This rule was originally intended to ensure the fairness of the game and prevent anyone from affecting the course of the game under the guise of medical treatment. In this case, however, this rule may have delayed the best time for treatment.

The Indonesian Badminton Federation (BWF) has immediately submitted a written request for the BWF to amend the rule. They hope that this restriction will be lifted so that athletes can be treated as soon as possible.

Seeing this, I can't help but think of the saying: "Rules are dead, people are alive." In the face of life, any rules should give way. It is hoped that this painful lesson will lead to the reform of the relevant rules so that similar tragedies do not happen again.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"Please respect the deceased" - an appeal for privacy

In this information age, everyone seems to have the right to know every detail. The Indonesian Badminton Association issued a special appeal at the press conference: please stop circulating videos and photos of Zhang Zhijie's last moments to show respect for the deceased.

It reminds me of some of the images I saw on social media before. In those videos, the young Zhang Zhijie collapsed on the court, and the people around him were at a loss. Every time I see these images, I feel a pang of heartache.

Yes, in this era where everyone can be a "journalist", shouldn't we be more empathetic? Behind those videos and photos is the loss of a living life and the pain of a family. Perhaps, remaining silent and showing respect is the last thing we can do for the deceased.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"He's still so young..." - the tribute of netizens

On major social platforms, countless netizens spontaneously mourned. Some people said: "He is still so young, there should be infinite possibilities in the future...", and others recalled Zhang Zhijie's style of play: "The kind of hard work he fought when he played always made people feel that he was full of vitality from top to bottom." Who would have thought..."

Looking at these messages, I suddenly realized that for many people, Zhang Zhijie is not only an athlete, but also a symbol of dreams. His departure is not only the loss of a life, but also the destruction of a hope in the hearts of countless people.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"Cherish the moment" - a reflection on life

This event also made many people start to think about the meaning of life. Some netizens sighed: "Life is really too fragile, we should cherish the present and live well."

Indeed, in this fast-paced society, we often overlook the preciousness of life. We stay up late and work overtime for work, diet for weight loss, and worry about things that seem important but are actually insignificant. Perhaps, Zhang Zhijie's departure can make us stop and re-examine our own lifestyle.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

"Sport should not be fought for your life" - a reflection on sportsmanship

There are also voices calling for a fresh look at the spirit of competitive sportsmanship. Some netizens said: "Sports should improve health, not fight for life."

It reminds me of the athletes who overtrain for the sake of results, the boxers who go on a diet to lose weight, the players who go into battle with injuries for the sake of competition... Yes, what should be the essence of sports? Is it to push the limits? Or is it for a healthier life? This is a question worth pondering for each of us.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

Conclusion: The meaning of life

Zhang Zhijie's departure has cast a shadow on the badminton world and even the entire sports world. But perhaps it is such tragedies that allow us to understand the meaning of life more deeply.

Life is fragile, but at the same time strong. Zhang Zhijie used his short life to interpret what hard work is and what love is. Perhaps, the best way to commemorate is to continue to love life, cherish the present, and strive for your dreams.

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!

As one netizen said: "May heaven also have a badminton court, and may you continue to chase your dreams there."

Let's remember Zhang Zhijie and remember this young man who loves badminton. At the same time, let us remember the preciousness of life and remember to be kind to ourselves and everyone around us. Because, no one knows, what will happen in the next moment. #长文创作激励计划##张志杰被认定死亡后羽协仍尝试转院##医生: Zhang Zhijie's sudden death or malignant arrhythmia#

Indonesian Badminton Association press conference: Zhang Zhijie had no heartbeat when he was sent to the hospital, and called for stopping the spread of the video!
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