
The history of blood and tears of people who have come over: the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces, one wrong step and one wrong step!

author:Bilan Finance

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本省上大学 VS 外省上大学,谁更胜一筹?

In recent days, the topic of going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces has become popular again. This reminds me of a candidate named Xiaojie, who, after checking the admission score of the same university in different provinces, was surprised to find that the competition in prestigious schools in other provinces was simply 4 times more intense!

The history of blood and tears of people who have come over: the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces, one wrong step and one wrong step!

Speaking of which, I am reminded of my own college experience. As a native, I chose to attend university in my province. At the time, I didn't realize how much of an impact this decision would have on my college life. However, as time went on, I came to realize some of the subtle differences between going to university in my province and going to university in another province.

First, let's talk about educational resources. I have to say that colleges and universities in this province do have more advantages in this regard. Government support and investment have enabled universities in the province to have better teaching facilities, laboratories and libraries. In addition, teachers and researchers in the province have a better understanding of local industry needs and cultural backgrounds, so they are able to provide more practical and down-to-earth teaching content.

For example, I participated in an entrepreneurship competition while I was in college. Since I went to school in this province, I have a deeper understanding of the local market and consumer needs. This gives me an edge in the competition because I am able to come up with a business proposal that is more in line with local needs. And those who go to school in other provinces, although they are also very talented, they have relatively little knowledge of the local market, so they are slightly disadvantaged in the competition.

The history of blood and tears of people who have come over: the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces, one wrong step and one wrong step!

In addition to educational resources, the living environment is also an advantage of going to university in this province. As a local, I am already very familiar with the climate, food and culture of the province. So, when I entered college, I didn't feel much of a culture shock. I was able to easily adapt to university life and focus more on my studies and socializing.

And those students from other provinces are not so lucky. They need to spend more time and energy to adapt to the new environment. Some students may even experience homesickness affecting their learning and quality of life. So, if you're a family lover, then going to college in this province might be a better fit for you.

Relationships are also a very important part of university life. In this regard, students in this province seem to have an advantage. Because we grew up locally, it's easier for us to build a local network. Whether it's classmates, alumni or industry contacts, it's easier for us to connect with them.

The history of blood and tears of people who have come over: the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces, one wrong step and one wrong step!

Students from other provinces need to make more efforts in this regard. They need to take the initiative to participate in various social activities and expand their social circle. Only then will they be able to gain more opportunities and resources in their university life.

Finally, let's talk about employment opportunities. It has to be said that students in this province do have an advantage in this regard. As we have a better understanding of the local industry needs and cultural background, we are more competitive in the local job market. Moreover, universities in the province often have closer ties with local businesses and government agencies, so they are able to offer more internship and employment opportunities for students.

For example, I participated in an internship program organized by the government during my college years. Since I'm a local, I have a deeper understanding of local policies and regulations. This gives me an advantage in my internship because I was able to adapt to the work environment more quickly and complete my work tasks better. And those students who come from other provinces, although they also work hard, they have relatively little knowledge of local policies and regulations, so they are slightly disadvantaged in internships.

The history of blood and tears of people who have come over: the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces, one wrong step and one wrong step!

In general, there are advantages and disadvantages of attending universities in this province and those in other provinces. When choosing a university, we should consider our interests, career plans, and personal abilities. If you are a family lover, or you are more interested in the needs of local industry and cultural background, then attending a university in this province may be more suitable for you. But if you are an adventurous person who likes to challenge yourself, then going to university in another province is also a good choice. After all, life is all about daring to try and dare to break through yourself!

"Life is like a journey, I don't care about the destination, I care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery." So, no matter where you choose to go to college, keep a positive heart and enjoy every moment of your college life! Come on! #头条创作挑战赛 ##头条首发必备指南#