
Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

author:Little Seven Sports Frontline

Causes of the viral epidemic.

From ancient times to the present, as long as people multiply in the world, there will be viruses.

The worst epidemic was in 1918, at the end of World War I, when there were epidemics around the world.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

It spread so fast that it took a heavy toll and was hailed as the worst epidemic in human history.

At that time, the virus was a mixed form of the influenza virus produced by pigs and chickens, but in the end, the brave people were completely wiped out of the virus.

In the process of extermination, it is recognized that the greatest contribution was made by a Chinese doctor, who invented a method that helped humanity defeat this invisible war.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

So how was the virus eliminated by people?

In ancient times, human beings continued to do research during the epidemic, and they wanted to find drugs that could counteract the virus.

After a period of research, a method was finally found that could fight off viruses that not only fought off viruses, but also multiplied in viruses that aggregated viruses and eventually the virus left the human body.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

And this "nemesis" is our immune system.

It guards our bodies tightly, and once it finds that there is a foreign virus invading, it will immediately take action to destroy them.

But in some special cases, such as the mutation of the virus, then human beings need to start anew.

In 1967, there was an event of virus mutation on the mainland, which targeted the human immune system, and the human immune system could not destroy them.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

While the first girl to be vaccinated was still in her body, the parents were in despair that their child was about to become the first person in the world to be killed by the virus.

Just when the virus was about to kill the girl, a doctor invented a new vaccine that he hoped would be able to inject into the girl's body, which would be able to combine with the virus and thus destroy the virus.

But how long the vaccine will last is unknown.

Viruses act as "nemesis".

After a lot of twists and turns, it was finally decided to inject the vaccine into the girl's body.

Vaccines are like a group of people who resist the girl's body as their home.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

While they were battling the virus, some members of the vaccine had been wiped out by the virus and disappeared from the war.

As time passed, the number of viruses became smaller and smaller, and the vaccine continued to replenish some "soldiers" who protected the girls in the course of the war and finally eliminated the virus completely.

After a lot of suffering, human beings not only defeated the invisible enemy, but also expanded the direction of medical development, and vaccines have since occupied an important place in human life, protecting human beings from the invasion of viruses.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

And after that, there was a corresponding medical regulation that only people who have not been vaccinated will be quarantined.

And those who have been vaccinated can be free.

Since then, people's lives have hope, they are no longer afraid of the invasion of the virus, and they have also found the nemesis of the virus.

The role of the immune system.

The immune system is like a guard of the human body, and once it detects a foreign virus invading the body, it will immediately take action to destroy it.

It is because of their presence that the human body can be free from viruses and stay healthy.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

The immune system is mainly divided into two categories, one is the humoral immune system, whose main role is to destroy the virus.

The second is the cellular immune system, whose main role is to prevent the virus from fusing with the cell, so that the virus cannot multiply and eventually become extinct.

There are also many types of viruses, such as infectious diseases and AIDS.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

If you have these diseases, your immune system will be weakened and you will not be able to fight off viruses effectively.

The treatment for infectious diseases is vaccination, while the treatment for AIDS is drugs that suppress the virus, and there are also viruses that do not have drugs, and people can only rely on their own immune systems to fight off.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

At the same time, there is also a disease caused by viruses, that is, influenza, which is characterized by the silent transmission of viruses through aerosols in places with large traffic and thus infecting other people.

Everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and human beings are afraid of viruses, so who is the nemesis of viruses?

Therefore, people must do a good job of protective measures in their lives, such as for the influenza virus, people can prevent it by vaccination, but the vaccine is not a panacea, and it also has a scope of application, so after being infected with the influenza virus, it must not be blindly vaccinated, which will not only fail to achieve the effect of prevention, but also cause harm to the human body.

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