
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

author:Happy Lotus Leaf 237 Review
The news of France's 1-0 defeat to Belgium is like a bolt from the blue, and this 1/8 final can be called a golden matchup of the European Cup! France and Belgium, ranked second and third in the world, faced off at the top, and the two sides played a boring tug-of-war, with an own goal in the 85th minute. This oolong is simply a heavenly meal, but it is really unexpected and expected!
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

Own goal? France's number one metaphysician is not convinced!

In this key battle, the French team had the advantage but could not score a goal in half a day, and finally relied on Muani's powerful shot to hit the Belgian captain Vertonghen, and only then did they unexpectedly take a 1-0 lead. As a result, some fans complained that France was simply an "oolong blessed land", and the last oolong was a gift package from Austria.

1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

Was it luck, or was it really a bit of luck? The French team has won 2 own goals in this European Championship, and it has become the number one metaphysician. **Coincidentally, in the last World Cup final, France defeated Croatia 4-2, and one of the goals was also an own goal. Isn't this French at odds with the word "oolong"? Fans ridiculed: France has become an "oolong harvester", so absorbing the "oolong" physique, no wonder it can have the last laugh!

1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

But French fans are not convinced, they firmly believe that this time it is only the strategy of "attacking instead of defending" that works. France had 30 shots on goal and 15 on target in the whole game, bombing the Belgian goal. In comparison, Belgium's stats of 5 shots on goal and 0 shots on target are nothing short of impressive. France coach Didier Deschamps said after the game: "We played patiently today, we didn't act rashly and finally waited for our chance."

1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

The Red Devils are dead? The golden generation is all withering

Although France's win is not pretty, Belgium's poor performance is even more embarrassing. This former "European Red Devils" is now at the end of its power: 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss in the group stage, and after barely qualifying, it was humiliated by the French team. I thought there would be a "duel of kings", but it turned out to be a one-sided massacre.

1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

Kevin De Bruyne, Eden Hazard, Romelu Lukaku, Thibaut Courtois, the once dominant "Belgian Golden Generation" are now over 30 years old, and their form is getting worse and worse. In this European Cup, their overall performance was sluggish, and the team only scored 2 goals in 2 games, setting the worst record in team history. An era has come to an end, and the Red Devils of yesteryear are dead.

1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals
1-0! European Cup God Plot: The world's third was eliminated by a stunner, and France's miraculous substitution advanced to the quarterfinals

Some fans sighed: The Belgian team's visit to the European Cup this time is simply a "rehabilitation center for early senile diseases", and a group of veterans are really not worth it for them to play the last tournament. Now the team is full of contradictions, and coach Martinez has also announced his resignation, and the future is worrying. Perhaps, the Red Devils can only become legends.

Finally, I would like to ask: Can the French team win this European Cup? What about Belgium, where does it go? What do you think about this?

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