
Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

author:It's Mr. Chen


Blind date is to find someone who treats each other sincerely. Don't focus too much on the external compatibility and ignore the internal compatibility. Find someone who likes you, not just someone who qualifies. Want to know more about the right way to open a blind date? Let's look down!

When the blind date is in the older generation, it is basically the matchmaker who facilitates the marriage.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

In those days when the concept of marriage was more traditional, few people would choose who to marry themselves.

Nowadays, blind dates between young people are very frequent, and parents are introducing their children to each other through various channels.

Sometimes, the kindness of these parents is a source of annoyance for their children.

Because there are too many introductions before you meet the right person.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

Everyone wants to know, what is the blind date for?

How should blind dates be treated?

1. On a blind date, the important thing is to find someone who treats you sincerely

Everyone's view of marriage is different.

In the eyes of parents, being able to start a family and have children is a good family affair.

And in the eyes of some people, the important thing is not the marriage itself, but the marriage with a person you like.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

From this point of view, the starting point of marriage is very important.

Whether it's through your own efforts or through the introduction of others, as long as you find the right person, that's half the battle.

When going on a blind date, you should consider whether both parties really like each other.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

Whether they treat each other sincerely, respect each other, and grow together together.

This is the most important thing to consider when looking for a partner.

But many people are caught in another cycle.

Focusing too much on the external compatibility and ignoring the internal compatibility.

Everyone wants to find someone they are happy with.

So, I listed all my conditions, and as long as the other party met my own conditions, I could enter into marriage.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

In fact, this kind of thinking is wrong.

Because what we have to do is to find someone who suits us and likes us, not just to be satisfied with the other person's conditions.

If you are on a blind date, the other party fully meets all your conditions, but you don't have the slightest liking, such a marriage is doomed to failure.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

2. Be vigilant and don't trust introducers

So, in the blind date process, how should we treat the introducer?

Whatever the introducer says, don't take it all.

Introducers tend to paint each other in a variety of colors, but these colors are often only superficial.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

When listening to the introducer, be vigilant and rational in your guesses.

And don't be too critical and mean.

Many people have a delusion during the blind date process.

It is that both the male and female parents will always exaggerate their advantages or cover up their shortcomings when introducing themselves to their partners.

And when introducing others, they are often very understated.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

In fact, this is just an illusion, and not all introducers do it.

It is also important to note that the word "honest" is used when the introducer evaluates the other person.

Parents of both sexes will use this word to judge each other, even if the other person is not "honest".

So it's actually become a generic word.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

But even so, it is still necessary to be skeptical when listening to the introducer.

After all, "honesty" doesn't mean anything.

In addition, what needs to be overcome in the blind date process is the psychology of getting married in a hurry.

Many people make a mistake in the process of blind date, that is, they decide to get married immediately because of a momentary misunderstanding or superficial conditions.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

This behavior is actually very dangerous.

Because they didn't get to know each other in depth at all, they rushed to get married.

The most important thing before getting married is to get to know each other deeply, understand each other's family, and establish true mutual understanding and respect.

3. Don't be fooled by the word "honest".

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

In the blind date process, no matter what the parents of both parties say, what the introducer says, or what the friends say, don't be blinded.

Getting married is no joke.

Only by truly guessing and understanding each other can you find someone who is truly suitable for you.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

And after finding the right person for you, you need to be brave enough to pursue love.

Put aside all other distractions and bravely enter the marriage hall.

If there are still doubts or uncertain questions, then don't rush to get married.

Wait for the right moment before making a decision.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

After all, what we have to do is to find someone who can go on for the rest of our lives.

In the process of blind date, both their own parents and the other party's parents will emphasize how good their children are.

But everyone is unique.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

We can't measure a person purely by conditions.

Even if there is a gap in the conditions between the two parties, it is enough to like each other and be willing to work hard to live together.

Therefore, you don't have to care too much about whether each other's conditions match when you go on a blind date.

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost

As long as both parties can understand, tolerate, and like each other, they can enter into marriage together.

I hope that everyone can find a person who loves themselves, understands themselves, and accompanies them all their lives.


Blind dates are about finding someone who can treat each other sincerely, not just being satisfied with the matching conditions. The advice mentioned in the section, understanding each other deeply, pursuing love bravely, and not being deceived by the surface are all important points that need to be kept in mind during the blind date process. When looking for a partner, you should pay more attention to the inner fit, rather than being swayed by external conditions. I hope that every friend on the blind date road can find the person who can be with you for a lifetime

Laughing numb! No wonder everyone is now resistant to blind dates, netizens: The matchmaker's mouth is a deceitful ghost