
I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

author:Interviews with real people


I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

This is the 4,129th real story we have told

My name is Together Philippines @ Together Philippines (0 yuan riding the earth, riding in the United States).

Before I was 15 years old, people called me a ruffian behind my back, and they all took a detour when they saw me. After I turned 15, people called me crazy, and some people called me stupid.

I don't care about any of this, because I know I have something big to do, and the energy and spirit I have drawn from books over the years has always led me forward.

In the summer of 2009, I started my first ride in one month without bringing a penny.

From 2012 to 2013, I started the Universal World Cycling Program in one year without a penny.

In April 2024, I will continue the route that I have not taken before, without a penny, with the goal of circumnavigating the earth.

When I was 21 years old, I rarely felt homesick abroad. Now 33 years old, every moment I am abroad, I miss home, the food in my hometown, and I want to return to China as soon as possible.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(in Kazakhstan)

I was born in Xinyang, Henan Province in 1991. When I was in junior high school, I was a well-known ruffian in school, forming gangs and making a lot of limelight. In the eyes of others, I am a bad student, but the real me is timid and afraid of things, but I am good at disguise.

Until one day, I was publicly named and criticized by the school, I was light and light, and I didn't care, but I didn't expect to wake up crying in the middle of the night.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't me who wanted to cry, it was the tears that slipped out of my eyes and soaked a large pillow towel. When I woke up, I couldn't sleep again.

At three or four o'clock in the morning, I leaned on the side of my bed and asked myself over and over again, is this kind of life what I want? What kind of life do I want to live?

I don't know why, it's like the feeling of being opened up in a martial arts novel, and I suddenly opened up.

"I can't live like the people around me", this is the wish I made that night, as for how to live differently, I don't know, but this is my goal in life.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Where I sat on a boat at the Statue of Liberty in the United States)

After that briefing, I changed schools, and I started thinking about how I could achieve my goals, and I couldn't think of them, so I just read books. Reading a book, adding a wisdom, maybe there is an answer in the book, I bought all the Chinese and foreign classics recommended in the language book, and started the crazy reading mode.

When other people's children go out to play, I read books at home. Reading is to increase intelligence, if you want to do great things, you have to have a strong body, I hit sandbags, take cold showers every day, and go for morning jogging for several years.

My neighbors say I'm crazy, but I don't care what they think of me, I just know what I'm doing. And the reason why I did this was actually to give my parents a buffer time, so that they could slowly adjust to my life that might be even crazier in the future.

I am very grateful that they have become my parents, they are not like some parents, they don't understand, but they like to use their own life experience to point fingers. Whatever I want to do, they will fully support it, both materially and spiritually.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(pitch a tent in Russia)

One winter, with Xiaoice hail, I was running on the road naked, wearing a pair of shorts. When a person from the next town saw it, he pointed at me and laughed: "You see, there is a fool over there, who still runs in this weather, and is not afraid of freezing." ”

My parents smiled and said, "That's my son." ”

I know that in fact, they are tormented in their hearts, and they only choose to carry it because they love me. Who wants their children to be different, unconventional, and not understood? It's like what my father wrote to me later: "What can I do if he wants to leave?" He doesn't want to live a dull life, and it's not interesting to live. ”

With the support of my parents, I have read all the famous books on the market in those years. I have a special habit of imitating books after reading them. For example, after reading the biography of Genghis Khan, I pasted his portrait in my bedroom and sacrificed to him every morning with Mongolian rites for three whole years.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(I'm in front of Genghis Khan's mausoleum)

The reason why I came up with the idea of cycling around the world was also inspired by books.

In "The Biography of Young Mao Zedong", the 23-year-old walked and asked for food without a penny, and traveled all over six counties in Hunan. Later, after watching "Around the World in 888 Days", I had a plan to ride around the world without a penny.

I am a man of action, and in the summer of 2009, I asked my parents for 800 yuan to buy a bicycle and a camera for the reason of tutoring English. I made a simple sleeping bag with a fertilizer bag on the outside, a waterproof membrane in the middle, and a bed sheet on the inside.

Starting from Xinyang, I rode all the way to Lu'an, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Wuhan, Hubei, and all the way to my school. I don't bring a penny, and I ride all the way to get food.

Although the scene of asking for food had been rehearsed countless times before departure, it was too painful to actually open up to strangers.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(I set off from Zhengzhou, Henan Province to ride)

I stood at the door of the first house, took a deep breath, kept cheering myself up, and when one foot was about to step over, I saw the owner and quickly turned around. Comfort yourself, forget it, this one doesn't look suitable, let's change it.

When I got to the second house, before I could breathe, a girl came out, and I turned around again. That girl is too beautiful, she is still the same age, it is really embarrassing to ask for food in front of her, forget it.

I changed several houses, and it wasn't until I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it anymore that I threw away all my scruples and spoke to others. But I didn't dare to say that I wanted food, only water. The host gave me a bowl of water, probably because I was in too much of a hurry, and she saw it. She didn't ask, she just brought some food, I ate quickly, and she offered to fill me a second bowl.

I still remember the process of asking for food for the first time.

Later, the ride was quite smooth, but I didn't expect Jiangxi, but after squinting in the park for a while, the car was stolen. I was angry, but I didn't think about stopping the ride or borrowing money to buy a ticket back, I was thinking about how to make money and buy another bike.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(in Kazakhstan)

I got a job in the wet market, earned 75 yuan, bought a bicycle, and rode it from Jiangxi to Wuhan, Hubei, and then to school. The first thing I did after the ride was to throw that bike into the river, the quality was so poor that it dropped the chain along the way.

My first ride was a good one, and although the tanned made my mom suspicious, my dad didn't find out that I was secretly doing something big.

At that time, I was reading books every day, with a lot of inspirational stories in my head, and I began to build my character, worldview, and outlook on life. I found my reason for living in the hope that I would leave something behind when I died.

Jobs is gone, leaving behind the apple, and I must not leave a dead body behind. I also know that if you want to succeed and leave a name in history, you have to grow up and suffer.

I have always believed that there are only two ways for people to grow and change themselves.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(in the Gobi Desert, Xinjiang)

The first is suffering, both physical and mental suffering, and the pain is heart-wrenching, so that you can wake up and grow up overnight. The other is reading, reading will make you move forward, because the reference benchmark is different, it will take you to see yourself, the heaven and the earth, and all beings.

I traveled the world, and the two books I wrote later, to the new company that was about to start, and it all started with books.

I also went through hardships, and choosing to ride around the world is a test of physical strength, endurance, and willpower. It can withstand the severe cold, the scorching heat, and the dangers and difficulties encountered in riding.

In 2012, I rode around the world and set off without a penny, just a sleeping bag.

Because I know I'm doing something great and meaningful, then others will instinctively help me. I believe that human nature is inherently good, as long as it does not touch the interests and bottom line of others, others will be willing to lend a hand. Even if others avoid it, I gladly accept it.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(at the Khorgos border checkpoint)

After starting from Zhengzhou, I rode all the way to Hubei, Shijiazhuang, Beijing, Ordos in Mongolia, and then went to Genghis Khan's mausoleum to pay respects to him and keep a day of vigil. Then go west to Hohhot, Yinchuan, Wuwei, Yumen Pass, Jiuquan, Hami, Urumqi, and reach Khorgos port, the whole journey is about 5,000 kilometers.

From the port of Khorgos to Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, it lasted a whole year. I crossed the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang in summer and Siberia in February.

After arriving at the Khorgos port, I returned to Beijing because I did not have a visa, and I was delayed for two months, and I did not leave the country until January.

The road was covered in snow and ice, and it was so slippery that I had to fall at least 20 times a day and break my leg, but it didn't stop me from moving on.

Everywhere I went, I held the banner of "Ride around the world without a penny, the Chinese are coming", whether it was our border checkpoint or the other party's, they gave me the green light all the way, which was quite smooth.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(I'm in Kazakhstan)

At my first meal in Kazakhstan, the other party welcomed me into the house very warmly, gave me a full meal, and helped me fill two teapots before leaving.

On the first night, it was the owner of the abandoned timber shed who invited me to spend the night in his hotel.

Human nature is good, and they believe that I am not a bad person, especially after seeing my banner.

After a good night's sleep, I continued my journey, and on the morning of the fourth day, I found that I couldn't move my feet. It didn't hurt much after the fall before, so I didn't care, and I continued to ride every day, but it became more and more swollen.

Stop riding, treat first?

No, I couldn't do such a thing, I gave the order directly to the body so that it couldn't hurt, and I controlled the body with my will. For almost a year, my leg was in a state of injury, I completed this ride on one foot, and until now, the leg injury has not healed, in fact, it will never get better.

I still almost made a mistake.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(I'm in Kazakhstan)

After I stayed overnight at my compatriot's house in Almaty, he advised me: "Your legs are swollen like this, and the road is slippery, and you can't ride far." No matter what, you have to pay attention to your body, I think you might as well rest for a few days, buy a ticket and sit in the middle. ”

Maybe my leg hurt too much at that time, or maybe the warmth of his home made me relax, and I actually felt that he had a point. Then I went to the bank to withdraw money to buy a ticket, but the money was not enough, I suddenly became angry, and the person instantly sobered up.

I brought a bank card to save the emergency in an accident, but I didn't expect that I still didn't resist the temptation, saying that I didn't bring a penny to ride the world, I actually wanted to take a car?

No, I can't leave room for myself, I gave the money I took out to my compatriots, threw my bank card into the river, and cut off the back road.

On the way, I met a lot of warm people and things, and of course, I encountered dangers.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Encounter with engineering teams in Kazakhstan)

Once I was sleeping at the top of a staircase in western Kazakhstan, and after a while two girls came and invited me into the house, and I thought I had met a good person. As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I was surrounded by seven or eight young men, who wanted to rob.

They turned my stuff upside down and made gestures of contempt for me. I got up in a flash and quickly pulled the knife out of my bag, and I had to fight them hard, and although they didn't dare to come forward again, I couldn't get out.

When the stalemate was at a stalemate, the uncle next door came over, and after he looked at my passport, he told them to leave quickly, otherwise they would call the police.

On the journey, I was also on the verge of death.

When I arrived in Russia in February, the weather was too cold, and I didn't listen to my command after riding for a while. I happened to see a lot of timber in the shed on the side of the road, so I got out of the car and set up a fire there.

The fire went out in the middle of the night, and when I woke up the next day, my whole body was stiff, and although my brain was conscious, my body couldn't move. That was the first time I felt what death was, no pain, no fear, very peaceful, and I thought I would definitely die in a foreign country this time.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Pile of abandoned wood, almost frozen to death)

I didn't dare to close my eyes, I was afraid that I would never be able to open them again, so I kept rolling my eyes, looking left and right, and there was a bottle of cold wine given to me by the truck driver next to me, but unfortunately I couldn't use it. As I was thinking, a faint light hit my face, the sun, and it shone on me through the glass window.

The body began to warm up, but it still couldn't move.

At this moment, there was a sound of chirping nearby, and a few small sparrows flew around next to me. Probably because of their vigorous vitality that gave me strength, I slammed up from the ground, stumbled outside and called for help, and finally survived.

The country that gave me the most pain on the whole trip was Germany, and they didn't let me eat or sleep in the aisles because they were afraid that I was a bad person. I was cold and hungry, and thanks to the last stop the Poles gave me a lot of food to keep me out for two days.

But this didn't bother me, the Germans didn't give it, so I looked for black, Asian, Chinese restaurants, fortunately in Germany, there is not a big one, and I arrived at the next stop after 10 days.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Asking for food in Russia)

After the French stop, my trip came to an end, and the first thing I did when I returned to China was to write a book. It took me two years to complete my first book, Reflections on Teenage Drifting, which was published in 2015.

After the book was published, I went to sell trucks, and the next year I came into contact with the clothing industry and lost 800,000 yuan. However, in 2017, it took me two weeks to earn it back, and at its peak, I was able to squeeze into the top three in Shanghai.

Since 2021, I have spent 3 years writing my second book, "The Theory of Two Horses". In fact, if I don't come out and write a book, I will make at least nearly a million more a year. But I'd rather leave the company in the hands of someone below than come out and write a book. That's who I am, very axial, very real, and very crazy.

My life has been following the blueprint I set when I was 17 years old, and nothing has changed. I have my own beliefs, my own set of ideological systems, and I will never change myself for the sake of the outside world.

Originally, I planned to manage the company for many years, and when I got old, I would continue the unfinished cycling plan when I was 21 years old. But then I decided to do it earlier, at the age of 33.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(My first published book)

On April 26, 2024, I flew from Shanghai to London, from London to Birmingham, Manchester, Carlisle, Glasgow, from south to north, then south to Belfast, Ireland, Dublin, and from Dublin to New York, and is currently riding in the United States......

In England, I barely had anything to eat, no place to shower, no place to pitch a tent. I was given a punch at the first stop, and everything didn't go well. There were many and poisonous mosquitoes on the road, which directly bit me out complications, followed by urinary tract infection, fever, and the superposition of the three diseases, which almost sent me back to China.

Thankfully, I met Paul's family in Ireland. At that time, I asked my hostess for water, and she saw that I was not feeling well, so she invited me to the house, and not only gave me water to drink, but also gave me food.

Her husband used to come to China often and was very friendly to Chinese. He was very helpful in taking me to the doctor, and if I hadn't met him, my trip might have ended early.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Meet Paul in Ireland)

Manchester also almost made me end my trip early. I met a cyclist on the road, and after a short chat, I smoked two puffs of his cigarette. Half an hour later, I lost sensation in my limbs, was dizzy, and then fainted in the wild. I slept from six o'clock in the afternoon until half past ten in the evening, and only then did I recover a little. I was lucky to meet a kind person to give me food and let me go into the house to take a hot shower, and my body gradually recovered.

At the moment on the U.S. ride, the people I meet are also very friendly, and whenever I knock on the door and ask for food, they will give it to me. They see me lying on the ground resting, and they will come over to care about me, is it uncomfortable? There was an old woman who came home to cook for me when she knew I didn't bring a penny with me, and she was standing by the window to say goodbye to me when I left.

Of course, I was kicked out several times, and they thought I was a homeless person and called the police to chase me away. But when the police came, they would give me a thumbs up when they heard my story and saw the flag I displayed.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(To the United States Carter for Sa)

From the year of the elephant dance to the thirty years of standing, I have not encountered many difficulties along the way. Because most people see that I don't ride with a penny, after knowing my mental strength, they are more admired. And I will not cross the line and do things that touch the interests of the other party, and I will also dispel their concerns.

I was riding while live broadcasting, and many netizens questioned and asked me if I had used the money to buy food?

I said I wouldn't bring a penny without it, I said that riding is riding, and I said I did it. If anyone finds out that I used the money to buy a meal or swiped my bank card and expose me, I will give you 1 million immediately.

Some netizens will ask me if I often sleep alone in the wild, isn't I afraid?

In my world, there is no fear of these two words. I am such a character, and secondly, my conditions do not allow me to be afraid, and there is no way out when I come out, so I am not afraid.

One night, a wild beast stood outside my tent, panting incessantly. Am I not afraid? I must have been scared, but I couldn't help sleeping, for I had to keep going in the morning.

I put the knife and spray next to me, and soon fell asleep, but one ear was always up, listening to the movement outside.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Book Writing)

There are also many netizens who often leave messages for me, saying that they are particularly envious of my life.

I don't understand what they envy, they only see me riding around the world with ease, they only see the results, but they don't see what I've been through over the years.

If he were given the opportunity to ride around the world and sleep in churches and in the wilderness without food, I think he would immediately refuse.

The reason why I have this pride and determination is because I have faith in my head and know what people live for, so I have the determination to rush forward regardless of everything.

In fact, I write books and ride all over the world without a penny, also because my national feelings are particularly strong. I hope that the dignity and culture of the Chinese people can move forward, and I want to show the spirit of the Chinese people with my actions, which is my motivation.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(I'm writing a book)

I write down what I see and feel, and I don't know if it will affect others in the end. I only do what I am and leave the rest to fate. I also often reassure myself that maybe most people don't understand, but that's okay, maybe when I die, it will make sense.

Even if I go out and get hit by a car now, I have no regrets because I left behind two books and stories about traveling around the world.

Jobs said that all my failures and shame will disappear in the face of death, and what I care about is what is really important that can be left behind.

I am not afraid of death because I have constructed my life.

At the age of 33, the idealistic thing I want to do is almost finished, and after this trip, I will return to my home country to start a new company, and then get married and have children.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river


When I was 21 years old, I never thought that I would be in the current state at 33, wanting to go home and giving up. So I'm especially glad that I achieved my dream ahead of schedule this time, otherwise in a few years, I probably wouldn't have set off again.

As we get older, it's not just the body that weakens, but also the will, not that I can't do it, but that I don't want to do it.

When I was a child, I wanted to travel around the world, change the world, and become a useful person for the country, but in the end, I just wanted to take care of my little family, and even some people didn't even care about their family, they just wanted to live a healthy life.

Take advantage of your youth to suffer and study, to change yourself, to let yourself grow. Don't wait until you're old enough to complain about society and life.

Looking back at the road I've traveled, I give myself a score of 99, I'm very satisfied, and I feel like I'm good. Because I didn't let myself down, I didn't waste my time, and I have no regrets in this life.

If you have a dream, make it happen as soon as possible, otherwise it will always be just a dream.

I, born in the 90s, threw away my bicycle on my first ride, threw away my bank card on my second ride, and threw it all into the river

(Welcome to follow the protagonist's account: "Riding in the United States together")

[Dictation: Together with the Philippines]

[Written by: Lin Luo]

[Editor: Xiaoqi]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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