
The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

author:A laughing dragon

Do you know that there is such a group of people on the border of Yunnan? They have a special identity and are always on the verge of life and death. They are the anti-narcotics police, and in order to crack down on drug crimes, they do not hesitate to become drug dealers and go deep into the tiger's den. One can imagine how dangerous this job is. But you may not expect that the most frightening thing for them is actually meeting their colleagues!

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

On June 29, 2024, a news about Li Weiguo, an anti-narcotics police officer in Yunnan, caused heated discussions on the Internet. This brave policeman almost revealed his identity when he ran into a colleague twice while on duty. It's really a cold sweat to say!

Let's take a look back at this thrilling scene. On that day, Li Weiguo disguised himself as a "connector" in the drug trade and came to the Sino-Burmese border in Lincang, Yunnan Province to meet drug dealers. Who knew that as soon as he arrived at the place, he was arranged to live in a room with three drug dealers with switchblades. This is accommodation, it's just a tiger skin!

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

The next morning, Li Weiguo and three drug dealers took the elevator downstairs for breakfast. Suddenly, two men in police uniforms squeezed into the elevator. Li Weiguo looked at it, oh my God, isn't this his colleague? At that moment, his back was soaked with sweat.

Imagine a scene with three vicious drug dealers, two unwitting cops, and an undercover agent crammed into the elevator. What an elevator is, it's a time bomb that can explode at any moment! Li Weiguo must be shouting frantically in his heart: "Don't recognize me!" ”

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

At the critical moment, Li Weiguo's adaptability is really nothing to say. He quickly avoided the gaze of his colleagues and began chatting with the drug dealer. That's a high move! Speaking in a loud voice not only hides his nervousness, but also prevents his colleagues from talking to him. This 50-second elevator journey is simply longer than 50 years for Li Weiguo.

But that's not the end of the show! While eating breakfast, Li Weiguo met a colleague on a business trip again. This colleague is not as easy to fool as the previous two, he is a political worker policeman, and he usually deals with Li Weiguo. This is really damning! Li Weiguo's heart was about to jump to his throat.

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

However, our Officer Lee is not a vegetarian. He took advantage of the drug dealer's bowing head, secretly glanced at his colleague and signaled him not to come. Fortunately, this colleague is also a clever ghost, and he immediately understood it. Once again, Li Weiguo saved the day.

In this way, Li Weiguo and the drug dealers ate and lived together for two days and one night. In the end, under the careful control of the police, this drug trafficking gang was finally caught. Four suspects were arrested and 39 kilograms of heroin were seized. What a victory!

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

Seeing this, do you think Li Weiguo is simply a live-action version of "Infernal Affairs"? That's right, he's our real-life hero. In the past six years, he has participated in the detection of more than 300 drug cases, arrested 147 criminal suspects, and seized more than 2.1 tons of various drugs. Behind these numbers, there are countless thrilling moments like those 50 seconds in the elevator.

Li Weiguo's story shows us that in this seemingly peaceful world, there are always some people who are silently fighting against the darkness. They risk their lives to protect our peace. This can't help but remind people of a saying: "There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for you." ”

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

So, while we are enjoying peace and tranquility, don't forget to pay tribute to these unsung heroes. They use their lives to interpret what responsibility is and what it means to take responsibility. We may not be able to charge forward like them, but in our own way, we can contribute to the creation of a world free of drugs. For example, start with the small things around you, stay away from drugs, and cherish life.

The "adventure" of the undercover anti-drug police: There are groups of drug dealers around him, but he meets his colleagues by chance

What do you think of Li Weiguo's experience? If it were you, how would you deal with such a thrilling situation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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