
The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

author:Sumiko Physical Education

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Have you ever heard a miraculous story?

A small man of only 1.37 meters has received rigorous training in the national gymnastics team since he was a child, and has paid unimaginable hardships and sweat, but finally won the gold medal in the two Olympic Games in Beijing and London!

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness


Deng Linlin, a gymnastics giant who is only 1.37 meters tall, how to step by step to the throne of the Olympic champion. This can be described as an inspirational story, in the gymnastics world, height is not an advantage, but Deng Linlin has relied on her extraordinary perseverance to interpret the truth of "concentration is the essence". Isn't that interesting? Next, let's walk into her story together and see how this little giant counterattacked his life!

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness


Deng Linlin: She should be regarded as a clear stream in the gymnastics world. She is not as tall as other athletes, but she is very short, but her strength is breathtaking. She started to contact gymnastics at the age of 6, entered the Anhui Provincial Sports School in just two years, and then was selected for the provincial team at the age of 9.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

In her childhood, she was not on the way to play with her friends, but more on the training ground. But it was this kind of hard training that forged her tenacious character and extraordinary strength.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Do you remember the 2008 Beijing Olympics? At that time, Deng Linlin was only 16 years old, but she was already standing on the world stage at that time and proved herself with her strength. In the women's team competition, she helped the Chinese team win the gold medal; In the all-around competition, she won another silver medal; In the balance beam event, she won a bronze medal.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Three medals are already a great honor for a 16-year-old girl. But Deng Linlin was not satisfied, she continued to take firm steps and strive towards a higher goal.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Four years later, at the London Olympics, Deng Linlin reappeared in everyone's field of vision, and she went out as the captain to lead the Chinese women's gymnastics team to achieve greater glory. In the balance beam event, she successfully won the gold medal with a near-perfect performance, realizing her Olympic dream. At that moment, she was not only a star in the gymnastics world, but also a hero in the hearts of countless people.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

But you know what? The gymnastics giant also has her troubles. After retiring, Deng Linlin faced a second choice in her life. Although she is short, she is a giant on the gymnastic field; But after leaving the arena, she found her inadequacy, and due to physical reasons, she felt that she seemed a little "insignificant" in society.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

But fortunately, she was not discouraged by this. Instead, she chose a different path - to enter Peking University and continue her studies. During her time at Peking University, Deng Linlin started a new life. She is no longer the athlete who gallops on the field, but an ordinary student. At first, she did feel a little uncomfortable.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

But as she says, "Life is a process of adaptation and growth." She quickly adjusted her mindset and devoted herself to her studies. She studied hard, actively participated in various activities, and gradually integrated into the life of Peking University. Not only that, but it is precisely because of her retirement that her height has increased, and she has gained an enviable love.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Deng Linlin also used her popularity and influence to contribute to public welfare. She has participated in many public welfare activities to send warmth and care to children in poor areas. Her acts of kindness have touched countless people and enriched her life.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Today's Deng Linlin is no longer the short and unknown little girl. She has written a legendary story with her own efforts and sweat, and has become a role model in the minds of countless people. In her body, we see: no matter what kind of situation you are in, as long as you have dreams, pursuits, and perseverance in your heart, you will be able to create your own brilliance!

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

【Sublimation at the end】

After reading Deng Linlin's story, were you also shocked by her unyielding energy? Although height cannot be changed, we can choose how to face life. Deng Linlin uses her own stories and actions to tell us: no matter what kind of situation you are in, you must be brave enough to pursue your dreams and goals. Even in the face of difficulties and setbacks, persevere, because only in this way can we become real winners!

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

Please remember the saying: "Concentration is the essence", as long as we work hard and persevere enough, we will definitely be able to become the brightest star! To live a wonderful life for yourself, not to live in someone else's world.

The 1.37-meter Olympic champion, who developed for the second time after retirement, was short and unchased, and is now reaping happiness

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