
Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

author:Cloud Doctrine


In the colorful entertainment industry, there is such an actress, she does not rely on an awl face or gorgeous packaging, but she can shine among many bright stars.

She is Yan Ni, a strange woman who conquers the hearts of the audience with a "sense of loose death" (a seemingly casual but hidden wisdom attitude to life).

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

You may have seen her ever-changing image on the screen, but do you know how Yan Ni behind this is able to navigate between relaxation and "looseness", and skillfully integrate life and art? Today, let's unveil this mystery and see how Yan Ni uses her unique charm to write her own entertainment legend.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Loose but not collapsed, Yan Ni's charismatic philosophy

In the entertainment industry, Yan Ni is like the friend who can always make you laugh at the right time and in the most inappropriate way.

Her "sense of relaxation" is not slackness in her work, but a kind of transcendent and comfortable outside.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

I remember that in an interview, when asked how to maintain her figure, Yan Ni frankly shared her little secret of weight loss, which was straightforward and unpretentious, just like the sister next door chatting with you about her family, which instantly shortened the distance with the audience.

Her "looseness" is a philosophy of life, which is to know how to leave herself a space to breathe easily under high pressure.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

The practice of "loose death" in film and television works

When it comes to Yan Ni, I have to mention Tong Xiangyu in "Wulin Gaiden", the innkeeper who is charming and funny.

Yan Ni gave Tong Xiangyu a vitality that is difficult to replicate, her smile, even if it is exaggerated body language, makes people feel both down-to-earth and without losing the depth of the character.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

In the play, she can use the sentence "Forehead drop god" to make the audience laugh with tears, this "sense of loosening" seems to be her innate magic, which makes people feel the temperature of the character in laughter.

The "loose death" style on the variety show stage

embarked on variety shows, and Yan Ni's "sense of loose death" was brought into full play.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

In a charade, she always reacts slowly and suddenly realizes something, which makes people laugh.

This kind of "looseness" that seems to be out of state is actually the best proof of her relaxed mentality, she does not fight or grab, enjoys the process, this truth and naturalness, let the audience see a Yan Ni who has faded away from the halo of stars and is closer to life.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

The true self shows the source of Yan Ni's "sense of loose death".

If you dig deeper into Yan Ni, you will find that her "sense of relaxation" stems from her love for life and her persistence in herself.

She never deliberately pursues a perfect image, preferring to show her truest side.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

In an interview, Yan Ni talked about her age and appearance, and her calmness and confidence made people feel her mature charm.

Her "looseness" is an open-minded attitude towards life, and she is the self-adherence behind the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry.

The chemistry of the audience and the "sense of loose death".

In the colorful entertainment circle, Yan Ni seems to be a touch of unadorned natural scenery, quietly blooming, making people shine.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Her "sense of relaxation" is just like a cool breeze on a summer evening, uninvited, but it makes people feel more comfortable.

Whenever she appears in front of the camera, whether it is the impromptu interaction at the press conference or the spontaneous performance in the variety show, the affinity that is inadvertently revealed makes people feel as if she is an old friend you haven't seen for many years.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

I still remember that in a live broadcast event, Yan Ni started her "kitchen adventure" without warning, trying to make a hometown snack, and there were constant jokes in the process, from the clumsiness of the preparation of ingredients to the unexpected surprise of the finished product, the whole process was live, there was no star shelf, and some were just an ordinary woman's love and exploration of the trivial things in life.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Such a true temperament made the audience in front of the screen laugh and left messages: "This is my ideal 'homely' goddess!" Every step of her attempt has become a warm conversation after dinner, and the truth and unpretentiousness are more moving than any well-designed bridge.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

On social platforms such as Weibo and Douyin, emojis and jokes about Yan Ni have almost become a necessary "artifact" for netizens' daily communication.

From the funny screenshots of her classic characters to her casual humorous moments in public, she has been given a new life by netizens.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

For example, on a certain red carpet, she trotted a few steps because her shoes did not fit, and this scene was captured, accompanied by the text "Fashion pace, I customize", which quickly became popular on the Internet, making people feel her unique charm in a smile.

Behind these memes and jokes, it is not only a recognition of Yan Ni's comedy talent, but also an appreciation of her true attitude of daring to laugh at herself and being willing to share the bits and pieces of life.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Yan Ni phenomenon: a clear stream in the entertainment industry

Compared with those artists who always maintain their image and are afraid of making mistakes, Yan Ni's "sense of relaxation" seems to be a breath of fresh air.

Her existence makes people realize that in the entertainment industry, truth and nature can also become a rare charm.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

She used her actions to tell her peers and the audience that a real star is not built up by an external halo, but by an inner light that illuminates people's hearts.

Deep thinking beyond the "sense of loose death".

Yan Ni's "sense of loose death" is actually a transmission of life attitude.

In the fast-paced modern world, we are often overwhelmed by standards and expectations.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Yan Ni uses her story to remind us that by occasionally "letting go", slowing down, and embracing our imperfections, we may be able to find more joy and beauty in life.

Her "looseness" is a kind of wisdom interpretation of life, and it is a gift that encourages us to know how to enjoy life in addition to being busy.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!


Yan Ni, a woman known for her "sense of loose death" in the entertainment industry, her story is like a clear spring, moistening our hearts.

In this era of entertainment, she tells us in her own way that authenticity, naturalness and humor are the most touching powers.

Netizen: She chose a sense of relaxation between a sense of relaxation and a sense of pretending to be dead! I laughed to death in the comment section!

Whether on or off the screen, Yan Ni is practicing the philosophy of "loose death" with her actions, allowing us to feel the temperature of life in laughter.

If you are also attracted by Yan Ni's charm, you may wish to leave your thoughts in the comment area, share your understanding of the "loose death" life, or your story related to Yan Ni, let us continue to find the joy and wisdom of life in Yan Ni's "loose death"!