
In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

author:Elegant Sky JR


It tells the story of the intrigue, loyalty and betrayal between the eunuchs in the palace power struggle. Chen Hong climbed to the official position by conspiracy, and the disputes between Lu Fang and Huang Jin were intertwined; And Shi Gonggong swayed between wisdom and survival, and intrigued with Chen Hong. In complex interpersonal relationships, the eunuchs are constantly making choices and variables. The wonderful court stories make people want to find out.

The Eunuchs in the Melee: A Game of Intrigue and Loyalty

"Do you think you're of any use against me?"

Chen Hong's voice echoed in the eunuch's bedroom, his gloomy face with a triumphant look of triumph. He is a thug, he climbs up step by step with ruthless, damage, and yin means, and he is willing to do anything in order to continue to climb up.

Including now to pull down Lu Fang, who is implicated in the celebrant eunuch.

"Chen Hong, what are you doing here?" Lu Fang's voice trembled a little, she knew that if she was caught by Chen Hong, she would never want to turn over in her life.

"What do you care about what I do, anyway, you have to cooperate well with me, or ......" Chen Hong raised his hand and was about to fight.

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

"Zhejiang Emergency!"

At this moment, a little eunuch ran in out of breath, holding a secret report in his hand.

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

"What's wrong? What's the matter? ”

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

"It's about Lu Sili."

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

"Bring it and let me see it."

Chen Hong stretched out his hand to take the secret report, and when he opened it, his face changed instantly.

"This slut actually dares to go against me!"

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

With that, he shredded the secret report fiercely.

"Chen Hong, you ...... What are you doing? Lu Fang looked at his distorted face and couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

"Oh, don't you know yet? I'm going to kill you right now. ”

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude

After Chen Hong finished speaking, he was about to reach out and grab Lu Fang.

In the Ming Dynasty 1566, the ancestor of the ceremonial supervisor Lu Fang was not there, and a dinner saw everyone's attitude


At this time, another eunuch walked in, he was the person of the celebrant eunuch, and when he saw this situation, he immediately stood on Lu Fang's side.

"Lu Sili has an order, let's escort Huang Jin into the palace immediately."

"Huang Jin? The little prince who came out of the house? Why? ”

"I don't know, I just know that Lu Sili ordered it immediately after seeing this urgent report."

"Okay, you can do it."

Although Chen Hong didn't know what was going on, he knew that Lu Fang and Huang Jin must not be allowed to leave now.

"Wait a minute!"

After saying that, he also followed.

Left behind a terrified Lu Fang.

A wise man in a power struggle: Shi Gonggong's witty way of survival

In another bedroom, Gonggong Shi lay on a soft couch and closed his eyes to recuperate. He is an old eunuch, and decades of palace fighting career have made him accustomed to all kinds of intrigues.

"Lao Shi, you are really blessed!"

Chen Hong walked in with a smile.


"I heard that the emperor plans to promote you and let you take care of the imperial concubine."

"Oh? Is it? But I haven't heard about it yet. ”

Gonggong Shi got up and sat up, he knew that Chen Hong would not tell him this for no reason.

"Yes, yes, this has not been announced to the public at this time. But don't worry, I'm not going to talk nonsense. ”

"That's good."

"But Lao Shi, you also know that it is not easy to climb up in the palace. There are some things that need to be thought of more than one way. ”

"For example?"

"For example, now we have a big brand in our hands, which we can use to exchange some benefits with others."

"Oh? What brand is it? ”

"It's just that there is a little movement on Lu Fang's side. You think, if she's willing to cooperate with us, then we can let her go. After all, it is not easy to work under an absolutely loyal person in the palace. ”

"Chen Hong, you're quite good at finding a way."

"Hehe, I've been in this kind of place for a long time, so I can't be a little careful."

"Then tell me, how should we negotiate terms with her?"

"This ...... I haven't figured it out yet. But old Shi, you have to remember that if I need your help with anything in the future, you must not push back. ”

"This is natural."

"Okay, okay, then I'll quit first. You have a good rest. ”

Chen Hong walked out with a smile.

Looking at his sinister face, Gonggong Shi secretly sighed in his heart. This young man is much more shrewd than he was back then, if it weren't for the fact that he held his own handle in his hands, I am afraid that the position of the imperial concubine would really not be able to escape his clutches.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on Gonggong Shi's face.

The Complex Relationships in the Power Struggle: Eunuchs' Choices and Variables

A few days later, Gonggong Shi was appointed by the emperor as the head of the internal affairs department and the chief eunuch. Although this position is nominally high, in reality it has not even increased the salary. However, Shi Gonggong didn't care, he knew that the most important thing at the moment was to save his life and freedom.

Because as long as he is willing to cooperate with Chen Hong, then even the biggest crime can be forgiven.

"Lao Shi, you are finally on the throne!"

Huang Jin walked into Shi Gonggong's office with a smile.

"Little prince, why did your old man personally visit this cold palace at night?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that your old man will be lonely."

Huang Jin smiled happily. Although he is now only a concubine, and he is still under house arrest in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But he was lucky to be able to save his life and the lives of the Huang family.

"By the way, Lao Shi, you should remember to keep it a secret from me about the thing I just told you. Don't let Chen Hong know. ”

"Don't worry, young master, just leave it to me."

Huang Jin smiled brightly like a flower. He has been smart and clever since he was a child, and he is even more witty when the Huang family is facing life and death. But it's a pity that although he is full of heart and soul, he is loyal. But he didn't expect that the person he trusted and respected the most would betray him.

If it weren't for Zhejiang, an urgent report would be issued. I'm afraid that Huang Jin has already become a 'violent machine' in the mouth of the Huang family now!


Power struggles, loyalty, and betrayal are intertwined in the court, and the eunuchs' survival is put to the test. Shi Gonggong's wit, Chen Hong's conspiracy, and Huang Jin's cleverness, each character shows a different side. In this environment, loyalty and betrayal, wisdom and intrigue become the keys to survival. After reading this, one can't help but sigh at the complexity and cruelty of the palace struggle, and also make people think deeply about the distortion of human nature in the face of power. Do you think in such an environment, you will choose loyalty or scheming? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!