
Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

author:Good times.

In the bright starry sky of Hong Kong films, comedy movies are undoubtedly the brightest stars. When we think of Hong Kong comedy films, those classic images and hilarious plots come flooding back to us. However, among the many comedy masterpieces, which ones are the real masterpieces? Today, let's embark on a journey through Hong Kong comedy films full of laughter and surprises, and discover those unforgettable classics.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

What is the charm of Hong Kong comedy films? Is it the nonsensical humor, or the deep-rooted character creation? Perhaps, the answer lies in those classic works. We might as well start with "East Becomes West". This film, released in 1993, is a monument to Hong Kong comedy films. It brings together Tony Leung, Leung Ka-fai, Leslie Cheung, Jacky Cheung, Brigitte Lam and other superstars, who show unparalleled comedic talent in the film. The plot in the film is absurd and bizarre, but it makes people laugh. For example, Tony Leung's "sausage mouth" shape is still talked about by the audience. And the dance between Leslie Cheung and Leung Ka-fai has become a classic scene in the history of movies. However, the film's success lies not only in its hilarious plot, but also in the optimism it conveys about life. In that stressful era, "East Becomes West" was like a beam of sunshine that illuminated people's hearts.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

Next, we have to mention a series of Stephen Chow's works. Stephen Chow, this name has a pivotal place in the history of Hong Kong comedy films. His films have won the love of countless audiences with their unique nonsensical style. 1993's "Tang Bohu Dots Autumn Fragrance" is undoubtedly one of Stephen Chow's masterpieces. In this movie, Stephen Chow vividly interprets the historical figure Tang Bohu. He used his own unique way to interpret Tang Bohu's talent and grace. And Gong Li's joining also added a lot of highlights to this movie. Her performance in the movie, although somewhat incompatible with Stephen Chow's nonsensical style, has also formed a unique chemical reaction. There are countless classic scenes in the movie, such as the wonderful duel between Tang Bohu and the pair of intestines, and Tang Bohu's performance in front of Washington, D.C., all of which made the audience laugh.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

1994's "Nine Sesame Officials" is also a classic by Stephen Chow. In this movie, Bao Longxing, played by Stephen Chow, has gradually grown from a small nine-grade sesame official to a good official who is the master of the people. The plot in the movie is full of ups and downs, full of suspense and surprises. Stephen Chow and Wu Mengda's wonderful performances add a lot to the film. The tacit cooperation between them made the audience feel the real charm of comedy. And the revelation of the darkness of officialdom in the movie also makes people laugh and have a deeper thinking about social reality.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

1995's "Changing Stars" is another innovative attempt by Stephen Chow. In this movie, Li Zexing, played by Stephen Chow, has superpowers that can be turned into various items. The special effects scenes in the movie were quite shocking at the time, and Stephen Chow's nonsensical performance was still wonderful. He constantly changes various looks in the film, bringing a double feast of sight and sound to the audience. At the same time, there is no lack of exploration of human nature in the movie, which makes people feel a trace of warmth in laughter.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

1999's The King of Comedy is an autobiographical film by Stephen Chow. In this movie, Stephen Chow plays Yin Tianqiu, a dragon actor who is full of love for acting. He encountered numerous setbacks and difficulties on the way to pursue his dreams, but he never gave up. Cecilia Cheung's performance in the movie is also quite good, and the love story between Liu Piaopiao and Yin Tianqiu played by her makes people feel the beauty and power of love. The classic line "I raise you" in the movie has become a classic in the hearts of countless audiences. The film is not just a comedy, but a hymn to dreams and love.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

In addition to Stephen Chow's works, there are many other classics in Hong Kong comedy films. In 1992's "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qi'er", Stephen Chow once again showed his comedic talent. Su Qi'er played by him has fallen from a rich child to a beggar, and finally became a generation of martial arts masters. The plot in the movie is bizarre and full of drama. And Wu Mengda's performance in the movie is also quite exciting, and the father-son relationship between him and Stephen Chow makes people feel the greatness of family affection.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

In 1991's "Tricky Expert", the combination of Stephen Chow and Andy Lau was eye-catching. In this movie, Gu Jing, a tricky expert played by Stephen Chow, uses various bizarre methods to trick others, causing a series of funny incidents. Guan Zhilin's joining also adds a lot of romance to this movie. The plot in the movie is light-hearted and humorous, which makes the audience have a good time laughing.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

In 1982's Best Partner, the combination of Hui Guanjie and Mak Ka became one of the classics of Hong Kong comedy films. The movie won the love of the audience with its brilliant action scenes and humorous dialogue. In the movie, King Kong played by Xu Guanjie and the bald detective played by Mai Jia, the tacit cooperation between them makes people feel true friendship. And the various high-tech equipment in the movie also opened the eyes of the audience.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

In 1992's "Happy Family", Leslie Cheung, Stephen Chow, Huang Baiming, Maggie Cheung and other stars joined, making this movie a hit for the Chinese New Year that year. The plot in the movie is warm and touching, full of family warmth. Leslie Cheung's performance in the movie is quite good, and he plays Chang Shu, who plays a sissy role vividly. And the love story between Stephen Chow and Maggie Cheung also makes people feel the beauty of love. This movie is not just a comedy, but also a heartwarming work about family and love.

Top 10 comedy movies in Hong Kong, a joyous feast not to be missed

1984's "Happy Ghost", this film starring Huang Baiming, Li Lizhen, Luo Mingzhu, etc., created a precedent for Hong Kong school comedy. The image of the happy ghost in the movie is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he uses his magic to help the students solve various problems. The plot in the movie is light-hearted and full of youthful energy. This film makes people feel the beauty and innocence of youth, and it has become a memory for a generation.

The brilliance of Hong Kong comedy films lies not only in the countless laughs they bring to the audience, but also in the positive attitude they convey towards life. The characters in these films, despite their difficult circumstances, always maintain an optimistic attitude and use their wisdom and courage to face various challenges in life. It is this spirit that has made Hong Kong comedy films an eternal classic.

As time goes by, the glory of Hong Kong comedy films seems to have faded away. In today's Hong Kong film market, it is difficult to see such classic comedy works as back then. Is this a change of the times, or a creative bottleneck for filmmakers? This is a question worth pondering. Perhaps, we should take inspiration from the classics of the past and rediscover the glory of Hong Kong comedy films. But there are also those who believe that the era of Hong Kong comedy films has passed, and we should look forward and look for new comedy styles and forms of expression. In any case, Hong Kong comedy movies will always remain in our memories and become a good memory in our hearts.

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