
CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

author:to Coke 🥤

Thirty years ago, the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines faced unprecedented challenges while performing a critical mission. At that time, China's nuclear submarine technology was still in its infancy, and there was a certain gap between it and Western countries in terms of technological maturity and actual combat experience. However, it was this incident that became an important turning point in the history of China's nuclear submarine development.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

During that tense time, China's nuclear submarines were on an important reconnaissance mission, requiring it to stealth the waters on its doorstep and gather critical intelligence. However, the sudden appearance of American warships broke the otherwise calm sea. Using its advanced sonar system, the U.S. warship quickly locked on to the location of the Chinese nuclear submarine, enclosing it in a small sea area. This incident quickly attracted widespread attention from the international community, and Western media ridiculed the poor silence performance of China's nuclear submarines, believing that they could not be compared with those of Western countries.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In the face of such humiliation and challenges, the Chinese Navy did not choose to back down. On the contrary, this incident has stimulated the fighting spirit of the Chinese Navy and sounded the alarm bell for the development of China's nuclear submarine technology. The Chinese Navy realizes that in order to gain a firm foothold in the international arena, it must have its own core technology and advanced equipment. As a result, China began to increase investment in the research and development of nuclear submarines, introduced advanced foreign technology, trained its own scientific research team, and continuously carried out technological innovation and upgrading.

In the decades that followed, China's nuclear submarine technology made great strides. From the initial imitation and learning, to the later independent innovation, the nuclear submarines of the Chinese Navy have gradually formed their own characteristics and advantages. The improvement of silent performance is an important symbol of the technological progress of China's nuclear submarines. Through the use of new materials, improved design and optimized power systems, the noise level of China's nuclear submarines has been significantly reduced, and in some respects even surpassed similar equipment in Western countries.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

At the same time, the weapons systems of China's nuclear submarines are constantly being upgraded. From the initial torpedo launches, to the later carrying of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, the strike capability and strategic deterrence of China's nuclear submarines have been greatly enhanced. These advances have not only enhanced the overall strength of the Chinese navy, but also won China more say in international affairs.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

However, the development of technology has not been without its challenges. In the process of developing nuclear submarines, the Chinese Navy faces various challenges and difficulties. From the breakthrough of technical bottlenecks, to the cultivation of talents, to the investment of funds, every step is full of hardships. However, it is precisely these challenges and difficulties that have tempered the will of the Chinese Navy and promoted the continuous progress of China's nuclear submarine technology.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

Today, the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines have become an important force in safeguarding national security and maritime rights and interests. They stealth in the deep sea, perform a variety of complex tasks, and defend the territory and sovereignty of the country. The containment incident 30 years ago has become a legendary story in the history of China's nuclear submarine development, inspiring generations of naval officers and men to constantly pursue excellence and bravely climb the peak of science and technology.

Over time, the technology of China's nuclear submarines is still improving. From deep-sea detection to underwater communications, from autonomous navigation to intelligent decision-making, every technological breakthrough has added new wings to the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines. In the future, with the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, the performance of China's nuclear submarines will be further improved, and they will play a greater role in a broader sea area and make greater contributions to maintaining world peace and stability.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

The design and construction of the Type 091 nuclear submarine, one of the early nuclear submarines of the Chinese Navy, marks an important attempt by China in the field of nuclear submarines. However, due to China's limitations in nuclear submarine design and noise reduction technology at that time, the underwater noise of the Type 091 nuclear submarine was as high as 160 decibels, which was a significant performance gap compared with the US submarines of the same period.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

During the Cold War, the concealment of submarines was the key to their survival and combat capability. The level of underwater noise is directly related to whether the submarine can remain hidden under enemy sonar detection. The high noise level of nuclear submarines makes them easy to be detected by the enemy when performing tasks, which to a certain extent limits their combat effectiveness and strategic deterrence.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In order to reduce the noise of submarines, designers need to innovate and improve in several areas. First of all, the hull design of the submarine needs to be optimized to reduce the friction and turbulence of the water flow on the hull, thereby reducing noise. Second, the submarine's mechanical systems, including nuclear reactors, propulsion systems, and auxiliary equipment, require more advanced noise reduction technologies. In addition, the sound insulation materials and structures inside the submarine also need to be continuously upgraded to further improve the submarine's quiet performance.

During the development of the Type 091 nuclear submarine, the Chinese Navy and scientific researchers faced great challenges. They need to catch up with the leading position of Western countries in nuclear submarine technology in a short time. This requires not only a large amount of financial investment, but also continuous exploration and experimentation by researchers to find the best solution.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

Over time, China's nuclear submarine technology has made significant progress. Through the continuous improvement and upgrading of the Type 091 nuclear submarine, the Chinese Navy has gradually mastered the key technology to reduce the noise of submarines. For example, by employing a new type of shock-absorbing floating raft technology, the vibrations generated by the nuclear reactor and propulsion system can be effectively isolated and thus the noise can be reduced. At the same time, by improving the design of the submarine's propeller, it is possible to reduce the impact of the water flow on the propeller and further reduce the noise.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In addition, the Chinese Navy has begun to adopt more advanced sonar systems and underwater communication technologies to improve the detection and command and control capabilities of submarines. The integration of these technologies makes China's nuclear submarines more flexible and efficient when fighting underwater.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

However, the development of technology does not happen overnight. In the process of reducing submarine noise, the Chinese Navy and scientific researchers face many technical difficulties and challenges. For example, how to achieve effective noise reduction while ensuring the performance of submarines; how to control costs and improve efficiency in the construction and maintenance of submarines; and how to continuously upgrade and maintain technology during the service life of the submarine.

Despite this, the Chinese Navy has not given up the pursuit and exploration of nuclear submarine technology. Through continuous efforts and innovation, China's nuclear submarine technology has gradually matured. Today, China's new nuclear submarines have approached or even surpassed their counterparts in Western countries in terms of underwater noise levels, marking a major breakthrough in the field of nuclear submarines for China.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

As technology continues to advance, China's nuclear submarines have begun to perform more diverse missions, including strategic deterrence, ocean-going reconnaissance, and underwater operations. The existence of these submarines not only enhances the combat capability of the Chinese Navy, but also enhances China's status and influence in the international arena.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In the future, with the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and new materials, China's nuclear submarine technology will be further developed and improved. This will make China's nuclear submarines more covert, flexible and efficient in underwater operations, and play a greater role in safeguarding national security and maritime rights and interests. At the same time, China's nuclear submarines will also show a more positive and open attitude in international military cooperation and exchanges, and contribute to promoting world peace and stability.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

After the setback of the Type 091 nuclear submarine, the Chinese Navy deeply realized the importance of submarine stealth technology. This realization has led to the accelerated development of China's submarine technology, especially in noise reduction. After unremitting efforts and technological innovation, the Chinese Navy has finally made a significant breakthrough in the field of submarine stealth technology. The result of this breakthrough is the advent of the Type 093 nuclear submarine.

The Type 093 nuclear submarine is an important milestone for the Chinese Navy in nuclear submarine stealth technology. Compared with the Type 091, the Type 093 submarine has undergone a bold innovation in design and adopted a number of advanced noise reduction technologies. The application of these technologies has effectively controlled the underwater noise of the Type 093 submarine, which is about 118 decibels. The realization of this value marks the great progress of the Chinese Navy in submarine stealth technology, and also greatly narrows the gap with US submarines in noise control.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In order to achieve this goal, the Chinese Navy's scientific research team has carried out in-depth research and development in many aspects. First of all, in the overall design of the submarine, the Type 093 submarine adopts a more streamlined hull design, which reduces the drag and turbulence when navigating underwater, thereby reducing the generation of noise. Second, the submarine's power system has also been upgraded, with more advanced nuclear reactors and propulsion systems, which run more smoothly and produce less noise.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

In addition, the Type 093 submarine has been optimized in terms of internal structure. For example, the use of new shock-absorbing materials and soundproofing technology ensures that the noise generated by the operation of the machinery is effectively isolated. The submarine's internal duct and cable layout has also been redesigned to reduce the spread of vibration and noise. At the same time, the submarine's propeller design has also been improved, adopting a more advanced hydrodynamic design, which reduces the impact of water flow on the propeller and further reduces noise.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

During the development of the Type 093 submarine, the Chinese Navy also paid special attention to the submarine's sonar system and underwater communication technology. The upgrading of these technologies not only improves the detection and command and control capabilities of submarines, but also provides support for submarine stealth. With advanced sonar systems, submarines are able to detect enemy threats much earlier, allowing them to take appropriate covert measures. Advances in underwater communication technology have enabled submarines to effectively exchange information with the outside world while remaining hidden.

The successful development of the Type 093 submarine has not only enhanced the combat capability of the Chinese Navy, but also enhanced China's voice in the international arena. The improved stealth performance of such submarines allows the Chinese Navy to perform missions in a more complex marine environment, whether in coastal defense or ocean-going operations.

CCTV said "leaking the heavenly opportunity", and the PLA encountered a strong enemy underwater, and fought continuously for 40 days and nights

With the continuous improvement and upgrading of Type 093 submarines, the submarine technology of the Chinese Navy is also constantly advancing. In the future, with the application of new materials, new processes and new technologies, the performance of Type 093 submarines will be further improved. For example, by employing more advanced composite materials and 3D printing technology, the hull structure of the submarine will be stronger, and at the same time, the weight will be effectively controlled. In terms of power systems, new nuclear reactors and propulsion systems will make submarines operate more efficiently and with less noise.

In addition, with the development of artificial intelligence and big data technology, the intelligence level of Type 093 submarines will also be improved. By integrating an intelligent decision support system, the combat command of submarines will be more accurate and efficient. In terms of sonar systems and underwater communication technology, the detection and communication capabilities of submarines will also be significantly enhanced by the use of more advanced algorithms and data processing technologies.

In short, the advent of the Type 093 submarine is an important achievement of the Chinese Navy in the field of submarine stealth technology. This achievement not only reflects the importance that the Chinese Navy attaches to submarine stealth technology, but also demonstrates China's independent innovation capability in this field. With the continuous advancement of technology, China's nuclear submarines will play a greater role in the future, making greater contributions to safeguarding national security and maritime rights and interests, as well as promoting world peace and stability.

With the continuous progress of submarine technology of the Chinese Navy, the research and development of the Type 095 nuclear submarine has become another important milestone in the history of China's submarine development. It is expected that the Type 095 submarine will achieve the same or partial surpass the technical level of the US "Seawolf" and "Virginia" class submarines, which is not only a huge challenge to China's submarine technology, but also a significant improvement in China's naval strength.

The development of the Type 095 submarine was carried out on the basis of the Type 093 submarine. While inheriting the advanced technology and design concept of the Type 093 submarine, the Type 095 submarine has made innovations and breakthroughs in many aspects. First of all, in the overall design of the submarine, the Type 095 submarine adopts a more advanced hydrodynamic design to further reduce underwater resistance and noise. This design not only improves the underwater speed and maneuverability of the submarine, but also makes the submarine more stealthy when navigating underwater.

In terms of power systems, the Type 095 submarine is expected to use more advanced nuclear reactor technology. The new reactor has higher thermal efficiency and lower noise levels, enabling the submarine to provide more power and a longer range. At the same time, the safety and reliability of the new reactor has been significantly improved, which will significantly reduce the risks of the submarine when performing its mission.

In terms of stealth technology for submarines, the Type 095 submarine is expected to adopt a series of innovative noise reduction measures. These include new shock-absorbing floating raft technology, more advanced soundproofing materials and structures, and improved propeller design. Through the integrated application of these technologies, the underwater noise of the Type 095 submarine is expected to be further reduced to a level comparable to that of the American Seawolf-class and Virginia-class submarines.

In addition, the Type 095 submarine has undergone significant upgrades in terms of weapons systems. It is expected to carry more advanced missiles and torpedoes, including long-range cruise missiles and high-speed heavy torpedoes. The range, accuracy, and power of these weapons have been significantly improved, making the Type 095 submarine's strike capability and strategic deterrence greatly enhanced.

In terms of the intelligence level of the submarine, the Type 095 submarine is expected to integrate more advanced command and control systems and artificial intelligence technology. The application of these technologies will make the combat command of submarines more accurate and efficient, and at the same time, it will also improve the autonomous combat capabilities and decision-making support capabilities of submarines.

In terms of the submarine's sonar system and underwater communication technology, the Type 095 submarine has also undergone significant improvements. More advanced sonar detection technology and underwater communication protocols are expected to be adopted to improve the detection and communication capabilities of submarines. The integration of these technologies will significantly improve the combat capability of Type 095 submarines in complex marine environments.

In short, the research and development of the Type 095 submarine is an important breakthrough in the field of submarine technology for the Chinese Navy. It is expected that the technical level of the Type 095 submarines will be equal to or partially surpassed by the US "Seawolf" and "Virginia" class submarines, which will greatly enhance the combat capability and strategic deterrence of the Chinese Navy. With the continuous improvement and upgrading of Type 095 submarines, the submarine force of the Chinese Navy will play a greater role in the future, making greater contributions to safeguarding national security and maritime rights and interests, and promoting world peace and stability.