
Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

author:Smart Wind Chimes Ti

Precision strike is a tactic commonly used in modern warfare, which uses advanced technological means to accurately destroy the enemy's key targets and achieve the greatest strategic effect at the minimum cost. In its conflict with Hamas, Israel has made extensive use of this tactic, carrying out a series of precision strikes on Hamas's infrastructure.

Israel's precision strikes have targeted Hamas's military and administrative infrastructure, including facilities such as police stations, the Ministry of Internal Security, and banks. These facilities are not only an important part of Hamas's military power, but also a key node in its administrative and economic activities. By striking these targets with precision, Israel aims to weaken Hamas's military capabilities and administrative efficiency, thereby reducing its threat to Israel.

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

When performing precision strike missions, the Israeli army uses a variety of precision-guided weapons. Among them, the Jedam satellite-guided bomb is a very effective weapon. The bomb is navigated by a satellite positioning system and is able to achieve extremely high accuracy of hitting. Compared to traditional free-fall bombs, the Jedam bomb can be launched at a greater distance, reducing the risk of the fighter being exposed to enemy anti-aircraft fire. In addition, its use also reduces the number of sorties of fighters, thereby reducing the pressure on logistical support.

In addition to the Jadam bomb, Israel also used Delilah light stand-off missiles. This missile, which has a long range and high accuracy, can be launched outside the coverage range of enemy air defense systems, further ensuring the safety of fighters. At the same time, the light characteristics of the "Delilah" missile also allow the fighter to carry more ammunition, increasing the efficiency and flexibility of strikes.

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

Israel's precision strikes are not just the destruction of physical targets, but also psychological warfare. With the attack on the homes of Hamas commanders, Israel sends a clear message: no one can escape justice, not even Hamas's top leadership. To a certain extent, such actions have boosted the morale of the enemy, while at the same time demonstrating to the international community Israel's determination and ability.

However, precision strikes, while reducing harm to civilians, cannot be avoided entirely. In actual military operations, accidental injuries can still occur due to inaccuracies in intelligence, technical limitations, and other unforeseen factors. As a result, Israel is also facing questions from the international community about the legitimacy and morality of its actions when carrying out precision strikes.

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

In addition, Hamas, as a non-state actor, often has its infrastructure intertwined with civilian facilities, which creates additional challenges for Israeli precision strikes. How to effectively strike Hamas's military targets while minimizing harm to civilians is a question that the Israeli army must weigh when carrying out its mission.

In general, Israel has effectively weakened Hamas's combat and administrative capabilities through precision strike tactics. However, the use of this tactic also raises a series of ethical and legal issues that require careful consideration and balance in Israel's military operations. With the development of science and technology and the innovation of tactics, precision strikes will continue to play an important role in modern warfare, but the complexities and challenges brought by them cannot be ignored. 45678910

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

Psychological warfare is an important tactical means in modern warfare, which achieves the goal of war by influencing the psychological state of the enemy, and decapitation is an extreme form of psychological warfare. In the conflict with Hamas, Israel has adopted this tactic, intimidating and breaking the enemy's will to fight by striking the enemy's senior commanders with precision.

At the heart of the decapitation operation is to strike the enemy's key figures with precision, quickly causing confusion and paralysis in the enemy's chain of command by eliminating the opposing leadership. In carrying out such operations, Israel uses a special weapon - the "Throwing Knife Hellfire" missile, the AGM-114 R9X. This missile is different from traditional explosive weapons, it will unfold six sharp blades before hitting the target, relying on kinetic energy to shred the target, and its brutal killing method brings great visual shock to the enemy.

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

The use of the "Throwing Knife Hellfire" missile for decapitation operations, on the one hand, is aimed at reducing collateral damage to surrounding civilians and non-military facilities, and on the other hand, the use of such missiles is itself a psychological warfare tactic. Through its brutal killing effect, it conveys Israel's ruthlessness and determination towards the enemy, thereby creating panic and chaos within the enemy and disintegrating its will to fight.

The effects of this psychological warfare are not limited to the individuals or organizations being attacked, but also spread to a wider area. When news of an enemy commander being targeted for a targeted killing, it can cause panic and unease among the enemy's rank-and-file soldiers and supporters, making them doubt the chances of winning the war and their own safety. The spread of such sentiment will further weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness and cohesion.

Israel's decapitation with "throwing knives and hellfire" is to reduce accidental injuries? Don't be naïve

At the same time, the decapitation operation also had a strong propaganda effect. Through the media and intelligence channels, Israel disseminated the news of the beheading operation as a way to demonstrate its military strength and determination and to psychologically suppress the enemy. Such propaganda has an impact not only on the adversary, but also on the international community and on its own population, enhancing Israel's moral and political standing in the conflict.

However, there are certain risks and controversies associated with decapitation operations. On the one hand, it could provoke fierce retaliation from the enemy, leading to a further escalation of the conflict; On the other hand, such a brutal attack will also attract the attention and condemnation of the international community, and have a negative impact on Israel's international image. Therefore, Israel needs to weigh the strategic effects and possible consequences of the decapitation operation when carrying out it.

In general, the decapitation operation is a psychological warfare tactic whose purpose is to quickly disintegrate the enemy's will to fight and organizational structure by striking precisely the enemy's key figures. When Israel used the "Throwing Knife Hellfire" missile to carry out the decapitation operation, it not only took into account the tactical need to reduce collateral damage, but also made full use of the psychological warfare effect of this weapon to achieve the goal of deterring and disintegrating the enemy. The effectiveness and controversy of this strategy in modern warfare have also led to in-depth thinking about the ethics of war and international law.

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