
The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

author:Xiao Yuan looks at the world

First Acquaintance with Missile Maintenance: A Mysterious and Cool Niche Specialty

When it comes to missile maintenance, many people may be like Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, and their first impression is: "What is this?" It sounds so lofty, but it's a little unfamiliar. "That's right, it's a niche profession that is so low-key that it's easy to overlook. But don't look at it as a niche, the knowledge in it is too big!


Challenges and opportunities: the "hardcore" daily routine of missile maintenance

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

Imagine dealing with a missile every day, checking its body to make sure it can be "launched" at any time. This is not a job that ordinary people can do, and you need to have excellent professional knowledge and technology. But it is precisely this challenge that fills the missile maintenance work with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

There is also a spring in the specialty: an exclusive "channel" for missile repair

Don't underestimate the specialty, the missile maintenance major is waiting for you in the specialty! Although there is no undergraduate, the gold content of this major is not low. Once you are successfully enrolled, it is equivalent to half a foot in the door of the Rocket Army, and you will be directly assigned to a job after graduation, and you will get a stable batch!

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

High Threshold and Strict Requirements: "Selection Criteria" for Missile Maintenance

Want to get into the circle of missile repair? Then you have to pass five levels and kill six generals first! There are only two schools in the country that have this major, and the admission conditions are extremely strict. You need to have a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, and you must have a strong interest in mechanics, electronics, etc. After all, this is no joke!

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

Worry-free employment: the promise of an "iron rice bowl" for missile maintenance

When it comes to employment, students majoring in missile maintenance don't have to worry at all. After graduation, he directly joined the Rocket Army and became a "behind-the-scenes hero" who guarded national security. This job is so stable that it can't be more stable, it's simply an "iron rice bowl" from graduation to retirement.

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

Missile maintenance professional, your extraordinary choice

What do you think? After listening to so much, do you have a new understanding of the missile maintenance profession? If you are interested in high technology and want to shine in the defense industry, then you may want to consider this major! Although it is niche, it can definitely make your life more exciting and meaningful!

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

The reason why Mr. Zhang Xuefeng is not clear is because this major has only recently opened, a niche major, because there are few applicants for the niche major, many people are not clear, but it is indeed the best major!

The strongest iron rice bowl in the specialty! Missile maintenance major, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng was finally stumped!

Well, everyone, what do you think, and if you have any ideas, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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