
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith

author:Minamikawa Youth
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith

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July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith

I am in the same frame as the party flag

Freeze faith through the lens

A flag reflects the original intention,

A red heart will always be to the party.

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The Youth League Committee of the Nanchuan District Fire and Rescue Detachment passed the same frame with the party flag,

Express unlimited loyalty and best wishes to the party.

July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith

Flashing party emblem, blazing eyes, and solemn oaths......

Under the bright sun, in the background of the bright red party flag,

Freeze into the most beautiful picture of summer,

Every frame is the most affectionate confession to the party.

I am a firefighter, saving the people from fire and water, helping the people in danger, it is my unswerving commitment and faith, faithfully performing my duties, serving the people is my duty not to forget my original intention, keeping in mind my mission, I am a Communist Party member, always ready to fight, always ready to dedicate......

July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith
July 1st Special|I am in the same frame with the party flag, Nanchuan fire commanders and fighters use the lens to freeze their faith

With the party flag in hand, the party emblem in the chest, the party wholeheartedly, sincerity and eternity, and the party flag in the same frame are our highest respect for the party, and we are determined to follow the party's solemn oath


Love life, love Nantuantuan, Momoda!

Editor|Kang Kang Preliminary Review|Yang Binyi Review|Zhang Xinyue Final Review|Lou Yujiao

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