
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

author:Park Joo brand design
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

As the world's highest-level sports event, the Olympic Games not only has a long history and far-reaching influence, but also aims to promote mutual understanding and friendship between different countries and regions through sports competitions. Originating in ancient Greece, the Olympic Games are held every four years in summer and winter, respectively, and become an international stage to showcase athletes' skills, sports achievements and cultural characteristics. This year, we will welcome the Olympic Games in Paris, France, which will be a double feast of sports and design.

The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

He has accumulated rich experience in the field of design, especially in the design of brand images for large-scale sports events. He worked at the Institute of Vision, where he was involved in the design of top events such as the Asian Games and the World Expo, where he was exposed to a wealth of internal materials provided by the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games, as well as the brand-building concepts of the world's top design masters.

As the core creator of the brand visual design of the 2nd Asian Beach Games, Park was responsible for the brand visual symbol, core graphics, color system and brand VI design of the event. These experiences have given him a deep understanding and unique insights into the design process and methodology of the International Games. Whenever he sees the design of these international events, he always feels a sense of familiarity and familiarity, because these are areas that he has been deeply involved in and studied.

Park's design philosophy is deeply influenced by his work experience at the Institute of Visual Studies, and he has incorporated the internal materials of the Olympic Organizing Committee and the ideas of global design masters into his own design practice, forming a unique design methodology. This methodology not only helped him succeed in the design of the 2nd Asian Beach Games, but also guided him in the design of other major sporting events.

The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

In order to maintain the professionalism and unity of the visual image of the Olympic Games, the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games worked closely with an international team of artists, printers and designers to create an efficient, flexible and high-level brand VI visual system specification. This system is designed to create a consistent and engaging experience for the Olympic Games and other related events, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the brand image and events.

At the heart of this specification is the IOC's Visual Identity System VI manual, which contains the iconic design of the five-ring logo, which is gridded to be both rigorous and highly recognizable. In addition, the color system and standard fonts of the Olympic Games have been carefully designed to ensure consistency and professionalism in visual communication.

The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

The Super Core Symbol graphic series is an important part of the visual design of the Olympic Games, which continues the main color of the Olympic Games and incorporates elements such as stadiums and track and field tracks to intuitively convey the atmosphere of the Games. The design of the bar visual symbol further strengthens the brand image of the Olympic Games, making it consistent and recognizable across a variety of media and occasions.

The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications
The Olympic Games, the design feast is full of specifications

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