
Deploy 10 tactical battalions Reserve 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells Build 16 field airfields The United States: Everything is ready

author:Jufeng review
Deploy 10 tactical battalions Reserve 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells Build 16 field airfields The United States: Everything is ready

All indications show that NATO is ready to attack Belarus at any time, including the deployment of troops, the build-up of equipment, ammunition reserves, pre-war reconnaissance, reserve mobilization, and other aspects. Moscow, July 1 (Sputnik) -- In an interview with the media, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus and First Deputy Minister of Defense Muraveyko said that Belarus is closely monitoring all the actions of NATO troops and the armies of neighboring countries, studying the tactics and methods they are rehearsing, and formulating a response plan for all possible provocative actions. Muraveyko said that there are currently 10 NATO tactical battalions near the Belarusian border, with a total number of more than 20,000 people, of which six are from the United States.

Deploy 10 tactical battalions Reserve 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells Build 16 field airfields The United States: Everything is ready

The fears of the Belarusian side are by no means groundless! According to the official information provided by NATO's European Command, in order to prevent contingencies and cope with the war pressure from Russia and Belarus, NATO troops have deployed 10 tactical battalions with all-round combat capabilities in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia and other NATO countries connected to the border with Belarus, with a total of about 20,000 elite combat officers and soldiers. Among them, the US military forces in Europe have deployed at least six tactical battalions, with a total of about 12,000 US soldiers and corresponding weapons and equipment. In addition to a small number of combat forces deployed in Lithuania and Latvia, the main combat forces of these combat units are deployed in the Polish border near Belarus.

Deploy 10 tactical battalions Reserve 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells Build 16 field airfields The United States: Everything is ready

According to the operational plan jointly formulated by NATO's European Command and the Pentagon, the US military and the US-led NATO forces have mobilized at least 20 reserve troops, in addition to the regular deployment of 10 tactical battalions around Belarus. It is also planned to build more than 1,000 permanent or semi-permanent military fortifications, including posts, trenches, barracks, artillery positions, missile positions, anti-aircraft and anti-missile positions, large ammunition depots, strategic lines of communication, etc., around Belarus. In addition, the US military and NATO's European forces also plan to build 16 field airfields near the Belarusian border that can take off and land various combat aircraft, and reserve at least 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells or large-caliber rockets, 3,000 surface-to-ground missiles, and other ammunition and materials.

Deploy 10 tactical battalions Reserve 7,000 tons of large-caliber artillery shells Build 16 field airfields The United States: Everything is ready

Whether on paper or in terms of actual troop deployment, Poland has become NATO's bridgehead and vanguard against Russia as scheduled, and Belarus has accidentally become the last buffer ground for Russia's confrontation with NATO. In the event of a direct conflict between Russia and the United States and the US-led NATO, it is safe to say that Poland and Belarus will be the main battlefields and belligerents of this large-scale armed conflict. For this reason, Russia and the United States, as well as the US-led NATO, are all massively accumulating forces in this operational direction, especially NATO, which is ready for the outbreak of a large-scale conflict, and Russia, which is mired in war, openly warns that it will be the first to use non-strategic nuclear weapons if necessary, who is afraid of whom?

Jufeng commented on 2024.07.01