
Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

author:Tech Dog 3CDog

There's a reason why AI can't replace humans!

With the rapid development and innovation of science and technology, more and more jobs have begun to introduce AI robots as auxiliary tools or replace human labor to achieve more efficient and intelligent workflows.

Although the introduction of AI has brought many conveniences and advantages, there are still many aspects that cannot be completely replaced by AI, especially at the spiritual level. For example, human mental states, emotional empathy, and creativity can never be fully simulated and replaced by AI. These unique psychological and emotional elements constitute the complex and rich inner world of human beings, which makes us fundamentally different from AI.

No kidding, the mental state of netizens would have been put in a psychiatric hospital before!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

AI has no upper limit! But there is no lower limit for human beings!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

AI: What a hearty comparison! I really can't do this!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

This state of mind is simply beautiful!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

In a fit of rage, in a fit of rage, in a rage!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Although I had been mentally prepared for a long time, it was clear that I was less prepared

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Aunt Lai couldn't get up from her stomach with menstrual pain, so she knelt and kowtowed to God, begging him not to let me hurt!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Sometimes I wonder if netizens are playing memes, or if they are real, this mental state is simply too advanced!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Head: It's the hair that messes with you, and I don't mess with you!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Did the results work? I'm really curious!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

You are a true warrior!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

Faucet: Not really! I don't dare anymore!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

In this mental state, AI is really irreplaceable!

Laughing numb! Humans have this mental state of anger, and it should be difficult for AI to replace humans!

It is true that the human mental state often exhibits complex and elusive properties, which makes it difficult for AI to understand and simulate human emotions and mental states, despite its excellent ability to do so in many fields. So, while AI can replace human work in many ways, it really can't replace it when it comes to understanding and experiencing the human mental state.

So, you tell me, how is it possible for AI to replace humans in this mental state!

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