
Konami Live released comments from netizens such as "You ruined the metal gear": I will listen carefully

author:Ranger Net

Although the release date of Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater has not yet been announced, KONAMI's promotional activities have been ongoing. At a recent YouTube event called "METAL GEAR - PRODUCTION HOTLINE", game producer Kenaki Okamura and production director Yuji Kokaku were present to share the latest news about Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater.

Konami Live released comments from netizens such as "You ruined the metal gear": I will listen carefully

During the live broadcast, Konami unusually announced the feedback statistics of viewers in the same live broadcast three months ago, of which 24% were positive, only 11% were negative, and the most neutral viewers were 65%. The company also lists a number of player reviews in English and Japanese.

Konami Live released comments from netizens such as "You ruined the metal gear": I will listen carefully

Among the negative feedback, Konami boldly showed some sharp player comments, such as "You ruined Metal Gear Solid", "The development team can't even do a good job with the remake", "Fix bugs in the game experience before releasing it", and "I don't think you can make a new game, you might as well not develop it".

Konami Live released comments from netizens such as "You ruined the metal gear": I will listen carefully

It's not common for this kind of sharp criticism to be made public in the Japanese gaming industry, so the live stream surprised many Japanese gamers. At the same time, there are also those who believe that only 11% of negative reviews are relatively low. In response to these criticisms, Kenaki Okamura said that if this is the true feeling of fans, they will accept it and listen carefully, although it is not possible to fully respond to these concerns at the moment.

Konami Live released comments from netizens such as "You ruined the metal gear": I will listen carefully

Since Hideo Kojima left Konami, the development of the Metal Gear Solid series has been in trouble. Many players have a strong view of Konami's operations and decision-making. Through the sincerity and player feedback in this livestream, Konami seems to be trying to change the community's perception of it in recent years, and this open communication may be part of the company's attempt to reshape its relationship with players.

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