
Players find out that The Witcher 3 has removed the "Yennefer Betrayal" ending

author:Ranger Net

CD Projekt Red recently launched The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's official modding tool "REDkit", which provides a strong support for the gaming community, allowing players to add or modify content to the classic game. Interestingly, some savvy players used this tool to discover an ending path that the development team removed before the final version of the game, which adds a new perspective to The Witcher 3's story.

Players find out that The Witcher 3 has removed the "Yennefer Betrayal" ending

This part of the story mainly deals with Yennefer and the "Sorceress's Guild". For fans of the game, Yennefer, Triss, Felippa, and others are members of this assembly house, and they are powerful sorceresses, each of whom assists the kings of different countries, among which Yennefer assists the Emperor of Nilfgaard, Enhir.

In the game The Witcher 3, although the sorceresses play an important role, their endings are understated. That is, until modder xLetalis released a video revealing the ending of the members of the Sorceress Rally as originally envisioned by the CDPR team, but this ending did not end up in the official version of the game.

The reason for the deletion of this plot seems to be closely related to the character of Yennefer. It is worth noting that the following content contains the story ending of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so please avoid reading it if you have not played the game before.

Players find out that The Witcher 3 has removed the "Yennefer Betrayal" ending


In the game's normal storyline, the player will lead Geralt in the fight against the Wild Hunters in Skelliger. In order to seek help, Geralt enlists the help of the members of the Sorceress's Guild, including asking Enhir to pardon Vigo.

However, according to xLetalis' discovery, the story takes a major turn after Geralt defeats the Hunting King Aretin: Geralt is injured and transported to a distant wilderness, after which he is returned to Skaliger's hospital. Upon awakening, he discovers that Nilfgaard has captured Skellyjah, but he still asks Yennefer about Ciri's whereabouts.

The story focuses on the members of the Sorceress's Guild. In order to find Ciri, Geralt asks the sorceresses to cast a spell to track Ciri's location. After the spell was cast, Enhill led his troops to surround the sorceresses, eventually revealing that it was a pact between Yennefer and Enhir to allow the Emperor to wipe out all the sorceresses, even though Yennefer gave Triss a spell trinket, allowing her to escape.

Players find out that The Witcher 3 has removed the "Yennefer Betrayal" ending

Another modder player, glassfish777, said that the plot was probably removed between 2014 and 2015, very close to the game's release, so the voice and cutscenes are very well done. In the end, the official decision to abandon this plot may be that it limits the development space of the Yennefer story.