
Yangpu debuted at the WAIC2024, and the highlights were the first to see!

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

The 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference and High-Level Conference on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence will be held in Shanghai from July 4 to 7. WAIC 2024 will focus on the theme of "Promoting Sharing through Consultation and Promoting Good Intelligence through Good Governance", and will create four core contents: conference and forum, exhibition and display, award competition, and intelligent experience.

Yangpu debuted at the WAIC2024, and the highlights were the first to see!

As an important position of Shanghai's scientific and technological innovation, Yangpu District has linked up with universities and enterprises in the park to integrate professional forums, innovation achievements, industrial ecology, and future scenarios, and make a wonderful appearance at WAIC 2024 to draw a picture of the future of artificial intelligence.

Aspect 1

Innovations are unveiled

All in the 108-square-meter Dachuang Wisdom booth

As the cradle of the growth of AI innovative enterprises and the forefront of new technology applications, Dachuang Zhi Park, on behalf of Yangpu Artificial Intelligence Key Industrial Park, set up an exhibition in C325, Hall H1. With the theme of "Yangshupu", the exhibition area brings together the latest achievements in Yangpu's artificial intelligence development, including Meituan drones, Zhuoyide humanoid robots, Aosha exoskeleton robots, Dada logistics robots, Zhida charging robots, as well as artificial intelligence companies such as Agora Network, Shanghai Intelligent Transportation, Daoke Network, Qianxun Location, Angelalign, eBaoTech, Bosten and other artificial intelligence companies will display the latest products and technologies, and focus on "culture + technology" through interactive experience, cutting-edge achievements and scene simulation The latest AI products and technological breakthroughs bred under the dual-empowerment ecological model.

Aspect 2

Smart Society Forum

Seek an inclusive and sustainable future society

Yangpu District and Tongji University will jointly host the "2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Intelligent Society Forum" at the World Expo Center on the morning of July 5. In 2022 and 2023, Tongji University and Yangpu District, Shanghai hosted the Intelligent Society Forum of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference for two consecutive years, inviting experts to report on the frontiers of AI governance and releasing important research results, which received the attention of UNESCO and achieved extensive social impact. This year, Yangpu District and Tongji University will continue to use this platform to gather global wisdom, explore the sustainable development path of an intelligent society, jointly address the ethical, legal and social governance challenges brought about by intelligent technological innovation, promote the development of responsible artificial intelligence, and benefit a better life for people in an intelligent society.

Aspect 3

Top 10 application scenarios were released

Empower new quality productivity

In order to promote the empowerment of artificial intelligence large models in thousands of industries and nurture new models and new formats of future industries, Yangpu District will officially release the demand list of "Top Ten Application Scenarios of Vertical Large Models" at the "2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Intelligent Society Forum", and "unveil the leader" to the whole society. The list covers key areas such as culture and entertainment, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent education, smart medical care, life services, architectural design, legal services, financial risk control, smart logistics, and smart transportation, contributing to the continuous exploration of the deep integration and innovative practice of smart technology and social needs, and contributing to the "Yangpu Wisdom" and "Yangpu Solution".

Aspect four

There are many enterprises in the area

Show a vibrant industrial ecology

In addition to the Dachuang Intelligence exhibition area, well-known enterprises in Yangpu District, including Bilibili, Dell Technologies, Fudan Microelectronics, Huying Interactive Entertainment (Shanghai) Company, Xinhao Technology, Tongji University Science and Technology Park, and many other industry leaders and emerging forces will also set up independent exhibition areas in the exhibition hall, bringing nearly 100 cutting-edge products and solutions, some of which are unveiled for the first time to the global or domestic market, comprehensively demonstrating Yangpu District's diversified layout and fruitful achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, and promoting cross-field exchanges and cooperation. The project of "Instantaneous Intelligent Twins Application Technology Center" in Yangpu District was selected for the signing of key projects at the closing ceremony.


Yangpu debuted at the WAIC2024, and the highlights were the first to see!

Play the "three cards" of innovation, ecology and service

Promote the development of the artificial intelligence industry chain

In recent years, Yangpu has given full play to the "head goose effect" of artificial intelligence to empower all industries and the "multiplier effect" of driving development, played the "three cards" of innovation, ecology and service, and accelerated the construction of an artificial intelligence industry ecology integrating talents, technologies, data, products and industry application scenarios.

The first is to play the "innovation card" well. There are 20 science and technology parks in the district, including 7 national university science and technology parks, accounting for half of the city's total. The Shanghai Institute of Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies was inaugurated, and brand events such as the International Federation of Chinese Mathematicians Competition were carried out, so as to improve the discipline layout in frontier fields and increase the integrated development of interdiscursiveness. Support Fudan University, Tongji University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and other universities to promote the construction of "basic research special zones", and strive for pilot expansion. Jointly build the "Future Valley-Bay Valley Innovation Center" with Fudan University, and jointly build the "National Intelligent Social Governance Experimental Comprehensive Base" with Tongji University, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the Institute of Machine Intelligence of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, focus on key innovation areas and tasks, and strive to build a new highland for innovation curation, a new space for integrated innovation, and a new engine for innovation.

The second is to play the "ecological card" well. Yangpu District plays a leading role in the traction of leading enterprises, and actively explores new tracks such as low-altitude economy, embodied intelligence, and vertical large models by combing the industrial map, opening up application scenarios, and coordinating regional pilots, so as to attract upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain. Actively promote the construction of high-quality incubators, create a professional demand docking platform, and promote the transformation and implementation of relevant achievements in Yangpu.

The third is to play the "service card" well. Promote the healthy and rapid development of large models, and establish the "Shanghai Large Model Compliance Guidance Service Center and Large Model Ecological Service Station" to support enterprises to carry out the filing of vertical large models and related products. Carry out strategic cooperation with Shanghai Information Investment, relying on the professional operation platform of corpus services, and jointly create a benchmark for the integration of algorithms, computing power and data. Promote the transformation of the cultivation of the artificial intelligence industry from "giving policies" and "giving projects" to "giving opportunities".

With the opening of the curtain of the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, Yangpu District, with its unique charm and solid strength, is showing the world the vigorous vitality and infinite possibilities of Chinese's artificial intelligence industry. Looking forward to the future, Yangpu District will continue to focus on the R&D and application of key AI technologies, strengthen the two-wheel drive of "smart +" and "Internet +", deepen open cooperation, actively participate in the ecological construction of the global AI industry, and contribute to the "Yangpu Power" to promote the progress of AI technology and industrial upgrading.

Editor: Wu Baixin

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu