
They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

author:Today it is called Minhang

On the occasion of "July 1st", the general party branch of Xijie in Xinzhuang showed the demeanor of many outstanding Communist Party members, including Shen Laobo, a party member who voluntarily donated paintings and framed them at his own expense, and a team of party members who insisted on eight years of uninterrupted and unhindered public welfare activities. With practical actions, they have embodied the spiritual background of Communist Party members taking root at the grassroots level of the community and making selfless dedication.

Painted with heart and framed at your own expense

Add color to the senior room

Recently, 79-year-old party member Shen Laobo came to the elderly activity room of the West Street Neighborhood Committee with 2 Chinese paintings and 8 calligraphy works that took more than half a year to create and frame at his own expense. At the party congress at the end of June last year, Uncle Shen saw that the white walls in the elderly activity room that had been repainted were empty, so he offered to create some calligraphy and paintings to give to the neighborhood committee to decorate the elderly activity room.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!
They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

It is understood that the first one is a peony and a dove of peace, implying the peace of the motherland; The second is a lotus flower, which represents the party members who are honest and serve the people wholeheartedly. The remaining 8 characters contain both encouragement for young people and praise for female compatriots. Uncle Shen also wrote a poem for the elderly in the community.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

As a member of the Minhang District Elderly Calligraphers Association, Mr. Shen has been learning calligraphy and painting for more than ten years, and he has always taken writing calligraphy and painting as his relaxing and recreational activities. Uncle Shen said that this is just a trivial matter, and he hopes to contribute to the community.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

Insist on eight years without interruption

Love public welfare activities rain or shine

The volunteer service team led by Aunt Zhu, secretary of the fourth branch of the general party branch of Xijie, was established in 2017, and the team includes a total of 6 people, including 5 party members and 1 family member of the party member. Since 2017, Aunt Zhu's team has been providing free haircuts, blood sugar tests and other services for residents in the community on the 20th of each month, on the 20th of each month, on the 35th of the year, and on the Double Ninth Festival, which has never been interrupted for nearly 8 years.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

At the beginning of its establishment, Aunt Zhu, the squad leader of the chorus, volunteered to serve as a volunteer, and many chorus members also gladly joined.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

The uninterrupted volunteer activities for nearly 8 years have demonstrated the determination and perseverance of the team members. Aunt Zhu said that two of the team members moved to Fengxian and Songjiang, "Neither of them live here in Xinzhuang, but they still insist on volunteering every month and participating in volunteer activities, and I am very touched by this spirit of unity." ”

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

After so many years of volunteer activities, other residents in the community are very grateful to Aunt Zhu's team, and have paid tribute to them, and said that they want to learn from their selfless dedication.

On the day of celebrating the founding of the Communist Party of China, community party members and volunteers convey positive energy with practical actions, they are the guardians of the community, the intimate people of the residents, and the excellent representatives of the party.

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!

Reporter: Zhang Yutong Contributor: Xin Xiangrong First Trial: Zhao Ruonan Review: Yao Yiying Final Review: Wang Tingting

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Minhang today

They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!
They have insisted on these things for 8 years and have never stopped!