
Gathering "new" forces - Dachang Street established a federation of trade unions for new forms of employment

author:Nanjing Trade Union

On June 28, the inaugural meeting of the Federation of Trade Unions of Workers in New Employment Forms in Dachang Street was successfully held in Dachang Street. Representatives of 45 trade union members from industries such as food delivery workers, couriers, home-based elderly care workers, and truck drivers attended the meeting.

Gathering "new" forces - Dachang Street established a federation of trade unions for new forms of employment

The meeting opened with the solemn national anthem. All the delegates at the meeting collectively voted to deliberate and approve the "Election Measures for the First Congress of the Labor Union of the New Employment Form of Dachang Street" and the list of candidates for the members of the "Three Committees".

Gathering "new" forces - Dachang Street established a federation of trade unions for new forms of employment

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association of Trade Unions of China, the conference adopted the method of on-site secret ballot to elect the members of the first committee of the trade union of new forms of labor in Dachang Street, and the members of the fund review committee and the female staff committee were elected in equal amounts.

Gathering "new" forces - Dachang Street established a federation of trade unions for new forms of employment

The establishment of the Federation of Trade Unions is a concrete embodiment of the trade union's active adaptation to the changes in the structure of the workforce, and is also an important measure to adapt to the actual development of workers in the new industry. In the future, we will also insist on paying equal attention to "membership" and "service", focus on the most concerning, direct and realistic needs of workers in the new form of employment, and continuously improve the coverage and accuracy of services on the basis of doing a good job in basic work, so as to solve the "urgency, difficulties and expectations" of workers in the new form of employment with heart and affection, and continuously enhance their satisfaction and happiness.

In addition, the conference also elected the Labor Law Supervision Committee of the Trade Union of New Forms of Workers, which undoubtedly provides a more solid protection of the rights and interests of workers in new industries. In the future, the trade unions of the new forms of employment will vigorously promote the in-depth development of the protection of the rights and interests of workers in the new form of employment, reflect the voices and demands of employees, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and make positive contributions to building harmonious labor relations and promoting healthy economic and social development.

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