
For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it

author:Pet connoisseurs

Cats eat cat food every day, are you worried that it will get tired of eating?

Even if you don't get tired of eating, but only eating cat food, it seems that you are a little sorry for the kitten.

After all, there are so many delicious foods in the world, but cats can't taste them, isn't it a pity?

So, what kind of food is delicious and safe for cats? Below we will introduce you to some daily delicacies that cats can eat.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Many cats will love the taste of salmon, which is not only delicious but also a good source of protein and Ω-3 fatty acids.

Many cat products under the banner of "beautiful hair" are added with salmon.

Feeding salmon to cats occasionally can not only improve the taste, but also beautify the coat by the way.

Although salmon can be eaten raw, if the cat has never eaten raw meat, it is better to cook it and give it to him.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Eggs are also a safe and delicious food for cats, aren't there many freeze-dried egg yolk snacks on the market?

Why bother buying those expensive freeze-dried snacks? Aren't your own boiled eggs fragrant?

Egg yolks and egg whites can be fed, and this ingredient is very nutritious for cats.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Many cats are super fond of yogurt, so you might as well feed them a little when you drink yogurt.

Compared to milk, yogurt is lactose-free, and cats will not have diarrhea after eating it. And yogurt is rich in probiotics, which is also good for the cat's stomach.

However, it should be noted that the yogurt to feed to cats is best plain yogurt!

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Cats are dedicated carnivores, so their diet is naturally inseparable from meat. Chicken breast, chicken thighs, etc. are all meat ingredients that cats can eat.

Truth be told, instead of spending money on those dried freeze-dried chicken pellets, it is better to boil the chicken breast yourself for the cat.

Eating in this way not only provides animal protein to the cat animal, but also hydrates the cat. The key is that the chicken you buy is also guaranteed by quality.

Actually, you may not know what kind of chicken some unscrupulous merchants use to make freeze-dried snacks for cats.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it

Lamb and beef

Of course, lamb and beef are also suitable for cats, but some cats will be more concerned about the smell of mutton. These two types of meat are relatively high in saturated fatty acids, and you can feed your cat every few weeks.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


This summer is the time to eat watermelon, so can cats eat it?

Absolutely, as long as it loves to eat.

Just feed it a little, don't give the cat a big piece of watermelon, after all, cats are carnivores, just a little bit of fruit.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Pumpkin is also great for cats, and many cats like the taste of pumpkin, steaming pumpkin will be a good choice.

Pumpkin is rich in fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, which is a natural good food for "hair".

Instead of buying those decotic products, give your cat a little tasty steamed pumpkin once in a while.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it


Shrimp is also a healthy ingredient for cats, but be aware that some cats are allergic to shrimp.

Shrimp are high in protein and low in fat. You can occasionally offer shrimp as a treat to cats.

For cats, these foods are called "human delicacy", and many people don't even know it

You can feed your cat the above ingredients occasionally. If you have eaten cat food for a long time, you should also eat some other food!

The point is, cat food is not perfect food, and it is the richness of the diet that makes cats healthier.

So, be bold and experiment with ingredients other than cat food!

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