
The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

author:Happy tasting poetry


The various beautiful images in poetry are not always the same. When a poet or several poets sing the praises of a certain good image, there will always be a successor who will break the image, which is the so-called "using it against its meaning". For example, the famous sentence of the great leader Chairman Mao "Fortune Operator, Yongmei" is a poem of the same name poem "Fortune Operator: Yongmei" by the great poet Lu You. In the original word, "scattered into mud and dust, only fragrant as before", is a kind of poignant; And Chairman Mao's words "When the mountains are full of flowers, she laughs in the bushes" is a kind of magnificence, a kind of revolutionary optimism; This is known as "using it the other way around".

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

When the mountains were full of flowers, she laughed in the bushes

Among the famous poets, the poet Du Fu is the one who likes to break the traditional aesthetic image the most. For example, peach blossoms. Since the beginning of the "Book of Songs", there has been a beautiful image of "the peach is dying, scorching its flower"; Tao Yuanming, a great poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, wrote in "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring", "There are no miscellaneous trees in it, the fragrant grass is delicious, and the fallen flowers are colorful", this kind of beauty has influenced Chinese culture for thousands of years; The great poet Wang Wei also has "the peach red complex contains the rain, and the willow green brings the morning smoke", which is also a fairyland on earth. But Du Fu wants to break this beauty, and the peach blossoms in his pen are "crazy catkins dancing in the wind, and light peach blossoms flowing in the water", breaking the beautiful image of peach blossoms for thousands of years.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

The peach is dying, scorching its glory

The key is that the poet not only broke the beautiful image of the peach blossom, but also broke the beautiful image of "bamboo" for thousands of years. In traditional culture, "bamboo" is a particularly beautiful image, it is not only one of the "three friends of the year", but also one of the "four gentlemen in flowers", is a special existence. The "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest" of the Jin Dynasty are the representatives of the hidden gentlemen; The great poet Wang Wei likes the "bamboo fence" very much, he wrote, "Sitting alone in the secluded fence, playing the piano and roaring", wrote the beauty of the "bamboo forest"; Tao Hongjing, a poet of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, wrote in the "Book of Acknowledgement", "Green forests and green bamboos are ready at all times", writing the beauty of "green bamboo" in all seasons.

This poem "On the way to Chengdu Thatched Cottage, there is a work to send Yan Zheng Gong's five poems, the fourth", which is written like this:

Often bitter sand collapse damage medicine bar, but also from the river sill wind turbulence.

The new pine hatred is not a thousand feet, and the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles.

The physiology is only based on the old Huang Ge, and the decrepit face wants to pay Zijin Dan.

After three years of running around with empty skin and bones, I believe that it is difficult to walk in the world.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

The new pine hatred is not a thousand feet, and the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles

"The new pine is not a thousand feet high, and the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles", and "the new pine" refers to the four small pines cultivated by the poet in the thatched cottage in Chengdu. Why can't those four little pine trees I planted grow to a height of 1,000 feet so quickly? And those "evil bamboos" that grow everywhere and invade the vine garden soon grow as many as 10,000 poles, they encroach on the place of Komatsu, absorb the nutrients that should be Komatsu, block the sunshine and rain of Komatsu, and should be completely cut off.

At the beginning of the first year of Baoying (762), there was a rebellion in Shuzhong, and the soldiers and horses under Jiannan Xichuan Jiedu envoys, Xu knew that there was a rebellion. In the first month of the second year of Guangde (764 AD), Du Fu and his family went from Zizhou to Langzhou, preparing to go out of Shaanxi to make a living. In February, Yan Wu returned to Chengdu and served as the envoy of Chengdu Yin and Jiannan, and invited Du Fu to return to Chengdu. This poem was written by Du Fu on his way back to Chengdu from Langzhou.

With the above background, this sentence, "Xinsong hates not a thousand feet high, and the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles", it is easy to understand. "Xinsong" refers to the peace of the country and the people, and the country has changed from the "Anshi Rebellion" to a new period of stability; And "evil bamboo", of course, refers to endless rebellions. And the last sentence, "Three years of running with empty skin and bones, I believe that it is difficult to walk in the world", refers to the portrayal of Du Fu running around because of the rebellion and dying at the end of the world during the three years from 762 to 764.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

The rain washes and the wind blows the fragrance

For example, in "Yan Zheng Mansion and Yongzhu", he highly praised it, "The green bamboo is half seeded, and the new shoots are out of the wall." The color invades the book late, and the shade is cold over the wine bottle. The rain washes and the wind blows the fragrance. But there is no order to cut down, and I will meet the clouds and clouds". The writing here that "the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles" is completely a borrowed technique, rather than the poet's own prejudice against bamboo.

"Osmanthus" is also a flower species that is deeply loved by people in traditional culture. The Tang Dynasty poet Song Zhiwen wrote in "Lingyin Temple" that "Guizi falls in the middle of the moon, and the heavenly fragrance clouds float outside"; Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote in "Yonggui", "A little cold and fragrant will blow all over the mountain"; Li Qingzhao, a Yi'an layman, wrote in "Partridge Sky Osmanthus", "Why should it be light blue and crimson, it is the first class among flowers"; have given osmanthus supreme praise.

However, the great poet Xin Qijian wanted to "use it contrary to his intentions", he wrote in "Too often to quote Jiankang Mid-Autumn Night, for Uncle Lu":

A round of autumn shadows turned into golden waves, and the flying mirrors were resharpened.

Ask Auntie for wine: What can I do if I am white-haired and bullied!

It's good to ride the wind, the sky is thousands of miles, and you can look down at the mountains and rivers.

Cut off Gui Po Sa, humanity is, more clear light!

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

Cut off Gui Po Sa, humanity is, clear light more

"A round of autumn shadows turn into golden waves, and the flying mirror is re-sharpened", this is the beautiful scenery of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the "famous sentence of the moon" for thousands of years. A round of autumn moon slowly moved the figure, sprinkling thousands of golden waves all the way, and the full moon that seemed to be a mirror of flying in the sky seemed to have just been polished and flew up to the sky again.

"Ask the wine to Auntie: what can I do if I am white-haired and bullied", when I made this poem, the author has been returning to the south for 12 years, and in the past 12 years, in order to recover the Central Plains, the author has written many times and advocated against Jin. Four times, impassioned, repeatedly stated about the restoration, but it was always ignored and not adopted. At this time, the lyricist already has gray hair and sideburns, so he said, "I can't help being deceived by gray hair". But in fact, the lyricist was bullied by the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the resentment in his heart can be seen.

"It's good to ride the wind, the sky is thousands of miles, and you can look down at the mountains and rivers", the lyricist imagined overlooking the earth in the Moon Palace, but was blocked by the laurel tree in the Moon Palace, and he couldn't see things clearly.

Therefore, I will also cut down the laurel tree swaying in the middle of the moon, and people will applaud it, because it will make the moon shine more brightly, and I will see the earth more clearly.

One sentence, "Cut off Gui Po Sa, humanity is yes, and there is more clear light", does the lyricist have any opinions on Guishu? Definitely. He wrote in "Qingping Le Xie Shu Lianghui Muxi", "The bright moon is full of high tree shadows, and ten miles of water are sinking and cold. Most of them are a little palace yellow, and the world is fragrant. I'm afraid that it is the autumn wind and dew, and the dyeing and teaching world is fragrant", holding the osmanthus to the sky, "the world is fragrant", "the world is fragrant", "the dyeing and teaching the world is fragrant". And his osmanthus is also full of beauty, he wrote in "A Cut Plum Mid-Autumn Festival without Moon", "Remembering the Mid-Autumn Festival osmanthus bush, the flower is in the cup, the moon is in the cup", I can't believe it, this is the beautiful words written by the bold faction.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

Most of them are a little palace yellow, and the world is fragrant

But the "Gui Posa" in "cut off Gui Po Sa, humanity is more, and there is more Qingguang" here certainly refers to the rulers in the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty, especially the surrender faction. It should be them, not the laurel tree itself, that the lyricist wants to "cut off".

The Chinese nation is a nation that loves flowers, and the so-called "love house and black", "flower shadow" is also an important singing object in poetry. The Tang Dynasty poet Tortoise Meng wrote in "Awakening from the Spring Eve of the Peaceful Attack", "I don't know that the moon is on the bright moon, and the flowers and shadows are all over the body", which simply writes the beauty of the "flower shadow". The Song Dynasty politician and writer Wang Anshi's "Flower Shadow" poem is also ingenious, he wrote in "Night Straight", "The spring is annoying and I can't sleep, and the moon moves the flower shadow on the column", writing the beautiful scenery that he is preparing to make great achievements politically.

And the great writer Su Shi's "Flower Shadow" is really a "Flower Shadow" poem that "uses it contrary to its meaning", and in the entire literary history, except for him, no one has written "Flower Shadow" like this:

Overlapping on top of each other, several times the child could not be swept away.

was just cleaned up by the sun, but he taught the bright moon to send it to the future.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

Overlapping on top of each other, several times the child could not be swept away

"Overlapping the yaotai, several times the boy can't sweep it away", the flower shadows on the pavilion are layer after layer, and the servants can't be swept away several times when they are called to clean it.

Many people say that Su Dongpo's poem was written to Wang Anshi's reform faction. But in fact, it is a fact that Su Shi and Wang Anshi do not agree politically, but he is not in the same group as the conservative Sima Guang, and he also opposes Sima Guang and other conservatives. Therefore, when it is written in the poem that the flower shadows are "overlapped", it is definitely not that faction, but several factions, which will overlap.

"Just cleaned up by the sun, but taught the bright moon to send the future", in the evening when the sun went down, the flower shadow just disappeared, but the moon rose, and the flower shadow appeared again.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

"I was just cleaned up by the sun, but I taught the bright moon to send it to the future

If we say that "overlapping" cannot be easily understood as several factions. Then the sentence "just cleaned up by the sun, but taught the bright moon to send the future", is even more obvious. The "flower shadow" of the sun is obviously different from the "flower shadow" of the moon, the former may reflect the Song Shenzong and Wang Anshi factions, and the latter is more likely to reflect the Song Zhezong and Sima Guang factions.

"Overlapping and stacking on Yaotai, several times the child can't sweep away", "Yaotai", of course, refers to the imperial court. "I can't sweep it away several times", referring to the fact that I can't solve the problem by going to the book many times.

A sentence, "just cleaned up by the sun, but taught the bright moon to send the future", vividly illustrates the ugliness of the reformers and the old-fashioned faction "you sing and I will appear", they are lively and lively in the struggle to the death, but who cares about the life and death of the people?

In the same way, Su Shi himself has no opinion on "Flower Shadow". He wrote in "Taitou Temple Buyue Derenzi", "The incense of the furnace is at the beginning of the night, and the flower shadow wants to shake the spring"; also wrote in "The Illness of the Second Rhyme Qiansheren", "Sitting on cigarettes with few sleeves, worrying about the late flowers and shadows on the corridor", are all written beautifully.

The three famous poems "used contrary to their meanings" break the traditional beauty, but there is no sense of disobedience

The spring color is annoying and can't sleep, and the moon moves and the shadow of the flowers is dry

This "Flower Shadow" is probably influenced by Wang Anshi's "Spring is annoying and can't sleep, and the moon moves and the flower shadow is on the bar", since Wang Anshi imagined the "Flower Shadow" as the beauty of his political ambitions, then Su Shi "used it contrary to his intentions", and used "Flower Shadow" to reflect the various unbearable "reformers" and "conservatives".

This may also be the reason why Su Shi is neither allowed to be a "reformist" nor a "conservative"!