
Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded

author:Tianjin emergency
Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded
Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded

Once it is found that the vehicle is blocked and occupies the fire escape, a combination lock is hung at the door handle, and a notice of illegal parking is issued in accordance with the law, which does not affect the owner's travel, but also realizes the law enforcement effect. Since the beginning of this year, the fire and rescue brigade of Wanshan District, Tongren, Guizhou Province has innovatively launched the "warning sign hanging password lock", which has significantly improved the situation of vehicles blocking fire passages. After rectification, all 9 residential communities in the district that are seriously blocked by fire passages have passed the random test of fire truck pass rate.

The fire escape should not be blocked, which should have become everyone's consciousness. The mainland fire protection law clearly stipulates that no unit or individual shall occupy, block, or close evacuation passages, safety exits, or fire truck passages. However, in real life, the phenomenon of blocking fire escapes occurs from time to time. The reason for this, in addition to the shortage of parking spaces, is that the more critical factor is the weak awareness of emergency safety and luck.

Practice tells us that in the case of multiple repetitions, the probability of a small probability event will continue to increase. Once security awareness is paralyzed, a small probability event is almost inevitable. Only by taking effective measures to continuously improve the awareness of fire safety among the whole people and ensure that the "life channel" is unimpeded at all times, can we minimize losses and better protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Strengthen safety awareness, and work hard in peacetime. It is necessary to strengthen safety education and innovate the form of propaganda and education, so that people can increase their awe and attention to fire and other situations from the bottom of their hearts. At the same time, it is necessary to combine realistic scenarios and actively carry out emergency drills, so that the masses can master more common sense and basic skills of fire fighting. In Beijing, the relevant departments set up some projects on site, such as interactive experience of fire escape safety signs, escape knot rope training, and escape from subway fires, theater fires, shopping mall fires, and home fires through VR. The masses learned the knowledge of emergency escape in person, leaving a deeper impression. The more people know and understand firefighting, the more safety and security they have.

Fire safety is a big deal, and there is no room for error. In addition to enhancing the safety awareness of the public, it is also necessary to build an all-round supervision network to ensure that the fire escape is not blocked. On the one hand, it is necessary to comprehensively use various means such as law enforcement investigation, mass complaints, and media exposure, and form a strong deterrent to violations of laws and regulations through centralized rectification and normalized supervision. On the other hand, it is also necessary to find ways to alleviate the parking problems in some public places, especially in old communities. If there is a place to park, the phenomenon of indiscriminate parking can be improved.

In May this year, when the staff of the Urban Management Bureau of Gaochun District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province visited, they received a report from the staff of the Chun'an community that the long-term parking difficulties in the community affected the fire emergency, so they quickly arranged a special person to dock, coordinated the surrounding shopping malls to take out 20 parking spaces to share with residents, and provided a monthly preferential price, which was well received by the masses. Only by adhering to the unity of problem-oriented and goal-oriented, combining rigid constraints and flexible guidance, and forming a joint force of social governance, can law-abiding become a habit of thinking and conscious action, and make the fire passage a "life channel" that can be used at critical moments.

Fire safety is everyone's responsibility. The past June was the 23rd National "Safety Production Month", with the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies - Smooth the Passage of Life". Seize all kinds of favorable opportunities, strengthen the safety awareness education of the whole people, form a normalized working mechanism, mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole society, and work together to rectify outstanding problems such as blocking fire passages, so as to better eliminate all kinds of potential safety hazards, so that the people's sense of gain, happiness and security is more substantial, more secure and more sustainable.

Source: People's Daily

Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded

Editor/Producer: Wang Xiaolu

Reviewer: Li Man

Review: Liu Chunxiang

Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded
Let the "channel of life" be unimpeded