
A simple dish, a few close friends, life is always so simple

author:Xiao Jing Entertainment

At the end of an alley, there lived a middle-aged man named Li Ming. His life is simple and ordinary, in addition to work, every day is to go home and cook a few good dishes. Li Ming's craftsmanship is well-known in the neighborhood, and his dishes are always evocative, as if every bite can be eaten out of home.

One day, Li Ming decided to try a new dish - scrambled eggs with tomatoes. He found a recipe online and followed it step by step. At first, his movements were a little clumsy, but soon he found his rhythm, and the kitchen was filled with the aroma of tomatoes and the golden color of eggs.

A simple dish, a few close friends, life is always so simple

After the dish was completed, Li Ming's family sat around the dining table and looked at the plate of brightly colored and fragrant tomato scrambled eggs, and couldn't help but admire. They never imagined that this dish could be done so well. Li Ming smiled, he knew that this was not just a dish, but also his love for life and care for his family.

Li Ming's neighbor, Xiao Zhang, is a worker with a low level of education, who usually works hard and rarely has the opportunity to enjoy food. He heard about Li Ming's tomato scrambled eggs, so he came to Li Ming's house to try this legendary delicacy.

A simple dish, a few close friends, life is always so simple

A childlike smile appeared on Xiao Zhang's face, and when he tasted it, his eyes immediately lit up. He never imagined that a simple dish of scrambled eggs with tomato would make him feel so happy. He began to think, isn't this the case in life? Sometimes, the simplest things can bring the deepest feelings.

Li Ming looked at Xiao Zhang's satisfied appearance, and a warm current surged in his heart. He realized that simplicity and sincerity often lead to the greatest happiness, whether in cooking or in life. He decided that he wanted to try new dishes more often in the future, so that his family and friends could enjoy the simple and pure joy.

A simple dish, a few close friends, life is always so simple

- Have you ever found happiness in simple things?

- Are you willing to try to make every dish in your life feel loving and caring?

- Do you believe that the small things in life can be a source of happiness?

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