
A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

author:i Gold Mountain
A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

On June 28, at the symposium to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Jinshan District, a new batch of 100 "Party Branch Construction Demonstration Sites" was announced. In recent years, the grassroots party (general) branches in our district have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and under the unified deployment of the Central Committee and the Municipal Party Committee and the strong leadership of the District Committee, they have bravely strived to be the first, forged ahead, and made positive contributions to the economic and social development of Jinshan, providing a strong guarantee for the transformation and new development of Jinshan and the shaping of a new image.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

In the morning, in the Linggui Huayuan Community of Dongquan Residential Area of Shihua Street, residents rested and chatted in the newly built leisure pavilion. On the adjacent side, there is a larger gazebo. Residents told reporters that these two pavilions are good places for them to relax on weekdays.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→
A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

Resident Lu Yinhui:

It's also good to stay here and chat, relax and relax, like the pavilion in the north is bigger, and you can dance and do exercises in the pavilion on rainy days.

Previously, due to the lack of resting places, residents often crowded into public areas such as guard rooms and corridors for leisure activities. The general party branch of Dongquan residential area claimed through the community public welfare project to build a leisure pavilion, and let the residents actively participate in it, and finally successfully completed the construction through democratic consultation such as pavilion naming solicitation, name voting, and building plan. The general party branch of Dongquan residential area also strives to create a culture of rule of law, from the adjustment of property fees to the relocation of greening, there is a figure of the "rule of law hall" in the residential area.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

Yang Baohong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Dongquan Residential District, Shihua Street:

We had some pine and cypress trees that needed to be relocated, and the whole process was guided by professionals to solicit opinions step by step, through administrative permits, and finally large-scale planting of cherry blossom trees and redbuds.

Last year, the General Party Branch of Dongquan Residential Area learned about the demands of residents around No. 273 Dongquan Second Village through research and on-site visits. Although there is an electric bicycle charging pile installed downstairs, the usage rate is not high because there is no canopy. As a result, the residential area contacted the relevant twinning units and installed a rain shelter as soon as possible.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

Resident Lu Yuxin:

Now it is convenient for residents to charge, and it is safer on rainy days.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

In addition, the residential area has also installed 3 new energy vehicle charging piles in Dongquan Village to facilitate the charging of residents in the community. In recent years, Dongquan residential area has closely combined with the actual situation of the community, actively explored a new model of community governance, thought about what the people think and what the people are anxious about, and has become a new batch of "demonstration sites for party branch construction" in our district.

Yang Baohong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Dongquan Residential District, Shihua Street:

Guided by party building, combined with the specific reality of the community, we will actively carry out work with the "integration of autonomy, co-governance, rule of ethics and rule of law".

The Second Surgical Branch Committee of Jinshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University is also a new batch of "Party Branch Construction Demonstration Sites" in our district. The branch was established in September 2020 and is composed of party members from 5 wards and departments such as the Department of Surgery. Through system construction, strengthen the management of party members, catch up with learning, set up a model, and strive to build a collective with strong party spirit and dedication.

Yan Yufeng, Secretary of the Second Branch Committee of Surgery of Jinshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University of the Communist Party of China: Every year, several "branch stars" are selected, including business learning, theoretical learning, volunteer service, etc., we select the branch stars to let everyone have a goal and direction.

Yu Zuochong, Chief Physician of the Department of Orthopedics, Jinshan Hospital, Fudan University: We should walk in the front, face difficulties, shoulder heavy burdens, and do practical things, which is an important embodiment of the advanced and exemplary nature of a party member.

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→

In addition, the branch gave full play to its professional advantages, combined with the brand of the "Heart of Sunset Red" branch, and established a "Heart of Sunset Red" party member volunteer service team. Team members use their monthly breaks to visit nursing homes and communities for medical consultations, health check-ups, and much-needed medical help. The branch has also set up a multidisciplinary health education team to publicize health science knowledge through communities, schools, enterprises, etc., and has carried out more than 50 sessions so far to continuously meet the health needs of residents and improve the health literacy of the whole people.

Yan Yufeng, Secretary of the Second Branch Committee of Surgery of Jinshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University of the Communist Party of China:

Driven by party members, our young medical staff have also joined the ranks of serving the elderly, using our actions to improve the health literacy of the masses.

In the future, our district will continue to enhance the political and organizational functions of the party (general) branch, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of the "party branch construction demonstration site", build the grassroots party organization into a strong fighting fortress, and strive to make new and greater achievements in deepening high-level reform and opening up, promoting high-quality development, creating a high-quality life, and achieving high-efficiency governance.

Reporter | Zhu Yi

Edit | Gan Yuqiong

Editor-in-charge | Yu Luoyin, Gan Yuqiong

A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→
A new batch, 100 pcs! See how they do it→