
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

author:i Gold Mountain
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

This morning (July 1st), "Learning, Thinking, Practicing and Realizing the Original Intention, Forging Ahead and Building New Achievements" - Jinshan District Women's Federation's "Women's Celebration of July 1st" City-wide Relay Activity and Open Organization Life Meeting was held in Nongjian Village, Jinshanwei Town.

The event released the "Women's 'Xin' Voice" red propaganda empowerment action, including the launch of 40 red story preaching order courses, the establishment of the "Women's 'Xin' Voice" red story propaganda group, and the opening of women's "micro-classrooms". At the scene, Zhang Yafang, the city's 38th Red Flag Bearer and a member of the Red Story Publicity Group, gave the first red story lecture - "The Footprints of the Oath of Joining the Party", covering the three stages of development and rich connotation of the oath of joining the party.

Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

"Today is the 'July 1st' Party Day, and many party members have come to participate in the event, hoping to help everyone better review and understand the oath of joining the party, and further adhere to the original mission and strengthen ideals and beliefs. In the future, I will also go into the patriotism education base in the district according to the order needs of the grassroots women's federation organization, share the "footprints of the oath of joining the party" with you, and lead the majority of women to work actively in their respective positions, be proficient in business, and better contribute wisdom and strength to the development of Jinshan. Zhang Yafang said.

Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

The activity is divided into three chapters: women's heart, praise to the party, scorching Fanghua, remembering the original heart, and striving for the mission. Through poetry recitation, situational party classes, story preaching, music allegro, red memory sharing and other forms, it shows that under the guidance of party building, the women's federation organization unites and leads women and sisters in the vivid practice of women's ideological leadership, family education and family style construction, clean and beautiful village construction, women's rights protection and care, etc., and through reviewing the oath of joining the party, the 38 red flag bearer lights up the micro-wish, etc., guides the majority of party members and cadres to understand the original mission, pass on the red fire, continue the red blood, and gather the struggle of women from all walks of life in Jinshan.

Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

After the city-wide relay activity, the participants also carried out a red humanities walk. Starting from the Chuxin Museum, we visited the "Three Gardens and Three Post Stations" of the Red Village Agricultural Construction Village, and the Red Memory Exhibition of the District Women's Federation to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Among them, the Red Memory Exhibition brings together more than 100 women's artworks such as Jinshan peasant paintings, wheat straw paintings, paper-cutting, homespun cloth, crochet, tie-dyeing, calligraphy and painting. Through the exhibition of these women's literary and creative works with the theme of loving the party, the country and the family, etc., the red gene will be further inherited and the feelings of the family and country will be cultivated.

It is reported that this activity will put the work of the District Women's Federation on the stage and tell stories through learning, speaking, acting, joint, exhibition, walking, etc., so that women's ideological and political leadership work will be more grounded and popular. Next, the District Women's Federation will take this event as an opportunity to build a position, grasp the team, set an example, promote the party's innovative theory to "fly into the homes of ordinary people", lead the majority of women to listen to the party, follow the party, and show the demeanor of women in the overall situation of serving the center.

Mo Huihua, vice chairman of the District Women's Federation and member of the party group, said: "In the next summer activities, we will organize and carry out a series of theme activities of 'Children's Heart to the Party, Care and Growth', organize children to go into the red venues, listen to revolutionary stories, taste and read red classics, etc., to further inherit the red gene, and will also mobilize women entrepreneurs, female farmers, caring people and other social forces to care for children in special difficulties." Through these activities, we will continue to gather the strong women's power of Jinshan's transformation and shaping. ”

Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

Reporter | Zhu Yuexin, Lu Yao

Correspondents | Sun Xiayi

Edit | Cheng Jiayu

Editor-in-charge | Yu Luoyin, Gan Yuqiong

Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →
Women celebrate "July 1st" to the party! Today's event is →

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