
The maximum load is expected to increase by more than 100 million kilowatts year-on-year – a peak summer and guaranteed power supply


With the advent of high temperatures, the electricity load has risen significantly. According to the relevant person in charge of the National Energy Administration, during the peak summer this year, the maximum load is expected to increase by more than 100 million kilowatts year-on-year.

In the face of the power demand brought about by high temperature weather and the continuous growth of electricity consumption, how to ensure the people's livelihood and the stable electricity consumption of the whole society? Power supply, power grid and other parties to strengthen reserves, active research and judgment, intensive linkage, to provide support for the stability of electricity consumption during the peak summer.

The reserves are sufficient, and thermal coal plays the role of "ballast stone".

Coal is the main energy source in China, and coal power plays an important role in the power supply. Last year, coal-fired power accounted for nearly 60% of the country's electricity generation. In order to ensure the stability of power supply during peak hours, it is necessary to actively play the role of coal power and other supporting and regulating power sources.

In Shenmu, Shaanxi Province, the picks on the drum of the shearer frequently pierced into the black coal seam, and the large pieces of coal peeled off. "More than 2,500 tons of coal can be cut with a single knife, and up to 42,500 tons of coal can be mined in a day." Zhang Xuefeng, a shearer driver of the fifth fully mechanized mining team of Daliuta Coal Mine, said. The coal will be transported to all parts of the country to provide sufficient raw materials for coal power. According to reports, Shendong Coal of the National Energy Group focuses on improving coal production efficiency, doing a good job in the development of raw coal, exploring and discharging coal source mine production, inventory, sales and other information, accurately organizing 13 mines and 11 coal preparation plants to saturate production, and continuously and efficiently providing coal sources.

In Jingcheng, Hebei Province, Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant, as the main supporting power supply of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, is stepping up its horsepower to ensure supply and power supply. According to the relevant person in charge of the power plant, according to the regional electricity consumption situation during the peak summer period, the power plant has made every effort to increase the coal procurement plan, on the one hand, to increase the coal procurement plan, and on the other hand, to send special personnel to the mine to implement the long-term coal cash amount to ensure that the coal raw materials are "supplied". At the same time, the power plant strengthened the operation and maintenance of 6 thermal power units in the plant to comprehensively improve the reliability of the equipment of each system of the unit.

"In order to improve the extensive blending method of relying on text records and visual identification of various types of coal in the past, we have developed a digital platform system for coal yards, which gives clear identity information to each ton of coal entering the coal yard, so that the data of coal fuel from reception, unloading, storage to blending is completely visible. With the digital platform of the coal yard, the power plant can achieve accurate coal type replacement within two hours, meeting the 'peak and valley' of the unit, and greatly reducing the fuel cost. The relevant person in charge of Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant said.

The more you produce, you have to transport.

At the Huanghua Port Station of the Shuohuang Railway of the National Energy Group, a train of coal trucks roared towards the ship, accompanied by the continuous rotation and dumping of the dumper, and the tons of coal were loaded into the sea in an orderly manner. "As the 'bridgehead' of the second largest channel for the transportation of coal from the west to the east, we continue to optimize the transportation organization, improve the operation efficiency with the help of the 5G intelligent shunting system function, and compress the unloading interval of the dumper from 0.98 hours to 0.85 hours." Feng Xiaojie, stationmaster of Huanghua Port Station of Shuohuang Railway, introduced. As of June 19, the Shuohuang Railway has completed a total of 168.155 million tons of coal transportation annually, providing strong support for coal supply during the peak summer.

Peak summer is the focus of energy and power supply. Li Chao, spokesman of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in order to do a good job in the peak summer, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, localities and enterprises, continued to strengthen the construction of the energy production, supply, storage and marketing system, and planned and arranged various supply guarantee work in advance. Up to now, the country's installed power generation capacity has maintained rapid growth, and 198 million tons of coal have been stored in power plants, providing a good working foundation for ensuring power supply during the peak summer this year.

Service and supply, clean energy power generation shows its talents

With the orderly progress of green and low-carbon energy transformation, clean energy is becoming a "new force" to ensure power supply during the peak summer.

The Yalong River, which flows through Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Panzhihua City in Sichuan Province, is the largest tributary of the Jinsha River. As one of the country's nine major clean energy bases, the Yalong River Basin Water, Wind and Solar Integration Base is also the world's largest green, clean and renewable energy base. In order to use hydropower generation to ensure supply during the peak summer, SDIC Yalong River Company dynamically optimized the maintenance arrangement, actively gave full play to the advantages of "one river" joint dispatch, seized the abundant water since May, and used the Yalong River cascade joint operation to store energy, providing reliable power guarantee for Sichuan and Chongqing, East China and Central China.

This is a microcosm of the supply guarantee of clean energy power generation services on the power supply side. According to data released by the National Energy Administration, China's installed capacity of non-fossil energy power generation has accounted for more than 50%, which is historically more than the installed capacity of fossil energy power generation. As of the end of April this year, the cumulative installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in China exceeded 1.1 billion kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of about 38%. The continuous growth of clean energy is providing a guarantee for stable electricity consumption in the peak summer.

In the central and eastern part of Siziwang Banner, Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is located the world's largest single onshore wind power project - the first phase of the 6 million kilowatt demonstration project of the Ulanqab Wind Power Base of the State Power Investment Corporation. Since the beginning of this year, the power generation capacity of the first batch of 1.2 million kilowatts of on-site consumption projects of the first phase of the demonstration project of the base has continued to grow, injecting green kinetic energy into power supply. More than 1,000 kilometers away in Heilongjiang Province, the staff of CGN New Energy's Heilongjiang Xingkaihu Wind Farm have recently been busy overhauling and replacing the No. 3 wind turbine to ensure that the wind turbine can operate stably under high load during the peak summer this year. In Jinan, Shandong Province, while urging coal-fired power plants to ensure thermal coal stocks, the city is orderly promoting 278,000 kilowatts of distributed photovoltaic grid-connected power generation to continuously improve the power grid supply capacity.

While clean energy power generation is actively ensuring supply, the growth of new energy power generation capacity brings a large amount of consumption demand that still needs to be solved. Du Zhongming, director of the Electric Power Department of the National Energy Administration, said that to improve the power system's ability to absorb new energy, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of new energy supporting power grid projects and urge power grid enterprises to optimize the grid connection process. This year, efforts will be made to promote the completion and operation of 33 key projects such as the Sichuan-Chongqing UHV AC project and the Qinghai Hongqi 750 kV power transmission and transformation project; Accelerate the construction of 37 key projects, including the Shaanxi-Anhui UHVDC project and the Gansu-Zhejiang UHVDC project, to provide strong support for the consumption of new energy.

Optimize scheduling and fully release the capacity of transmission channels

The power grid is connected to power companies at one end and power users at the other, and is a key hub for power supply during the peak summer. At present, all localities have strengthened power grid inspections, and various power grid projects are progressing in an orderly manner to jointly ensure a stable supply of electricity this summer.

In response to the high temperature weather, the State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company strengthened the operation and monitoring of the power grid, relying on the intelligent power supply service command system and other platforms to strengthen the operation and maintenance monitoring of key substations and transmission lines. In accordance with the 228 power grid mode adjustment measures formulated before the peak summer, the company optimized the operation mode of the power grid in real time, and opened a 24-hour emergency power transmission service to facilitate users to purchase electricity. In addition, the company has also carried out a special action of "raising the level of low carbon health" to popularize the concept of electricity conservation and electrical appliances to the public, encourage power users to save electricity, and jointly ensure the stable operation of the power grid.

In Hefei, Anhui 500 thousand volt Longmen substation, the expansion of the field interval project was successfully put into operation, marking the start of the 220 thousand volt transmission project of Hefei Changfeng gas power plant, which will further improve the grid structure in the northwest of Hefei power grid, which also means that the State Grid Anhui Electric Power has completed 13 peak summer power transmission and transformation projects this year.

Intelligent technology also provides a guarantee for the efficiency of power grid inspection. On June 19, the State Grid Shiyan Power Supply Company used the remote centralized monitoring mode of "holographic perception + intelligent Internet of Things" to carry out visual inspections on the 500 thousand volt Shifan one circuit, and completed the three-dimensional inspection of 20 base towers in less than half a day, which increased the efficiency by 8 times compared with manual inspections. According to reports, during the peak summer, State Grid Hubei Electric Power vigorously promoted the transformation of the traditional manual inspection mode to the inspection mode of "UAV + visualization + online monitoring", and 33,000 visualization devices were supplemented by UAV autonomous and refined inspection, which greatly improved the efficiency of power grid risk identification and judgment, and effectively improved the level of safe and stable operation of the power grid.

Du Zhongming said that since the beginning of this year, the national electricity consumption has continued to grow rapidly, and the national electricity load will also grow rapidly during the summer. According to comprehensive research, during the peak summer this year, the power supply across the country is generally guaranteed, and there may be a shortage of power supply in some areas during peak hours.

"The National Energy Administration will take 'flexible normal supply, local short-term tension with measures, and extreme situation response with a plan' as the goal, tighten and consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, and make every effort to ensure the safe and stable supply of electricity in the peak summer." Du Zhongming said that monitoring and early warning will be strengthened; Give full play to the peak capacity of the system during peak hours, guide power grid enterprises to optimize dispatching and operation arrangements, fully release the capacity of transmission channels, and make use of the differences in peak hours of electricity consumption in different regions to carry out inter-regional and inter-provincial peak avoidance operations and mutual assistance between surplus and shortage. At the same time, we will speed up the monitoring of supporting power supply and promote the completion and commissioning of supporting power projects such as the second phase of Anhui Banji Power Plant and the fifth phase of Inner Mongolia Dalat Power Plant on schedule. In addition, load management measures will be further optimized and implemented in a precise and detailed manner, resolutely adhering to the bottom line of not pulling the brake and curtailing, and resolutely ensuring the electricity needs of people's livelihood. (Reporter Liao Ruiling)

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition