
In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

author:China Automotive News
In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......
In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

In an increasingly competitive market, the sales volume of new energy vehicle companies is undoubtedly a major focus of the industry. On July 1, major car companies showed their report cards for June. Compared with the strong growth momentum in May, the new energy vehicle market also showed a positive trend in June, with sales reaching a new high.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Data source: publicly released by various car companies Tabulation: Zhao Lingling Xue Yapei

BYD: Continue to lead the fault

BYD announced that the sales of new energy vehicles in June were 341,700, compared with 253,000 in the same period last year, and the sales of new energy vehicles from January to June were 1.613 million, a year-on-year increase of 28.46%.

Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD, previously said that BYD set up the entire product layout according to the Chinese market, and the average unit price of automobile consumers in China is about 160,000 yuan, so BYD first laid out in this market segment with the largest volume. In terms of mid-to-high-end products, the two brands of DENZA and Yangwang cover the market of 400,000 yuan and 1 million yuan respectively, and have made some breakthroughs.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Ideal: Nearly 50,000 units sold

In June 2024, Li Auto delivered 47,774 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%. Deliveries of 108581 vehicles in the second quarter of 2024 increased by 25.5% year-on-year.

After selling 35,000 vehicles in May, Li Auto's sales continued to soar in June, breaking 47,000 units. Judging from the sales volume in May and June, Li Auto's previous adjustments have begun to bear fruit and are regaining their former glory. Li Xiang, chairman and CEO of Li Auto, said that the sales potential of the Ideal L series continued to increase in June, and the monthly delivery volume of the Ideal L successfully exceeded 20,000 units in June, and the monthly delivery volume of all products exceeded 40,000 units. Since the second quarter, under the dual effect of the launch of the new model Ideal L6 and the improvement of store efficiency, Li Auto has returned to the top of China's new power brand sales list, and won the sales championship of Chinese auto brands in the new energy vehicle market of more than 200,000 yuan.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Hongmeng Zhixing: 46,000 vehicles were delivered

In June, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,141 vehicles. Among them, the M9 hit a new high, with 17,241 units delivered in June, with a total of more than 100,000 units. The cumulative sales of the new M7 exceeded 110,000 in the first half of the year, and 18,493 units were delivered in June. The cumulative delivery of the new M5 exceeded 10,000 units, and 7,046 units were delivered in June. The Zhijie S7 delivered 2,995 units in June.

In addition, the Xiangjie S9 has been opened for pre-order, with a pre-sale price of 450,000-550,000 yuan, which will be officially released in August this year.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Aion: Sales in June reached 35,000 units

According to data released by GAC Aion, global sales in June were 35,027 units, down from the sales of more than 40,000 units in May.

Since the beginning of this year, Aion, which has seen steady growth in sales, has accelerated its expansion in overseas markets. For example, GAC Aion's bonded plant in Thailand was officially approved, which is also GAC Group's first bonded plant overseas. On July 1, GAC Aion announced that the smart ecological factory in Thailand will be officially completed in mid-July, and the second-generation AION V will also roll off the assembly line globally.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Great Wall New Energy: a slight increase from the previous month

Great Wall Motor sold 26,107 new energy vehicles in June, a slight increase of 6% compared with 24,649 units in May. From January to June, a total of 132374 new energy vehicles were sold. Based on Great Wall's own channels and market pull in the field of fuel vehicles, Great Wall Motor's brands are fully transforming to new energy.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

NIO: Monthly sales hit a record high

In June 2024, NIO delivered a total of 21,209 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 98% and a record high. In the first half of 2024, NIO delivered a total of 87,426 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%.

At the same time, NIO, which focuses on energy replenishment systems, has steadily expanded its circle of friends. On June 26, NIO and FAW Hongqi officially reached a cooperation on charging network interconnection. In the past six months, a number of auto brands have reached cooperation with NIO in charging and swapping. At present, FAW Hongqi Changan, Geely, SAIC-GM, Xpeng, Jiyue, Lotus, Zhiji and other brands have reached charging interconnection with NIO.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Leapmotor: Deliveries exceeded 20,000 and hit a new high

Leapmotor delivered 20,116 vehicles in June, a record high, up 52.3% year-on-year and 10.7% month-on-month.

According to Zhu Jiangming, founder and chairman of Leapmotor, the SUV, the first model of Leapmotor's B series, is scheduled to be unveiled at this year's Paris Motor Show, and will launch three models in 2025, focusing on the 100,000-150,000 yuan market.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

ZEEKR: Monthly deliveries exceeded 20,000 units for the first time

ZEEKR delivered 20,106 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 89%, which is also the first time that ZEEKR delivered more than 20,000 vehicles in a month. From January to June, ZEEKR delivered a total of 87,870 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 106%.

According to Lin Jinwen, vice president of ZEEKR Intelligent Technology, the company will continue to improve the product matrix in the second half of the year, and medium and large pure electric SUVs and ZEEKR MIX will be launched in Q4.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Deep Blue Automobile: up 107% year-on-year

Deep Blue Automobile sold 16,659 vehicles in June, up 107% year-on-year. Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Automobile, said that it will achieve monthly sales of 30,000 units in the fourth quarter of this year. Deng Chenghao also said that the goal of Deep Blue Automobile is to become the first new energy vehicle company among state-owned enterprises to achieve breakthroughs in scale and profitability, and to build a new development pattern of "deep bit" of "state-owned enterprise Deep Blue, private enterprise BYD, and foreign enterprise Tesla".

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Xpeng: 24% year-on-year growth

Xpeng delivered 10,668 electric vehicles in June, up 24% year-on-year and 5% from the previous month; From January to June, Xpeng delivered 52,028 electric vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 26%.

Xpeng's sales target for this year is 280,000 units, which means that Xpeng Motors is under great pressure to achieve this year's target. For Xpeng Motors, although its sales exceeded 10,000 in June, there is still a certain gap with other new power brands, and it needs to re-examine its product strategy and market positioning and accelerate adjustment in order to reverse the status quo.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Nezha: Basically the same

Nezha Automobile delivered 10,206 vehicles in June, which was basically the same as 10,113 in May. On June 26, Hezhong New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. submitted a listing application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and Nezha Automobile may become the fifth new power car company to IPO in Hong Kong. Nezha Automobile said in the prospectus that it plans to continue to launch new models and implement rapid product iteration, focusing on products with higher prices; Further expand overseas markets and tailor products, services and strategies to the characteristics of each overseas market and customer needs to increase revenue and profitability.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Xiaomi Automobile: monthly sales of more than 10,000 units

According to official data from Xiaomi Auto, deliveries of the Xiaomi SU7 exceeded 10,000 units in June.

Since the first delivery of Xiaomi SU7 in early April, sales have continued to grow, becoming a dark horse among the new domestic forces. In order to speed up the delivery schedule, Xiaomi's car factory also began to implement double-shift production in June to increase delivery capacity. The delivery in June exceeded 10,000 as scheduled, and the specific figure Xiaomi Auto did not disclose, which may not be as good as internal expectations, and we look forward to the July data.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

BAIC BJEV: Sales in June were 9,574 units

Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. sold 9,574 vehicles in June, compared with 11,224 in the same period last year; The cumulative sales volume of this year was 28,011 units, a year-on-year decrease of 20.40%.

According to the relevant content of the 2024 BAIC Blue Valley performance communication meeting, one of the priorities of BAIC New Energy this year is to pay close attention to marketing, "all for the sake of quantity".

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

Zhiji Automobile: More than half of the young users of Zhiji L6

According to data released by Zhiji Auto, sales in June this year reached 6,015 units, an increase of 41% month-on-month and 200% year-on-year. On May 25, Zhihao L6 started nationwide delivery, and as of June 25, more than 4,100 units have been delivered. Among the users who lock the L6 of Zhiji, the post-95s and post-00s account for 54%.

In June, Zhiji Automobile and SAILCO Intelligent formed a consortium and was selected into the first batch of national intelligent networked vehicles L3 autonomous driving access and road access pilot list, and will take the lead in realizing unmanned and commercial application in Shanghai Lingang.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

VOYAH: Sales volume has grown steadily year-on-year

VOYAH delivered 5,507 vehicles in June, an increase of 83% year-on-year; The cumulative sales from January to June were 30,376 units, a year-on-year increase of 102%.

In June, VOYAH continued to expand its sales network layout, adding 5 VOYAH space stores and 3 full-featured user centers, covering 7 cities.

In June, new energy opened the gap! Ideal sold nearly 50,000, Wenjie broke 40,000, Extreme Krypton and Zero ran more than 20,000, and Xiaomi broke 10,000 as promised......

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Text: Zhao Lingling Editor: Xue Yapei Layout: Li Peiyang

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