
Today, I took a photo with the party flag

author:Chongqing rail transit
Today, I took a photo with the party flag

Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey


The party flag fluttered

It tells the glorious mission of the majority of party members

The party flag is bright

It witnessed the surging blood of the communists

Time passes

The years have changed

Beginning Mind Unchanged

The struggle continues

Today, I took a photo with the party flag

Press the shutter each time

You can hear the echoes of history

A photo

It's a tribute to the past

It is also with expectations for the future

Freeze in light and shadow

It's admiration and love

It is also identity and belonging

Today, I took a photo with the party flag
Today, I took a photo with the party flag
Today, I took a photo with the party flag
Today, I took a photo with the party flag
Today, I took a photo with the party flag
Today, I took a photo with the party flag

A group photo

A confession

A baptism

A vow

All of them are our sincerest respects

Love is written in the eyes

Enthusiasm in the heart

Today, I took a photo with the party flag


I took a photo with the party flag


Chongqing held a comprehensive emergency rescue drill for rail transit in extreme disaster weather

Liziba Station has launched a number of convenient services

Travel tips丨Entrance 3 of Erlang Station of the Ring Line resumes traffic

Text: Liu Chang

Image: Operating Companies 2, 3 and 4

Editor: Fan Run

Proofreader: Yi Ziying Editor: Su Yang Final review: Hu Xiaoxi

Today, I took a photo with the party flag

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