
The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expanded) meeting in 2024 Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

author:Daily Gansu
The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expanded) meeting in 2024 Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

Hu Changsheng emphasized at the special study (expansion) meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Theoretical Study Center Group

In-depth practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization

Effectively improve the capacity and level of territorial space governance

The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expanded) meeting in 2024 Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

On the afternoon of July 1, the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expansion) meeting in 2024 to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on territorial spatial planning. New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Meng Jie

The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expanded) meeting in 2024 on the afternoon of July 1 to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on territorial spatial planning. Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, presided over and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on territorial spatial planning, accurately grasp the directional, policy and internal logical requirements of territorial spatial planning and use control, promote the implementation of territorial spatial planning, effectively improve the ability and level of territorial spatial governance, and create new momentum and new advantages for the high-quality development of the province.

Provincial leaders Ren Zhenhe, Zhuang Guotai, Shi Moujun, Wang Fu, Cheng Xiaobo, Liu Changgen, Zhang Yongxia, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Wei, Liu Jianwei, Li Gang and others attended.

Zhuang Shaoqin, member of the party group and vice minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, was invited to give a counseling report.

Hu Changsheng emphasized that territorial spatial planning is a guide for spatial development, a spatial blueprint for sustainable development, and a basic basis for all kinds of development and protection activities. All relevant parties at all levels in the province should closely follow the implementation of the national strategy and strive to promote the spatial layout of the territory. Guided by the implementation of major national strategies, the strategy of main functional areas, and the strategy of new urbanization, and taking into account factors such as the natural geographical pattern, social development stage, population flow law, regional development situation, and industrial transfer trend, we should accelerate the construction of the "four levels and three categories" territorial spatial planning system, strengthen the integrated layout of urban construction, industrial development, energy development, and transportation network, optimize the layout of major infrastructure, major productive forces, and public resources, and highlight the strategic supporting function of territorial spatial planning. It is necessary to do a good job in the preparation and perfection of planning, and scientifically coordinate the land and space resources. Accelerate the special planning support, do a good job in the preparation of detailed planning, improve the quality and efficiency of village planning, coordinate and solve problems such as spatial overlap on the "one map" of land and spatial planning, strengthen the control of spatial form and style, promote the formation of an integrated, scientific and orderly urban and rural development spatial pattern, and take the road of connotative, intensive and green development. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of planning and implementation, and continue to strengthen the management and control of land and space. Adhere to the full-cycle and all-factor management, implement the regular assessment system of land and space planning, improve the control system for land and space use, and ensure that all levels of planning are connected in an orderly manner, with effective control and effective implementation. It is necessary to accelerate digital transformation and effectively empower the governance of territorial space. Comprehensively collect all kinds of data, build a monitoring network for the implementation of territorial spatial planning, improve the digital capacity and level of spatial governance, and better serve and ensure the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Gansu.

The meeting was held via video link to the county level. (New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Cui Yaming)

The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Provincial Party Committee held the seventh special study (expanded) meeting in 2024 Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

Source: New Gansu Daily Gansu Net

Editor in charge: Yang Yang Supervisor: Mu Haoqiang

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