
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly


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After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

In the past few days, I have received several marital emotional outpourings, these couples, some have been married for just three years, some have been married for more than ten years, some have children, and some have no children, but they all have a common characteristic, that is, they are not sure whether the other party still loves them, and I don't know if they should stick to it.

After listening to their confessions, I found that there is actually no love between these couples, but they are still holding on for the time being because of face, children and other reasons.

I didn't persuade them to divorce quickly, but I just helped them analyze the current situation, and I believe that they will make the most suitable choice for themselves.

So, what kind of husband and wife are loveless? If you're struggling, I'm going to summarize it for you. If there are these five manifestations between you, it means that there is no love between you anymore.

I suggest that you think about how you want to go forward in the future, and then be brave for yourself.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

Both felt that the other was vexatious

To love someone is to consider things from their point of view. Therefore, if a couple is in love, they will not feel that the other person is being vexatious when the other person has a temper, but will think about what the other person is asking for and what the problem between the two people is.

Then, they will find a solution to the problem, stabilize the other person's emotions, and also maintain the relationship between the two people in their own way.

That is, to love someone, to understand all his emotions, and not to be bored by his emotions.

On the contrary, if both people feel that the other party is vexatious, no matter what the other party says or does, they don't want to listen or respond, then there is really no need to persist in this relationship.

Whether you have no love for each other or no love for you, I think you should think carefully, after all, a good marriage is a two-way street, and two people need to understand each other.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

When there is a conflict, there is never communication

Good communication is the foundation of a good marriage. I've seen all couples who can be happy have a good way of communicating, whether it's a small argument or sitting down to have a good chat, they won't hurt each other with a cold war.

In fact, most people don't have any big problems in their marriages, but it's those trivial things that can easily wear out the feelings between two people.

Therefore, if you can solve the problem in a timely manner with appropriate communication, the relationship will get better and better, and if you can't, you may let the conflict accumulate little by little.

Once you understand this, you need to re-examine your marriage to see if the other person is willing to communicate with you, and whether you are willing to communicate with the other person.

If not, then I suggest you plan ahead, because sooner or later your marriage will come to an end.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

I always feel like I'm paying more

Marriage is not a reasonable place, and there is no way to calculate KPIs like a company, so there must be two people who are willing to pay for each other and can live in confusion to be truly happy.

Most of the women who confided in me were telling me how much they had contributed to the family, and so were their husbands, who had to make it clear how much they had spent on the family.

I asked her if she was tired, and they all said they were tired, but there was no way to stop.

Yes, when you don't love each other enough, you will want to get the other person to give you the same in return, and if you can't, you will be angry.

But my dear, how can the matter of feelings be clear, when you don't love someone, no matter how much he gives you, you will feel that it is not enough, and if you give a little yourself, you will feel too much.

At the end of the day, it's because you don't love each other anymore.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

Ignore any needs of the other person

One of the girls she confided in said she was really sad. In the past, as long as I said that I was a little unhappy, my husband would immediately shush and ask for warmth, and if I said what I wanted to eat, my husband would definitely remember it, but now, no matter what I say, the other party is indifferent.

Yes, in fact, this girl already has a comparison in her heart, and she also knows that the other party ignores all her needs because she doesn't love it, but she can't face it up to it.

Love or not love, obviously, can be reflected in every little detail. So my dear, if the other person always ignores your needs, then you don't have to hesitate, he just doesn't love you.

We don't need to deceive ourselves, and we don't need to make excuses for someone who doesn't love us, because it's really too humble and it is impossible to have true happiness.

Love yourself well, give yourself what you want, as for feelings, let it be, it's good if you have it, it's better without you, that's good.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly
After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

Impatient with each other

Blowing up at a point, saying that you are impatient to say anything, this is actually a clear manifestation that the other person no longer loves you, or that you no longer love the other person.

Some girls don't understand why their husbands are so impatient with them, or why they can't listen to each other patiently.

Actually, you just don't love it. Because I don't love, I am no longer willing to invest a little time and energy in each other. Because I don't love, I just want to stay away and be pure.

This is normal, people, just want to be with the people and things they like, and don't want to waste time and energy on unnecessary places.

I hope you can face this and don't continue to consume in this marriage no matter who you don't have love anymore, it really doesn't make sense.

After there is no love between husband and wife, there will be such 5 performances, don't be nostalgic and leave quickly

What should we do in the face of a loveless marriage? My advice, of course, is to stop losses in time.

But I know that it's not that easy, there are a lot of things to face, and not everyone can be so strong.

You can take your time and make up your mind little by little, but until then, please don't compromise and give up easily.

Please remember that your happiness should be decided by yourself, and you will be happier if you are sober and brave.

Marriage is not the whole of a person, even if it fails, it does not mean that your happy life is over.

So, make the best choice for yourself, and you will be happy.

I'm Xiyan, a columnist, an older girl who is neither old nor old, likes to write warm words, do emotional programs, and has published "The Rest of Your Life, Related to Me", if you have a story, remember to come to me.