
Theory and practice|Take new responsibilities and new actions to be a leader in high-quality and full employment

author:China Labor and Social Security News
Theory and practice|Take new responsibilities and new actions to be a leader in high-quality and full employment
Theory and practice|Take new responsibilities and new actions to be a leader in high-quality and full employment
Theory and practice|Take new responsibilities and new actions to be a leader in high-quality and full employment

On the new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee has carried out collective learning on promoting high-quality and full employment, which fully reflects the great importance that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core attaches to employment work and sincerely feels for the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, which is strategic, rich in connotation and profound in thought, has pointed out the direction of progress and provided a fundamental guide for us to do a good job in employment in the new era and new journey and promote high-quality and full employment.

Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, is a large city with a large economy, a large population and a large employment city, and it has a great responsibility and a glorious mission in thoroughly implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and promoting high-quality and full employment. The Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security will profoundly grasp the strategic and fundamental role of employment work in the overall cause of the Party and the country, deeply understand the historic achievements and valuable experience of employment work, insist on taking employment work as an important task of the economic city, do everything possible to promote the steady growth of employment and the effective improvement of quality, and show Guangzhou's role and responsibility in the overall situation of national employment.

Adhere to the employment-first strategy

Multi-dimensional linkage improves the employment driving force of development

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we must unswervingly implement the new development concept" and "build an employment-friendly development mode". To solve the employment problem, we must fundamentally rely on development. It is necessary not only to scientifically grasp the relationship between quantity and quality, but also to adhere to the organic combination of an effective market and a promising government.

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Guangzhou's economy has developed steadily and healthily, and its GDP has exceeded 3 trillion yuan, laying a solid foundation for the steady expansion of employment. The city's urban employment was 1,066,400, 96.95% of the "14th Five-Year Plan" target, with an average annual income of more than 300,000, accounting for about 1/4 of the province, and the city's employed population exceeded 11 million, and the employment capacity continued to expand. In the next step, we will unswervingly implement the new development concept, more consciously take high-quality and full employment as the priority goal of economic and social development, implement the employment priority-oriented macro-control policy, give full play to the role of the city's employment work as a coordinating agency, and build an integrated promotion mechanism with the overall leadership of the party committee and the government, horizontal coordination of departments, vertical integration of the system, and extensive participation of the society, and promote the financial, investment, consumption, industry, regional and other policies to tilt towards employment, gather resources for employment, and strengthen strength for employment. Focusing on the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, we will further promote the "Millions and Thousands Project", the establishment of a manufacturing city, and the ecological construction of a green and beautiful Guangzhou, implement the three projects of "Cantonese Cuisine Master, Guangdong Technician, and Nanyue Housekeeping" and optimize the household policy, aim at the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, develop new quality productivity according to local conditions, improve the modern industrial system, vigorously support the development of industries and enterprises, make the process of high-quality development a process of improving the quality and expansion of employment, and continuously improve the employment driving force for development.

Focus on solving employment contradictions

Multi-point breakthroughs have been made to strengthen human resource development

General Secretary Xi Jinping demanded that "we should scientifically study and judge the development trend of human resources" and "make overall plans for education, training and employment". Strengthening the development and utilization of human resources is an important measure to enhance the employment and entrepreneurship ability of workers, alleviate structural employment contradictions, and promote the expansion of employment.

At present, the total number of professional and technical talents in the city is 2.12 million and the total number of skilled talents is 3.88 million, accounting for 18.93% and 34.65% of the employees respectively, and the employment structure continues to be optimized. In the next step, we will take solving the problems of "no one to do work" and "no one to work" as a breakthrough point, scientifically study and judge the impact of aging, artificial intelligence, and industrial upgrading on the development trend of human resources, and strengthen the research on employment theory. Intensify efforts to cultivate specialized and skilled talents, make overall plans for education, training and employment, vigorously develop technical education, optimize the layout of vocational colleges, improve the lifelong vocational skills training system, vigorously carry out vocational skills training, strengthen the construction of public training bases, strengthen the social service capacity of technical colleges, expand service areas, accelerate the construction of the "industry-education evaluation" skill ecological chain, and build a talent evaluation system oriented by innovative value, ability and contribution. Implement the "multiplication plan" of the human resources service industry, develop a professional industry talent market, and enhance the development level of the human resources service industry in serving the construction of the "Belt and Road" and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Improve employment promotion mechanisms

Take multiple measures to support the employment of key groups

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "it is necessary to improve the employment support policies for key groups". College graduates, veterans and other groups are important human resources and valuable assets for urban development.

Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", the implementation rate of graduates from colleges and universities in Guangzhou has remained stable at more than 95% every year, more than 130,000 urban unemployed people have been re-employed, more than 40,000 people with employment difficulties have been re-employed, and more than 5.8 million non-local workers have been employed in Guangzhou. In the next step, the employment of young people such as college graduates will be the top priority, and the "Ten Actions" of "Winning in Guangzhou" for the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates will be innovatively carried out, and the market-oriented and socialized employment channels will be continuously expanded. We will polish the labor cooperation service brand of "Shanhai Xinlian Home", do a good job in the employment of migrant workers in Guangzhou, and resolutely stabilize the poverty alleviation population in their posts, enterprises and Guangzhou. Dynamically adjust the criteria for identifying persons with employment difficulties, coordinate the placement of all kinds of public welfare positions, carry out follow-up services for the unemployed, and implement hierarchical and categorical assistance to ensure that "zero-employment families" are dynamically cleared. Promote the "mother post" employment model, improve the employment security system for veterans, the disabled, and women, and promote multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship.

Improve the employment support system

Multi-directional efforts to improve public service capabilities

General Secretary Xi Jinping demanded that "improve the employment public service system and improve the employment public service system". All-round public employment services are an important measure to do a good job in employment.

In recent years, Guangzhou has built a comprehensive employment public service system, with 318 "doorstep" employment stations, 97 college employment and entrepreneurship e-stations, and 26 gig markets. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", a total of more than 7.5 billion yuan of employment subsidies at all levels have been disbursed, benefiting 3.37 million people, and the sense of gain of workers has been continuously improved. In the next step, we will take the implementation of the national public employment service capacity improvement demonstration project as the starting point, implement the "eight major actions" such as data empowerment and Leye Yangcheng, and implement the "big data + iron footboard" work model to comprehensively promote the quality and efficiency of employment services. Promote the expansion and quality of grassroots employment service platform systems such as "doorstep" employment stations, college employment and entrepreneurship e-stations, and gig markets. Promote "park employment", "community employment", "bay area employment", "urban employment" and "rural employment" global employment, build 100 high-quality employment communities (villages), implement the "leading plan" for employment training, carry out employment services into the grid, and strive to promote the improvement of the quality of employment services in the whole region in terms of overall planning, platforms, teams, guarantees, and incentives.

Strengthen the protection of employment rights and interests

Pluralistic governance creates a fair employment environment

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "improve labor laws and regulations, standardize labor standards for new forms of employment, improve the social security system, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers".

In recent years, Guangzhou has continued to improve the coordination mechanism of labor relations, built the country's first harmonious labor relations theme park, created the country's first new business employment security alliance, innovatively implemented the trusteeship of labor relations affairs for small and micro enterprises, realized "one-stop" wage arrears rights protection services, and created a total of 4,364 harmonious enterprises. In the next step, we will further promote the construction of harmonious labor relations by promoting the high-quality development reform and innovation pilot of harmonious labor relations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Improve the mechanism of collective wage negotiation and normal increase, steadily and prudently adjust the minimum wage standard, and promote a reasonable increase in labor remuneration. Develop a multi-level social security system and continue to expand insurance coverage. Strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of workers in flexible employment and new forms of employment, expand pilot projects for occupational injury protection, and establish a one-stop comprehensive mediation center for new forms of employment. Vigorously promote online mediation, remote hearings and asynchronous trials, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of dispute handling. Strengthen labor security supervision and law enforcement, make every effort to promote the construction of wage payment monitoring and early warning platforms, investigate and deal with employment discrimination, wage arrears, illegal layoffs and other violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and ensure harmonious and orderly labor relations and overall social stability.

Editor丨Yan Jun

Theory and practice|Take new responsibilities and new actions to be a leader in high-quality and full employment