
Qingshuihe Street: Haixinsha Square carried out fire drills

author:Wanxi Online Network

In order to enhance the fire safety awareness and fire extinguishing and remediation ability of Haixinsha complex, enhance the fire safety awareness of merchants, improve the ability to respond to emergencies, understand and master the basic knowledge of fire safety, enhance self-protection ability, and ensure the safety of life and property of merchants and surrounding residents. Recently, Qingshuihe Street and Liuyuan Community jointly held the "2024 Haixinsha Square Fire Fighting Drill" activity.

Qingshuihe Street: Haixinsha Square carried out fire drills

In line with the theme of "prevention first, life first", the drill further strengthened the fire safety management of the complex, so that merchants could have a deeper understanding of fire safety knowledge, strengthen safety awareness and master the response and escape skills to sudden fires, enhance self-protection capabilities, and further strengthen fire safety accident prevention.

Qingshuihe Street: Haixinsha Square carried out fire drills

First of all, an evacuation drill was carried out, and the people in the mall were evacuated to the square by the guide through different fire escapes. At the same time, the mall carries out gas emergency disposal and other subjects, and the Xinao gas team members will carry out on-site rescue, and gather in the square after the rescue. Secondly, explain the use and operation of fire-fighting equipment in the square, that is, the use of fire-fighting equipment and dry powder fire extinguishers, the wearing method of fire-fighting clothing, the basic knowledge and operation of water bag throwing and water bag rolling, and other related skills drills. Carry out fire extinguishing drills on site, and strive for each trainee to use fire extinguishers to extinguish fires correctly.

Through this drill, the ability of merchants and surrounding residents to deal with fire accidents, self-rescue and mutual rescue has been further improved, and merchants are familiar with the process of fire emergency plan and on-site emergency operation. (Chen Feng)

Qingshuihe Street: Haixinsha Square carried out fire drills
Qingshuihe Street: Haixinsha Square carried out fire drills