
Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

author:Everybody is a product manager
For financial products, such as credit cards, Xiaohongshu provides an excellent platform to connect with a younger user base. In this article, we will delve into how major joint-stock banks are deploying their credit card business on Xiaohongshu, analyze their strategies and results, and provide insights into bank brand building and user mind-building.
Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

When it comes to planting grass, we have to mention Xiaohongshu.

As a content and lifestyle platform, Xiaohongshu pays more attention to realism and professionalism than other platforms, and as a result, it has a large and active young user base, which provides a great opportunity for credit cards.

Today, I will talk to you about the layout of major stock banks in Xiaohongshu.

Before starting the main text, let's answer a question, that is, does the credit card need to be laid out in Xiaohongshu?

From the user's point of view, Yiding feels that it is needed.

Some time ago, when I was doing business, I took a credit card from a large state-owned bank by the way, and the whole process was sold next to tell each step how to deal with it, even if I didn't choose a card, I didn't introduce too much, according to the fastest process, it would take at least 20 minutes.

In other words, although there is no threshold for credit cards to be used, they are actually more complex financial instruments with various terms behind them. Moreover, there are many credit cards in various banks, and it is difficult to get a credit card that suits you.

For this kind of complex product, users need some professional advice when handling it.

It just so happened that I saw the top search terms of Xiaohongshu's banking industry in May, and the popularity of credit cards is still relatively high, in other words, banks are "planting" credit cards in Xiaohongshu, and there is a high probability that there will be stable traffic.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

To get back to the point, since Xiaohongshu is worth doing, how are the major stock banks doing?

A total of 9 joint-stock banks were selected, which can be simply divided into three echelons:

The first echelon, the leader

There are three banks in this file, namely China Merchants, CITIC and Ping An, and the threshold of this file is that there are more than 10,000 fans, and they have a certain amount of voice on Xiaohongshu.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

The content of the notes is similar, basically the activities of each bank, card product introduction, etc., here is the introduction of the little red book of China Merchants Bank, there is a detail that is very interesting.

Generally, when you click on the favorite button of the official account, it is simple to set it invisible.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

But in fact, if this button exists, there will be some traffic, and it is a waste to rudely set it invisible. China Merchants Bank used the "Collection" button to make 6 albums, which made good use of this part of the traffic.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

Click on it to see a lot of content posted by KOLs, and some brands of China Merchants Bank will be exposed.

China Merchants Bank Credit Card has created a matrix of self-media KOLs, and if the notes of the official account have a good response, you can use some waist KOLs to promote and verify them in a larger traffic pool.

You can pull it up and take a look, China Merchants Bank credit card ranks TOP5 in Xiaohongshu's bank search keywords.

The second echelon, the chaser

They are Pudong Development, Everbright and Guangfa, these three banks have layouts in Xiaohongshu, and the least Guangfa also sent 19 notes, but there is basically no splash, not only the number of fans does not exceed 10,000, but the likes and favorites do not exceed 10,000, and there is still a gap with the first three.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

The third echelon, the crowd of onlookers

This echelon is Xingye, Minsheng and Huaxia, Xingye sent a note, wrote an introduction, and then there is no more, which is equivalent to not starting, and Minsheng and Huaxia have not opened accounts, these three echelons form the onlookers, and they have not yet figured out whether to do it.

The above is the operation of the official account, and the situation of each stock bank is already relatively clear, so let's talk about "search mind".

On Xiaohongshu, users learn about and discover content of interest through keywords, and for brands, they can occupy certain keywords and seize the segmentation track by continuously outputting high-quality content.

For example, overseas consumption has been popular recently, and I searched for "overseas consumption" in Xiaohongshu, and there are many evaluation contents, but there are also some interesting findings.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

For example, this content of the official account of China Merchants Bank is recommended to be in a higher position.

Another interesting thing is that the upper right corner is the Pudong Development Credit Card user posting orders, which is actually a very good brand exposure, and the official account can also bring some traffic if it follows up at this time.

Search for the "car owner card" again, and it is obvious that Ping An has made a layout.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

This kind of keyword needs to continue to output content, combined with KOL to promote together, and at the same time, it should also allow users to post and interact with the official account, and the creativity of UGC is endless.

For banks, it is necessary to pay attention to the placeholder of this kind of keyword, firmly occupy the minds of users, and thus build a brand.

And the brand is always the most stable traffic.

For banks, it is necessary to continue to output high-quality content in the core field of credit cards, cooperate with the KOL system and search keywords, so as to occupy the minds of users, distinguish themselves from other brands, and cultivate their own super fans.

Finally, a few digressions, in Yiding's view, credit card users can be simply divided into several categories:

The first category, TX customers, this cannot be avoided, and the existence is reasonable;

The second category, wool customers, one is black and gray products, which the bank cracks down on, and the other is ordinary wool customers, as long as it is not excessive, the bank still welcomes it.

The third category, non-inductive customers, may be a favor to a friend or a card for a certain card opening gift, purely as a payment tool, these customers do not have much value contribution to the bank's credit card business, and they are not brand recognition, and they are relatively easy to lose.

Yiding believes that if credit cards want to continue to develop, they must focus on deploying the fourth type of customers, that is, users who really feel about credit cards, and super fans of the brand.

Such users will continue to move the card, will spread and share, will help the brand promote online, and even help the brand public relations when there is negative public opinion.

Which credit cards of stock banks are laying out Xiaohongshu?

For banks, it is necessary to have clear values and product propositions, and then integrate functional, lifestyle and cultural values through a series of operational means such as rights, services, incentives, points, and memberships, and finally integrate credit cards into users' lifestyles.

Such a credit card, or super product, cannot be surpassed.

This article is written by Everyone is a Product Manager Author【一丁小站】, WeChat public account: [一丁小站], original/authorized Published in Everyone is a product manager, without permission, it is forbidden to reprint.

Image from Unsplash, based on the CC0 license.