
The "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition of the All-Army Academies and Universities opened at Mulan Lake

author:Great beauty Huangpi


On the morning of July 1, the 2024 "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition kicked off at the Mulan Lake Campus of the Naval University of Engineering, and 27 contestants from 9 colleges and universities participated in the obstacle race. They fought tenaciously and ran the field, and performed well, winning bursts of applause from the audience.

The reporter saw at the obstacle course site that the track is about 305 meters long, and there are 8 obstacles from the starting point to the finish line: high hurdles, balance beams, cylinders, high boards, column watertight doors, long jump bunkers, tunnels, and oblique cables.

The "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition of the All-Army Academies and Universities opened at Mulan Lake

Competitors pass cylinder obstacles. Photo by Yangtze River Daily reporter He Xiaogang

Cao Weichen, a contestant from the Naval University of Engineering team, participated in the obstacle race of the day and completed the course in 1 minute and 35 seconds. He said that as an obstacle courser, his strength, speed, agility, endurance and anti-vertigo ability have been rigorously tested.

It is understood that Cao Weichen is a native of Shangrao, Jiangxi, his great-grandfather was a Red Army soldier, and his cousin was also a soldier. Since he was a child, he has been yearning for life in the barracks. In 2016, after graduating from high school, he signed up for the army and was assigned to serve in a certain department of the Navy. During his service in the army, he conscientiously studied, trained hard, performed well, and was awarded one second-class meritorious service and one third-class meritorious service, and joined the Communist Party of China with honor. In 2022, due to his excellent overall performance, he was escorted to the Naval University of Engineering to study and became a cadet.

The "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition of the All-Army Academies and Universities opened at Mulan Lake

Competitors overcome the "diagonal" obstacle. Photo by Yangtze River Daily reporter He Xiaogang

Cao Weichen said that by participating in the obstacle course of the Navy pentathlon, he saw the gap between himself and the better athletes. In the future, he should learn from his outstanding comrades-in-arms, take part in training more seriously, study harder, and strive to forge himself into an excellent soldier.

The reporter saw at the scene that day that when a player participated in the obstacle race, his left foot accidentally hit the railing in the process of crossing the first obstacle hurdle. But he didn't quit the race, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, he continued to push forward, and successfully overcame the series of obstacles behind him to finish the race.

The "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition of the All-Army Academies and Universities opened at Mulan Lake

Competitors pass the high board obstacles. Photo by Yangtze River Daily reporter He Xiaogang

"How to fight a battle, how to train a soldier." Kan Bin, coach of the Naval University of Engineering team, said in an interview with reporters that in the obstacle race that day, all the contestants performed very well, and fully displayed the tenacious struggle, brave and fearless spirit of the military and their good military qualities in front of everyone.

Kan Bin introduced that the various obstacles that appear in the obstacle course of the Navy Pentathlon Competition are set up in strict accordance with the requirements of actual combat, and they are also the embodiment of the obstacles that naval soldiers may encounter in combat readiness training and actual combat. In order to test the contestants' ability to resist dizziness and open and close watertight doors, there is a "pillar watertight door" obstacle in the obstacle race, and the contestants must quickly rotate around each of the six columns, and then accurately throw the simulated grenade into the open simulated watertight door 10 meters away, and then drill through the simulated watertight door......

The "Strong Army Cup" Navy Pentathlon Competition of the All-Army Academies and Universities opened at Mulan Lake

Competitors pass through the "Pillar Watertight Gate" obstacle. Photo by Yangtze River Daily reporter He Xiaogang

Kan explained that in order to improve the resistance to sinking, warships were often divided into multiple compartments, and there were watertight doors between the cabins. In peacetime training and actual combat, the fighters need to quickly pass through the watertight door and close it tightly to prevent the seawater from rushing into the adjacent compartment in the event of damage to the ship's cabin in the event of an attack. This is the reason why in the Naval Pentathlon obstacle course, the ability of competitors to quickly pass through and close the simulated watertight door is tested.

Kan Bin introduced that frogmen who carry out special tasks such as sabotage in the navy sometimes need to climb out of the submarine's torpedo tubes, and submariners must also master the technology of drilling out of the torpedo tubes in order to escape. In the obstacle course of the Navy Pentathlon Competition, there is a tunnel climbing competition for competitors. The tunnel that the contestants have to climb is equivalent to the submarine torpedo tubes that naval fighters need to climb over when they are on a mission.

The reporter learned that Kan Bin was an excellent swimmer in the swimming profession. He also served as the chief referee of the Navy pentathlon at the 7th Military World Games in 2019.