
They, the city is advanced!

author:Great beauty Huangpi

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

On June 28, the Wuhan "Two Excellence and One First" Commendation Conference was held

11 people in Huangpi District won the "Outstanding Communist Party Members of the City"

6 people won the "city's outstanding party workers"

12 grassroots party organizations won the "city's advanced grassroots party organizations"

Salute to role models

Learn from role models

Let's take a look

Their deeds

Outstanding Communist Party member of the city

They, the city is advanced!

Lu Dong, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Huangpi District Taxation Bureau of Wuhan City, State Administration of Taxation

Concerned about the overall situation of development, strive to take responsibility, and practice the Zheng Zheng oath with life. In the organization of tax revenue, optimization of the business environment, promotion of tax collection and management reform and other work, take the lead in setting an example, bravely shoulder heavy burdens, with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", lead the cadres of the tax system to work hard, overcome difficulties, and contribute to the high-quality development of the whole region. He has been awarded the honorary title of "Expert in Tax Collection and Management of the National Taxation System".

They, the city is advanced!

Yi Qinghong, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Judicial Office of Wuhan Panlongcheng Economic Development Zone, Huangpi District Judicial Bureau

In the past ten years, he has taken root in the grassroots frontline, provided more than 40,000 legal consultations, mediated 120 major and difficult disputes, and achieved a 100% success rate in mediation, a 100% case completion rate, a 100% return visit rate, and a 100% satisfaction rate among the masses, and was awarded the "National Model People's Mediator".

We will continue to polish the brand of "mediation room", practice the original mission of "justice for the people" with practical actions, and contribute to the construction of Ping An Huangpi.

- Yi Qinghong

They, the city is advanced!

Nie Quan is the general manager of Wuhan Mulan Grassland Tourism Development Co., Ltd

Adhere to the party building throughout the whole process of enterprise operation and development, and successfully build the only national 5A-level scenic spot in Central China with the theme of grassland style. Pay attention to the interconnection of villages and enterprises, stand up for social responsibility, drive 18 villages, 1,600 households, 6,400 people around the scenic spot to work, and the per capita annual income reaches more than 80,000 yuan, Mulan Grassland Company won the "18th People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award - Rural Revitalization Award".

The times call for responsibility, and the mission urges people to forge ahead. We will focus on the action deployment of the district committee's "integration of agriculture and tourism", dare to be the mainstay, and show the responsibility of the enterprise in promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

- Nie Quan

They, the city is advanced!

Lu Xiangwei is a member of the Party Committee and vice principal of Huangpi District No. 1 Middle School

Adhering to the original intention of education, rooted in the front line of teaching, insisting on leading classes, and during his tenure as the grade director, he led the team of teachers to overcome difficulties, and the first rate and 600 points in the province hit the highest in history.

I will keep in mind the original mission of educating people, always adhere to the student-oriented, constantly innovate teaching methods, and strive to cultivate more outstanding socialist builders and successors.

- Lu Xiangwei

They, the city is advanced!

Zhang Xinwei Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Laboratory Department of Huangpi District People's Hospital

Deeply cultivate the field of clinical chemistry testing and laboratory quality control and management, and strive to promote the development and application of new technologies such as respiratory virus nucleic acid detection and clinical application of microbial mass spectrometry, so as to help the high-quality development of hospitals; Practice the benevolence of doctors, adhere to the purpose of serving clinics and patients, and interpret the mission of party members with actions. In 2023, the Laboratory Department of the hospital was awarded the "Hubei Provincial Excellent Clinical Laboratory Quality Control Sub-center".

I will practice the original mission of the Communist Party members, carry forward the professional spirit of saving lives and helping the wounded, and be willing to contribute, and continue to strive and make unremitting efforts to protect people's lives and health and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of health care.

- Zhang Xinwei

They, the city is advanced!

Peng Wei is the head of the first squadron directly under the Huangpi District Urban Management Law Enforcement Inspector Brigade

Over the past 14 years, he has insisted on not fading after retiring from the army, and has taken the lead in the front line in urgent and difficult tasks such as city appearance renovation and illegal demolition control, and has solidly promoted the great improvement of the quality of the city of "clean, green, bright and beautiful", and has been awarded the honorary titles of "The Most Beautiful City Manager" and "Huangpi Model".

I will continue to improve the level of civilized and standardized law enforcement, and be a good "guardian" of the beautiful Huangpi.

——Peng Wei

They, the city is advanced!

Cheng Lili, member of the party group and deputy director of Huangpi District Public Resources Trading Center

As a doctor of agronomy, he has been rooted in the front line of grassroots inspection and testing for more than ten years, shouldering the dual mission of technology leadership and team building, and striving to build and upgrade three major laboratories such as animal disease testing, agricultural testing, and food testing, helping Huangpi to successfully be awarded the National Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Zone, and he was personally awarded the honorary titles of the first batch of "Mulan Professionals" and the district-level "The Most Beautiful Women Struggler".

All the past is prologue. In my new position, I will continue to work hard, work hard, and create first-class performance with a first-class style.

- Cheng Lili

They, the city is advanced!

Chen Jing Secretary of the Party Branch, Chairman of the Labor Union, and Deputy General Manager of the Human Resources Distribution Center of Wuhan Aidi Knitting Industry Co., Ltd

Adhere to the party building and business to grasp and promote, and lead party members and employees to promote the transformation and upgrading of Aidi Knitting from traditional garment manufacturing to green and intelligent manufacturing. Aidi has become one of the top 100 garment enterprises in China and the only national (the only one in the knitted garment industry) intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project, and its products are exported to more than 50 countries and regions around the world. He won the 2022 Wuhan "May Day Labor Medal".

I will continue to lead the company's party members and employees to promote industrial transformation and upgrading in the spirit of "breaking through", and make new contributions to the high-quality development of the whole region.

——Chen Jing

They, the city is advanced!

Liu Cui'e is the head of Liu Xiaoya Family Farm in Qijiawan, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, and Liu Cui'e Planting Professional Cooperative in Wuhan City

Liu Cui'e planting professional cooperative was established, and villagers were organized to use land as shares, and villagers were recruited to work nearby on the farm. The radiation has driven more than 300 surrounding villagers to develop characteristic breeding industries, and has driven the average annual income of farmers to increase by more than 40,000 yuan. In 2023, he will be rated as a "National Agricultural and Rural Model Worker" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

I will take root in the fertile soil of Huangpi, work hard, forge ahead, expand and strengthen the agricultural, cultural and tourism industry, drive more villagers to increase their income and become rich, and help Huangpi comprehensively promote rural revitalization.

- Liu Cui'e

They, the city is advanced!

Chen Yue, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager of Wuhan Magnolia Township Tourism Development Co., Ltd

He led the team to launch a major cultural tourism project - Mulan Never Sleeps City, which has become a new landmark for Wuhan tourism check-in. After the completion of the project, the tourist reception volume of Magnolia Township Scenic Area has increased from an average of 800,000 to 2.1 million per year; The direct income from tourism has increased from 50 million yuan to 230 million yuan, the number of direct employment has increased from more than 200 to more than 600, and the number of indirect employment has increased from 3,000 to more than 10,000.

I will lead the Magnolia Township team to innovate and continue to struggle, further expand the scale of the scenic spot, continuously improve the quality and connotation of the scenic spot, and promote the revitalization of Huangpi countryside with the integrated development of culture and tourism.

——Chen Yue

They, the city is advanced!

Li Ying, cadre of the Investment Promotion Section of the Huangpi District Bureau of Commerce

Really work hard, work skillfully and well, and help the Huangpi District Bureau of Commerce to rank second in the city in terms of the scale of industrial projects in 2023, and the progress and scale of actual use of foreign capital and the signed projects are making steady progress.

I will closely focus on the transformation of the district committee to break through the "nine major actions", and use my best efforts to contribute to the investment promotion of advantageous industries, the whole industry chain, and the main park in the whole region, and help the construction of a strong socialist modern region.

——Li Ying

Outstanding party workers in the city

They, the city is advanced!

Zhang Qian, Secretary of the Party Branch and Personnel Director of Wuhan Fodi Battery Co., Ltd

Foday Battery plays the vanguard role of Party members, promotes Party members to be competent for key positions, carries out key tackling, helps Foday Battery complete the leap from landing to production, accelerates the construction of the largest blade power battery production base in Central China, and realizes the global exhibition and sales of "Huangpi Made" batteries.

We will actively participate in the "industrial turnaround" action of the district committee, seize the opportunity, practice internal skills, lead the high-quality development of the enterprise with party building, and contribute to the rebuilding of a 100 billion Huangpi.

——Zhang Qian

They, the city is advanced!

Zhang Shijun, Deputy Director of Huangpi District Big Data Center, Deputy Director of the District Bureau of Commerce (temporary post)

To create a party building brand of "Numbers Say the Original Heart, Wisdom First", it has been reported by media at all levels such as People's Daily and Hubei Daily more than ten times. As the person in charge of investment promotion of Huangpi District Bureau of Commerce in Shanghai, he has in-depth docking with 105 key enterprises and signed 7 projects, including 3 projects with more than 100 million yuan. The Huangpi District Resident Team was rated as the "2023 Red Flag Team" by the Municipal Office in Shanghai.

I will take honor as a starting point, set sail again, insist on grasping the party affairs of the unit with one hand and attracting investment with the other, and strive to attract more investment, good business, and big business, so as to contribute to the transformation of Huangpi and the realization of high-quality development.

- Zhang Shijun

They, the city is advanced!

Cai Feng Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Caiguantian Village, Caijiazhuo Street, Huangpi District

Always put party building and rural revitalization in a prominent position, lead the party members and the masses to base themselves on the actual conditions of the village, deeply excavate red resources such as Cai Yichen's showroom and Cai Jimin's former residence, accelerate the construction of red beautiful villages, vigorously develop village-level characteristic industries, realize the integrated development of agriculture and tourism, and highlight the results of strengthening villages and enriching the people. In 2024, Cai Yichen's showroom will be awarded the "Hubei Provincial Family Style Tutoring Practice Education Base".

Chasing the wind and catching the moon does not stay, and the end of the flat is the spring mountain. I will continue to lead the party branch to press ahead, work hard, and strive to answer the "new examination paper" of rural revitalization.

——Cai Feng

They, the city is advanced!

Wang Honggang Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Office of Changxuanling Street, Huangpi District

Using the concept of co-creation, we explored the "four modes" of village-enterprise interconnection, industry promotion, regional linkage, and party-mass interaction, which drove the collective annual income of 4 villages in the Dongfeng area of Changxuanling Street to 150,000 yuan and helped more than 120 villagers to find employment. Continue to polish the party building brand of "one party member helps three households", and the relevant experience and practices have been publicized and reported by the "China Organization and Personnel News".

I will bravely shoulder heavy burdens, work hard, and use the "big pattern" of party building to gather "great synergy" and help "great development".

- Wang Honggang

They, the city is advanced!

Wu Jianzheng is a member of the Party Leadership Group of Huangpi District Economic Informatization and Science and Technology Innovation Bureau

Do a good job in the source construction of the party members and cadres, and promote the double promotion of "party building + business" of the organs. Focusing on the goal of "rejuvenating the district with science and technology and strengthening the industrial zone", it participated in the drafting of policies and measures such as "12 articles on industrial Internet", "8 articles on information innovation" and "15 articles on scientific and technological innovation", and made positive contributions to the creation of "top 100 national innovation zones" in Huangpi.

I will work hard to do a good job in the work of party building in organs and stimulate the vitality of the party members. Take the lead in hard work, pragmatic innovation, hard work and dedication, and strive to be the vanguard in the in-depth implementation of the "Science and Technology Innovation Breakthrough Action" by the district committee.

- Wu Jianzheng

They, the city is advanced!

Qiu Hongwei Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Office of Tianhe Street, Huangpi District

Actively explore the "party building + petition" model, learn from the "Fengqiao experience", and lead the street petition office to receive more than 840 visits from the masses, actively resolve disputes and solve practical problems. Work hard, bravely take on the construction tasks of provincial and municipal key projects such as the third runway of the airport and the high-speed rail along the Yangtze River, innovate the establishment of temporary party organizations in the project chain, adhere to the leadership of the branch and the leadership of party members, and smoothly guarantee the project land. In 2020, he was awarded the third-class merit by the Huangpi District Party Committee and the District Government.

I will adhere to the guidance of party building, fully activate the vitality of grassroots organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in serving the masses and industrial development, and contribute wisdom and strength to the economic and social development of Tianhe Street.

- Qiu Hongwei

They, the city is advanced!

Cherish the honor and make persistent efforts

Fight bravely and charge ahead

For the cause of the party and the people

Make new and greater contributions