
A new track of innovation and development - a sidenote of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs

author:Great River Network
A new track of innovation and development - a sidenote of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs

The launching ceremony of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs was held in Luohe City.

A new track of innovation and development - a sidenote of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs

Young cadres of provincial organs conducted research in Shuanghui Group, Zhaoling District, Luohe City.

A new track of innovation and development - a sidenote of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs

Young cadres of provincial organs conducted research in the Zhongyuan Food Laboratory in Yuncheng District, Luohe City.

A new track of innovation and development - a sidenote of the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs

Young cadres of provincial organs investigated Weilong Food Co., Ltd. in Luohe Economic Development Zone.

□ Ma Chao Wang Ziwei

A new process - relying on the "Beijing" brand instant noodles in Nanjie Village, Linying County, which has been booming for more than 30 years, produces fresh noodles that sell well at home and abroad, and once again detonates consumers' "memory on the tip of the tongue";

A new project, Henan Zhongda Hengyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., is the world's only full-color, full-industry chain natural color manufacturer, leading the formulation of a number of national food safety standards;

The first-class laboratory - Luohe only took 8 months to build and operate the Central Plains Food Laboratory, academicians led the project, doctors gathered to engage in research, and quickly built a highland of scientific and technological innovation in the food industry in the province and even the whole country.

Not long ago, the ninth phase of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs jointly organized by the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Political Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee and undertaken by the Working Committee of the Organs directly under the Luohe Municipal Party Committee was launched in Luohe.

In the face of the ever-changing Luohe, more than 30 young cadres from provincial organs focused on the theme of "developing new quality productivity and boosting the high-quality development of the food industry", and looked for their own answers in the beautiful land of Shali.

When you go out to investigate, you can see all the methods

"Investigation and research is not about holding a 'set script', taking a 'designated line', and listening to a 'report on experience', but through the combination of 'dots and lines', beads form a chain, forming a panoramic composition of local development. It is necessary to 'melt in' and 'jump out', both to 'squat' and 'stand up'. Liang Dong, a young cadre of Henan Daily, who participated in this survey, was moved.

Investigation and research is a microscope for understanding the actual situation, a telescope for young cadres to broaden their horizons, and a compulsory course and basic skill for the growth of young cadres.

In order to cultivate young cadres directly under the provincial government in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to struggle, from 2020, the Working Committee of the organs directly under the Provincial Party Committee has organized and carried out nine research and practice activities, so that the young cadres in the organs have the opportunity to go to the grassroots level to temper their party spirit, temper their style, think and understand.

"After nine research and practice activities, we have received feedback from many young people directly under the provincial government. One of the most impressive is that a young cadre mentioned in his experience that 'all the problems encountered in the office are problems, and all the solutions I see when I go down to investigate and investigate' are the most impressive. Guo Xiaoda, director of the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Youth League Work Department, said frankly.

In the ninth phase of the research and practice activities, 346 young cadres went to the grassroots frontline, and some of them participated in two surveys;

Focusing on the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the in-depth implementation of the "Ten Strategies", the high-quality development of the local economy, and the strengthening of party building, 356 targeted and constructive opinions and suggestions were put forward;

175 high-quality research reports were formed;

Gather more than 340 experiences of young cadres......

These figures have become a report card of the research and practice activities of young cadres of provincial organs, and also polished the brand of improving the "seven abilities" of young cadres of organs.

Immersed in the "specialized, special and new", I found the development code

"Among the 360,000 cadres in the province, I can participate in this high-level research and practice activity, which is a very rare opportunity to learn and improve." After the research activities, Chen Fang, a young cadre of the Provincial Party Committee, was deeply touched.

The provincial young cadres used "specialized, special and new" to describe this squatting research and practice activity.

"Specialized", the working committee of the organs directly under the provincial party committee takes the strengthening of investigation and research capabilities as the main starting point for improving the "seven abilities", maintains focus, often does new things, focuses on hard work, and achieves the spiritual core of "one kilometer" depth of the work with a width of "one centimeter";

"Fine", the five-day research time is refined into four stages: theoretical training, on-site teaching, group research, and discussion and exchange, closely following the new requirements of "developing new quality productivity", arranging experts to conduct targeted training from theory to practice for young cadres, and closely following the urgent need for the development of new quality productivity in the new stage of quality upgrading of Luohe food industry.

"Special", the theme and location selected for this survey, which are not only in line with the provincial conditions, but also very characteristic of Luohe;

"New", this survey focuses on the new topic of "developing new quality productivity and boosting the high-quality development of the food industry", which is the concrete embodiment of the work closely following the new characteristics of the new era.

"Luohe City did not 'rush up' and blindly 'seek innovation' from the actual industrial development, but accelerated the construction of a '11+8' modern industrial system with new quality productivity as the guide and food as the leading, and implemented the development of new quality productivity into the three leading industries of modern food, advanced manufacturing and new materials according to local conditions, and implemented it on the platform carriers such as the Central Plains Food Laboratory and Innovation Park, so as to continuously shape new advantages in economic development." In the 5-day research activities, Zhang Tao, a young cadre of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, gained a lot.

He and the members of the same group visited 13 enterprises such as Shuanghui and Weilong, 4 industrial parks such as Nanjie Village Industrial Park and Zhongke Degradable Material Industrial Park and Zhongyuan Food Laboratory, and had a discussion and exchange with the relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. "Insisting on developing new quality productivity according to local conditions is the fundamental reason for the high-quality development of Luohe City."

"What impresses me the most is the implementation of scientific and technological innovation and the development of new quality productivity in Luohe City." Wang Yi, a young cadre of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said, "In particular, the establishment of the Central Plains Food Laboratory has brought together a group of top academicians, experts and scientists in the food field, and at the same time, it has built a '1+6+N' organizational structure in a targeted manner, providing solid technical support and guarantee for food enterprises in Luohe and even the province." ”

"I hope that the research and practice activities can be carried out more deeply and continuously, so that more young cadres can participate, make good use of the 'heirloom' of investigation and research, practice the 'basic skills' of investigation and research, master the 'golden key' of investigation and research, and better serve the grassroots, serve the masses, and help local development." Wang Yi said.

From the grasp of the "outlet" to see the expression of "innovation" in the famous food city

Henan Sanmusketeer Agriculture Co., Ltd. and Zhongyuan Food Laboratory jointly developed "Happy Yogurt" with special probiotics to accelerate the high-end upgrading and transformation of the traditional food industry;

Shuanghui gave full play to its existing advantages to enter the field of prefabricated dishes, developed new technologies, docked new consumption, and developed new products around the "eight major cuisines + Yu cuisine", and comprehensively entered the new track;

Henan Zhongda Hengyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.'s upcoming allulose project mainly produces a new generation of high-end functional sweeteners, leading the future food development direction......

Although the 5-day survey was short, this activity not only left a deep impression on the provincial youth, but also aroused everyone's thinking.

At present, Linying County has more than 100 enterprises in various food and related industry chains, with more than 2,000 varieties of products covering 8 categories, such as baking, puffing, jelly and beverages. The "Made in Linying" on the tip of the tongue is not only deeply loved by the Chinese people, but also gradually goes out of the country and enters the international market. However, in the context of adjusting the structure, reducing production capacity, and promoting upgrading, Luohe snack food enterprises have a long way to go in the transformation and upgrading and leapfrog development. It is recommended to establish a typical model, leading enterprises to take the lead in breaking the situation, technology + capital policy tilt, and enhance the innovation confidence of enterprises.

The annual trading volume of the two major agricultural product wholesale markets in Luohe City exceeds 350,000 tons, and Shuanghui, as a meat processing enterprise, sells more than 10,000 tons of products every day to all parts of the country. There are 432 cold chain logistics enterprises in Luohe City, and the three top 50 enterprises in the province that have entered China's cold chain self-owned transportation capacity are all in Luohe City. However, there are still problems such as the lack of development stamina of the cold chain logistics industry in the city, the industrial chain is still not perfect, and the development of the cold chain information platform is insufficient.

The scale of Luohe's food industry exceeds 200 billion yuan, and the total operating income accounts for about 1/5 of Henan and 1/50 of the country. The food industry in Luohe City has higher and higher requirements for raw materials, but the construction of raw material base of Luohe food industry is still lagging behind, and it is recommended to improve the diversified food supply capacity and strengthen the multi-chain support of the food industry.

The purpose of research is to solve, and after the research, the problem must be solved.

The provincial young cadres formed a research group, and through 10 high-quality research reports, such as "In-depth Practice of the Big Food Concept and Practice and Exploration of Improving Luohe's Diversified Food Supply Capacity", "Development Status and Countermeasures of Food and Drug Homology Industry", "Investigation and Thinking on New Quality Productivity to Improve Flavor and Healthy Nutrition to Lead the Development and Integration of the Future Food Industry", starting from "dissecting a problem", to paint a portrait of Luohe's high-quality development.

"At present, Luohe is showing a trend of upward development, an accelerated trend of transformation and upgrading, a trend of rebuilding the advantages of accumulation, and a promising trend of superimposed opportunities. We will make good use of these research results, seek change through innovation, promote the transformation of traditional industries into 'new' and the 'potential' of strategic emerging industries, strive to be the first to shine in the development of new quality productivity, and run out of high-quality development 'acceleration' with the power of innovation." Zhang Heliang, secretary of the Working Committee of the organs directly under the Luohe Municipal Party Committee, said.

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