
Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

author:Pacific Rim old masath

With less than a month left before the opening of the Paris Olympics, the National Track and Field Championships have become the last opportunity for many athletes to hit Paris, including Zheng Ninali, the first naturalized female heptathlon athlete in Chinese track and field history. However, Zheng Ninali, who was fighting at home, announced that he would not be able to attend Paris due to injury, and the reason was that he was injured by broken equipment, which was an unwarranted disaster.

Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

Born in Canada in 1998, Zheng Ninali is also a sports family, her grandfather Duan Qiyan and grandmother Zheng Fengrong are both famous high jumpers in Chinese history. Among them, her grandmother Zheng Fengrong broke the women's high jump world record with 1.77 meters in 1957, and was the first female athlete in the history of Chinese sports to break the world record. Zheng Nina won the Commonwealth Games in 2018 and became a naturalized Chinese citizen in the same year. In 2021, Zheng Nina Li won the tenth place in the Tokyo Olympics and won the National Games in the same year. In the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, Zheng Nina won the championship again. In Asia, her level is top-notch.

Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

According to the rules, only the top 24 in the world rankings in the heptathlon can be qualified, and Zheng Nina is ranked 28th, and the national track and field championships are Zheng Nina's last chance to hit Paris. However, in the preparation process, Zheng Nina Li had an accident. During the long jump warm-up, Zheng Nina lost her balance in the air, screamed after landing, and fell sideways into the sand pit. As a result, in the 800-meter race, Zheng Nina suddenly fell while running, although Zheng Nina quickly got up to finish the race, but the knee injury made her unable to continue to impact the Olympics, regretting that her dream of Paris was shattered at home.

Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

So what happened when Nina Zheng jumped long? The initiator was the wooden long jump board. Zheng Nina gave a close-up of the long jump board, and it can be seen that the lines in the middle and lower parts of the board are not like they can be caused by just stepping on one foot, but the accumulated destruction, and the wood is all seedling. Zheng Nina's action of stepping on the plank was like stepping on uneven terrain and then falling to the ground, which was completely unwarranted.

Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

Zheng Nina Li apologized to netizens on social media, she wrote: "I'm sorry for disappointing everyone, and I'm sorry that I can't represent our country in the Olympics this year. Regarding the moment of her injury, Zheng Nina Li said: "I skated on the long jump board when I was preparing for the event. There is a problem with the knee initiative. The rest of the game was difficult... Then at 800 meters, there was a moment where I felt my knees lock up and I tripped accidentally. ”

Chinese track and field naturalized celebrities missed Paris! The game at home was injured by broken equipment, and there was no accident

But what is unacceptable to netizens is that Zheng Nina revealed that the organizer did not replace the long jump board, but repainted the exposed wood. In fact, there are a lot of idle planks next to the field, but the referee did not replace them, which is undoubtedly irresponsible for the safety of the athletes. Coincidentally, in the women's 100-meter trapeze battle, Chen Yujie also fell down because of the slippery field after winning the championship, of course, this is related to the rain to a certain extent. All in all, the organizers are not just about providing venues, the health and safety of athletes must be taken into account, and similar tragedies should not happen again.

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