
The gold stock pool in July is out!

author:BRTV World Finance
The gold stock pool in July is out!

The market was volatile and differentiated, and the Shanghai Composite Index continued to rebound, approaching 3,000 points, and the Shuangchuang Index bottomed out with a single needle. On the disk, the real estate sector rebounded, and many shares rose to the limit. High-dividend stocks continued to be active, with Agricultural Bank of China, Yangtze River Electric Power, and Shaanxi Coal hitting record highs. On the downside, chip stocks collectively adjusted. After six consecutive negative weekly lines, can it close this week? In July, gold stocks were released, which stocks can lead the market? Tonight's "World Finance", Cao Jing and Lao Ai will explain the market in detail for everyone.

The market has a "scissors difference" trend, and the long and short game has intensified

The gold stock pool in July is out!

(Shanghai Composite Index)

The gold stock pool in July is out!

(SZSE Component Index)

The gold stock pool in July is out!

(GEM refers to)

The gold stock pool in July is out!

(STAR 50)

Today's market out of the "scissors gap", the Shanghai Index in high dividends and real estate under the support of 3000 points again, the gem and the science and technology innovation board closed out of the long lower shadow line, what do you think of today's differentiation trend? Feel free to leave your views in the comment area.

The weekly line is six consecutive yin, can it close this week?

The gold stock pool in July is out!

(Shanghai Composite Index Weekly)

The weekly line has been six consecutive yin, which has made many netizens sigh that the difficult June has finally passed, how will the market operate in the future, and how to deal with it in operation? Let's first look at the remarks of the representatives of the brokerage companies from two points of view:

The gold stock pool in July is out!

The views of brokerages are basically the same, and the short-term should look at catalysis. After six consecutive negative weekly lines, can we close a stop-falling yang line this week to boost everyone's morale?

Cao Jing, a guest at the scene, believes that the market is expected to end the weekly trend:

The gold stock pool in July is out!

Lao Ai said that a rebound is expected this week:

The gold stock pool in July is out!

The weekly line has been in the yin for six consecutive years, can it close the yang this week?

Shi Junbo, a guest outside the venue, believes that there is a high probability of a "good start" this week; Lu Wei believes that this week may remain volatile; Zhang Cuixia said that the index continued to fluctuate at the bottom of the market this week.

How should investors respond to the "split" market?

The two on-site guests agreed that the Shanghai Composite Index has a high probability of rebounding this week, but today the Shuangchuang Index continued to decline, heading straight for the previous low. So, what conditions does the Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Index need to stop falling and stabilize?

Technology stocks dominated the month of June, with value stocks leading the rally on the first day of July. In July, will the market style shift from technology to the value-biased direction of high dividend + real estate?

Everbright Securities believes that the "dumbbell strategy" will still be effective:

The gold stock pool in July is out!

That is, when the market sentiment is relatively high, the "Kete estimate" and the new quality of productivity may be the main line of the market; And when market sentiment is relatively low, high-quality assets may perform better.

So, how to match the value and growth in July, how to match the position more reasonably?

For detailed analysis, please pay attention to "World Finance" broadcast by BRTV Finance at 19:30 tonight.

In July, the gold stock pool was released, who can have the last laugh?

Starting from May, some guests of the Tiancai Advisory Group gave the gold stock pool of the month. Last Friday, the June war ended, and the advisory group handed in its first report card, the details of which were published in the official account article last Friday (the results of the June gold stock pool were announced!). What's so unique about the top five stock picks? )

Today is the time to announce the July gold stock pool, let's first understand everyone's stock selection.

The gold stock pool in July is out!

Nine guests, 24 targets, how to choose the most optimistic 5 among them, which ones will you choose? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

The gold stock pool in July is out!
The gold stock pool in July is out!

In July, the gold stock pool was released, who can have the last laugh?

Some brokerages have also recently announced their July monthly portfolios, covering consumption, energy, technology and other sectors.

The gold stock pool in July is out!

According to incomplete statistics, in the list of "golden stocks" of various brokerages, CNOOC has been recommended by 4 brokerages the most.

In addition, CATL and Wen's shares have been recommended by 3 brokerages, and Pengding Holdings, Shandong Gold, and Industrial Fortune Union have been recommended by 2 brokerages.

The higher the degree of overlap, can we retail investors focus on it?

For detailed analysis, please pay attention to "World Finance" broadcast by BRTV Finance at 19:30 tonight.

The integration of vehicles, roads and clouds continues to catalyze how to nugget gold for individual stocks?

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the "Beijing Autonomous Vehicle Regulations".

At present, the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone has issued road test licenses for 31 test car companies, with a mileage of more than 28 million kilometers of autonomous driving tests, and will achieve full coverage of 600 square kilometers of intelligent roadside infrastructure in the city within the year.

Not only Beijing, recently, Wuhan's 17 billion yuan major demonstration project of vehicle-road-cloud integration has been approved by relevant departments for the record, has the "vehicle-road-cloud" plate been called back in place? Can you get on the bus a second time?

For detailed analysis and more exciting content, please pay attention to "World Finance" broadcast by BRTV Finance at 19:30 tonight.