
In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

author:The Paper

"I am very worried about my father's illness at the time of writing. The reason for this is mostly because of the mood of the child, which makes the adults uneasy and considerate. What a man's sin! On November 19, 1943, Li Bai, the prototype of the protagonist of "The Eternal Wave", wrote this letter to his father. At that time, he temporarily served as a clerk at Shanghai Liangyou Candy Store, waiting for a new task from the party organization. During this period, my father became seriously ill and wrote twice urging him to return home for a visit.

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

Li Bai's letter to his parents

In that war-torn era, countless revolutionaries sacrificed their lives for their ideals. However, in the face of their parents, wives and children, they also have love, hatred and regrets, and family letters are the carrier of their entrustment and emotions.

In order to carry forward the good family style in the new era and inherit the red gene in the family style, from July 1st to October 7th, the third floor of Shanghai 1925 Bookstore will hold a special exhibition of "Red Gene in Family Style, Seeing a Hundred Years of Family Style from Family Letters". This special exhibition is guided by the Hongkou District Women's Federation and organized by the Hongkou Branch of the Commercial Press and 1925 Bookstore.

The exhibition selects the contents of more than 30 important family letters in the past 100 years, which either write about the changes in the current situation or write about family trivialities, ranging from war-torn letters worth tens of thousands of dollars to shocking prison letters, some of which can be called calligraphy works.

In the face of his father's urging, Li Bai could not leave his job, so he could only try to comfort himself in the letter: "In everything, it is always advisable to masturbate, and we must not worry about the memory and damage our health because we cannot go home as soon as possible." As long as there is a safe route home and a stable life after returning home, we will go home no matter what...... We hear that the family is safe, even when we are away, we can do things with peace of mind. ”

In the early morning of December 30, 1948, in the process of telecommunication with the Party Central Committee, Li Bai was arrested because the Kuomintang secret service detected the location of the radio station. In the face of torture to extract a confession, he remained steadfast and unyielding, and the enemy did not get any of the information he wanted from his mouth. On May 7, 1949, Li Bai was secretly killed by Kuomintang agents at the Qijia Temple in Pudong, Shanghai, at the age of 39.

Another leader of the labour movement, Wang Xiaohe, wrote a suicide note. At the beginning of 1948, Shanghai textile workers went on strike under the leadership of the Shanghai underground organization of the Communist Party of China, which was suppressed by the reactionary authorities, and a large number of workers were arrested. As one of the leaders of the workers' movement, in April, Wang Xiaohe was arrested for betrayal by traitors. On September 30 of the same year, he died heroically at the age of 24. Twenty-one days after his death, a second daughter, Wang Peimin, was born.

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

Wang Xiaohe's suicide note to his parents

While in prison, Wang Xiaohe wrote 50 letters to his family. On display is a suicide note he wrote to his parents on September 27 after learning that he had been sentenced to death. In this last letter, Wang Xiaohe comforted his parents that although he was still honored, "It is easy to raise a child so far, in order to see the injustice of this society, I finally did not violate the purpose of being a man, and today I have completed my life." I hope my parents don't grieve over this. Although Yin'er was wronged, this is still glorious, and it cannot be compared with those traitors, lackeys and corrupt officials! At the same time, he hopes that the child will understand his father's ideals, "The piano girl and the future child Peimin should tell them how and why their son will say goodbye to the world forever!" Although the death of a child is a big deal for the child personally, what is it for the society here and now! Thousands of people with conscience and righteousness are still alive in the world, and they will settle this blood account for their sons. ”

At that time, the reporter of "Ta Kung Pao" was moved and took a group of photos of Wang Xiaohe before his inauguration. Before the execution, he denounced the atrocities of the Kuomintang to the reporters present, and loudly proclaimed with a smile: "The day is about to dawn, and if I, Wang Xiaohe, fall down, millions of people will stand up." ”

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

Wang Xiaohe smiled before his righteousness

The exhibition area on the third floor of the 1925 Bookstore also set up a special "Family Letter Writing Office", so that the audience can write a letter to their family members in the bookstore after watching the exhibition. On the third floor of the 1925 bookstore, the movable type printing section also hides the names of several family letter authors on display, waiting for the audience to discover.

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

"Strict Mother Teaches Son to Show Family Style" special event

In order to better promote the red gene in the family style, on June 30, the Shanghai Pingtan Troupe came to the 1925 Bookstore to hold a special event of "Strict Mother and Son Show Family Style". The event was delivered and participated by the national second-class actor Qian Yan, and the national second-class actor Xu Yifeng, the young actors Yao Yiyi and Hao Hua of the Shanghai Pingtan Troupe participated. Focusing on the theme of family style, the actors of the Shanghai Pingtan Troupe brought the audience the opening words "Mother-in-law's Tattoo", the lyrics of the song "Pearl Tower, v. the Benefactor", the lyrics of the song "Butterfly Dream • Dream Butterfly", and the lyrics of "Yang Naiwu • Xia Mother Xunzi" and other programs.

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

Members of the Bomb Appraisal Group visited the special exhibition of red family letters

A letter from the family connects a hundred years of time and space, and the red blood flows endlessly in it. In the exhibition, the audience reunited with the red gene in the family letter and learned the fine family customs of their ancestors. It is reported that the 1925 Bookstore will continue to carry out a series of family style education activities, and the second floor of the store has opened the "Family Style Chronicles, Virtue Traces" 1925 Bookstore Chen Yun Family Style Museum under the guidance of the Hongkou District Women's Federation and sponsored by the 1925 Bookstore. In the future, the bookstore will also organize activities such as "Honest Family Style" theme lectures, "Family Letter Writing Experience", "Little Commentators", "Family Style Story Telling Competition" and other activities, through a variety of activities to promote the good family style and inherit the red gene in the family style.

In a red letter, read the ideals and lives of revolutionary fighters

"Family Style, Virtue Trace", 1925 Bookstore, Chen Yun, Family Style Museum