
The United States will introduce another bill to aid Taiwan, and in the words of the US ambassador to China, the United States has misjudged China's determination

author:Dean Yuan Zhou

Recently, U.S. Ambassador to China Burns said that China is taking practical actions to support Russia's attack on Ukraine, which is a major miscalculation made by China in China-EU relations and China-US relations, and China does not understand the core values of Europe and the United States on the issue of world peace.

He stressed that the reason why Europe and NATO regard China as a systemic competitor lies in China's "supportive" position towards Russia. This is as if Sino-US relations did not take a sharp turn before the Russia-Ukraine war. The fundamental reason why the United States regards China as a systemic competitor is that China's rise has challenged the international order led by the United States and with the United States and Europe as the core, and whether there is a Russia-Ukraine war is unlikely to have an impact on the United States' China strategy.

Interestingly, however, Burns, in order to justify his argument, cited the rapid growth of bilateral trade between China and Russia. He said that in the two years since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, bilateral trade between China and Russia has grown rapidly from less than $100 billion to $240 billion. While China purchases a large amount of energy from Russia, it also exports a large number of dual-use equipment such as chips, electronic equipment, and drones to Russia, which also helps the development of Russia's military industry.

The United States will introduce another bill to aid Taiwan, and in the words of the US ambassador to China, the United States has misjudged China's determination

Therefore, a logical closed loop has been formed here, and the reason why the United States and Europe did not win the Russian-Ukrainian war is because of China's support for Russia, so the United States and European countries will impose secondary sanctions on Chinese banks that settle Sino-Russian trade, which has prevented China from continuing to "aid Russia".

It is worth mentioning that China did not "miscalculate" the United States on the Russia-Ukraine issue, but the United States certainly misjudged China on the Taiwan issue.

According to the appropriations bill passed by the US House of Representatives, the content of military aid to Taiwan is once again included, and the bill has been submitted to the Senate after it has been passed by the House of Representatives, and after it is passed by the Senate, Biden will sign it and officially take effect. In this bill, the United States will provide at least $500 million in military aid with foreign military financing, and at the same time, it will also provide up to $2 billion in loan guarantees to strengthen the defense capability of the Taiwan authorities.

The United States will introduce another bill to aid Taiwan, and in the words of the US ambassador to China, the United States has misjudged China's determination

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin had already said that on the Taiwan issue, the United States has seriously violated its commitments to China and seriously undermined China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It was the Americans who went to Taiwan to support "Taiwan independence" and constantly concocted tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

If the United States wants to peacefully resolve the Taiwan issue, there is only one way, and that is to return to the three Sino-US joint communiques and the "one-China" principle, instead of helping the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island to "seek independence by force" and seize the opportunity to create a crisis and fight back. China's determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering, and the United States should not misjudge China's determination to resolve the Taiwan issue.

In addition, the Chinese ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, has recently sent a similar signal. At a symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, he said that Taiwan was not a country in the past, is not a country now, and cannot be a country in the future. Taiwan is a part of China, and now Taiwan wants to pursue "independence," which is an attempt to split a sovereign country and violate international law.

The United States will introduce another bill to aid Taiwan, and in the words of the US ambassador to China, the United States has misjudged China's determination

He also said that, to be precise, China's civil war is not over now, and that the current DPP authorities are nothing more than a rebel regime within Chinese territory. In terms of international law, the Chinese government can ban or expel the regime at any time and regain jurisdiction over Taiwan.

The Taiwan issue is essentially an issue left over from China's civil war, and it will not be an issue for China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The reason why we are unwilling to use force to resolve the Taiwan issue is that it may lead to the 23 million people in Taiwan living in the flames of war, and we hope that the Taiwan issue can be resolved in a peaceful way. This is also a key reason why China initially proposed "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems."

The United States will introduce another bill to aid Taiwan, and in the words of the US ambassador to China, the United States has misjudged China's determination

However, on the Taiwan issue, in order to maintain the global hegemonic system with itself at its core, the Western countries led by the United States have tried to "besiege" China in the first island chain, using the Taiwan issue as a means to contain and suppress China, constantly supporting the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, concocting the "two-state theory" and "Taiwan's undetermined status," and deliberately creating antagonism between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, for fear that the cross-strait situation will ease.

On this issue, China's attitude is very simple, and we are willing to embrace peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity, but at the critical moment, we cannot rule out the use of force to resolve the Taiwan issue, which is a part of China, and this is not subject to the transfer of the will of the United States and the Democratic Progressive Party, and we hope that the United States will not misjudge China's determination on the Taiwan issue.

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