
Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced

author:Hebi News Network

June 28th

Released by Qi County Education and Sports Bureau

2024 Implementation Plan for Compulsory Education Enrollment


Admissions Principles

(1) Adhere to the principle of zoning enrollment and relatively nearby enrollment without examination. According to the allocation of resources of public primary and secondary schools in Qi County, the geographical situation in the region, the traffic situation, the population distribution and the distribution of school-age students, the enrollment scale and zoning scope of each public junior high school and primary school are scientifically and reasonably determined, and each school-age child in the jurisdiction is provided with a "relatively nearby" enrollment degree. No citizen-run school may select students in the form of examinations or tests, and shall not use the results of various examinations, competitions, or training as conditions and bases for enrollment.

(2) Adhere to the principle of territorial management and hierarchical responsibility. The enrollment scope of urban schools and county schools shall be coordinated and demarcated by the county education and sports bureau, and the central schools of each township (street) shall be responsible for the zoning work and the implementation of enrollment organizations in their respective jurisdictions.

(3) Adhere to the principle of eliminating large class sizes. All township (street) central schools and county-level primary and junior high schools must strictly implement the enrollment plan and school scale approved by the county education and sports bureau, and the starting grades of each enrollment school must be arranged in accordance with the national class size standards (no more than 45 students per class in primary schools and no more than 50 students in each class in junior high schools), and large class sizes will be completely eliminated this year.

(4) Adhere to the principle of simultaneous enrollment of public and private schools. Continue to implement simultaneous enrollment of public and private schools, which shall be included in the unified management of the place of approval, and shall not be recruited across the county (district) where the school is located.

Enrollment and registration methods

Public schools in urban areas adopt a combination of single-school zoning and multi-school zoning. Rural public schools are to enroll students in villages and other areas by zoning or direct promotion.

(1) Enrollment targets

Enrollment target of the first grade of primary school: children born before August 31, 2018 (inclusive) and at least six years old.

Enrollment target for the seventh grade of junior high school: Graduates of the sixth grade of primary school in 2024.

(2) Registration time and requirements

On-site registration time for primary schools: August 1 - August 3, 2024. Parents should bring the original and photocopies of the documents required for registration to the school for on-site qualification confirmation.

On-site registration time for junior high school: July 6 - July 8, 2024. Parents should bring the original and photocopies of the documents required for registration to the school for on-site qualification confirmation.

(3) Materials to be provided for admission

1. When registering for primary and junior high schools, parents must hold the household registration book, real estate certificate (real estate certificate), and the formal record purchase contract (the original uniform invoice for the sale of real estate in Henan Province); Receipt of utility bill payment after occupancy (generally required for three months); Receipts for payment of natural gas, winter heating, etc.

2. The following materials are required for the registration of the children of migrant workers in the city:

(1) Household registration of origin;

(2) Residence permit (the deadline for obtaining the permit is July 15, 2024);

(3) Industrial and commercial business license or formal labor contract;

(4) The lease contract of the house at the guardian's place of residence. The guardians of the children of migrant workers who meet the above conditions should register at the Basic Education Unit of the Qi County Education and Sports Bureau from July 1 to July 15. Qi County Education and Sports Bureau will be allocated to public schools according to the actual situation.

3. The guardians of the children of martyrs, eligible children of active duty soldiers, children of servicemen who died in the line of duty and died of illness, children of public security martyrs and disabled public security policemen who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, children of high-level talents introduced and other eligible preferential treatment recipients, shall register with the Basic Education Unit of the Education and Sports Bureau from July 1 to July 15 with the original and photocopies of the household registration booklet, residence certificate and relevant identification materials. After the Qi County Education and Sports Bureau will check with the relevant departments, it will arrange enrollment in accordance with the relevant preferential policies.

Admissions policy consultation telephone: 0392-7260828

Enrollment Procedures

(1) Online registration

Each enrollment school uses a unified compulsory education enrollment management service platform to carry out student information collection, and uses information technology to automatically compare and review enrollment certification materials, and implements the requirement of "doing one thing efficiently". Parents of students should register online according to the announced online registration time. When registering online, fill in the basic information of the student, the information of the parents or guardians, the household registration and real estate information as required.

(2) The school organizes registration review

According to the enrollment and registration work plan, each enrollment school guides parents to register in an orderly manner in different time periods. When registering, the school should inspect all kinds of original materials provided by the students' parents on the spot, and if there are difficulties in individual on-site inspections, they should organize personnel to investigate and verify. For those who have real estate but have not moved in, the real estate information should be verified, and at the same time, the household should be entered to verify whether it is really occupied. Parents will be notified of the results of the verification in a timely manner after the verification is completed. For those who do not meet the registration requirements, the school should patiently do a good job of explanation.

(3) Review by the administrative department of education

Urban primary schools and junior high schools will summarize the data of on-site audits and make a roster of new students to be recruited. The Education and Sports Bureau will connect with the data of the public security department and the real estate management department, and organize relevant personnel to review the registration materials of each school. The review time for the registration materials for new students in urban junior high schools is from July 16th to July 19th, and the review time for new primary school students is from August 13th to August 16th, and the specific requirements will be notified separately.

(4) Admission

The Education and Sports Bureau organizes relevant personnel to review the registration materials of each school and distribute the roster of new students to the corresponding schools. The school will issue a uniformly printed admission notice according to the roster of new students, and arrange follow-up class assignment, military training, enrollment registration and other related work according to the actual situation. The registration time of new students in urban schools shall be reported to the Basic Education Unit for the record in advance.

Policy Descriptions and Precautions

(1) The households are the same. It refers to the primary school graduate (school-age child) and the father (mother) of the same household registration, the head of the household is the father (mother) or grandfather (mother) or maternal grandfather (mother) of the primary school graduate (school-age child), the head of the household must be consistent with the property owner of the house ownership certificate or the registered purchase contract, and the household registration address must be consistent with the address of the house ownership certificate or the registered purchase contract. There are the following situations in which the households are consistent:

1. Primary school graduates (school-age children) are registered with their guardians (generally referring to their fathers or mothers), the guardians are the heads of households, and the real estate is owned by the guardians and is consistent with the household registration address.

2. The household registration of primary school graduates (school-age children) is in the same household registration as the guardian and the grandfather or maternal grandfather, the head of the household is the grandfather or maternal grandfather, and the real estate is owned by the guardian and is consistent with the household registration address.

3. Primary school graduates (school-age children) should be registered with their guardians and their grandfathers or mother-in-law, the head of household should be their grandfather or mother-in-law, and the property should be owned by their grandfather or mother-in-law.

4. Household consistency is a sufficient and necessary condition for determining the relative proximity of students to enroll.

(2) There are mainly the following situations of inconsistency between households:

1. Primary school graduates (school-age children) are registered with their parents in the names of other relatives (friends).

2. Primary school graduates (school-age children) are separated from their guardians' household registration and are attached to other relatives (friends) alone.

3. Primary school graduates (school-age children) are single-detached households.

4. Primary school graduates (school-age children) and their guardians are registered together, but the guardians do not have a valid real estate certificate.

5. The inconsistency of households does not guarantee that students will obtain a relatively nearby admission degree.

(3) Proof of real estate refers to: real estate certificate or real estate certificate, formal house purchase contract, urban village reconstruction and relocation agreement, and other relevant documents that comply with the law.

(4) Non-residential real estate cannot be used as the basis for student enrollment, and houses that have not been delivered or have been delivered but not occupied cannot be used as the basis for nearby enrollment.

(5) In view of the fact that the two parties to the real estate transaction in Qi County cannot change the transfer procedures in time due to special reasons, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer, the buyer shall provide sufficient and effective evidence to prove the authenticity of the property rights of the purchased property, which includes: 1. The real estate sale and purchase agreement. 2. Proof of payment by the bank for the purchase of the property. 3. Receipt of utility bill payment after moving in (generally three months). 4. Receipts for payment of natural gas, winter heating, etc. 5. Legal notarization documents. 6. Other evidence that can prove the occupancy.

(6) In view of the sensitivity and complexity of the enrollment work, all enrollment schools should strictly and conscientiously do a good job in the verification of the registration materials, especially the household registration book and the house purchase contract, and contact the relevant functional departments in advance to understand and grasp the authenticity of the household registration book and the house purchase contract. Those who fabricate or forge key documents will be resolutely disqualified from enrollment, and if the circumstances are serious, they will be transferred to the judicial departments for investigation and handling.

(7) For families that have been uniformly registered as residents for no more than three years after the reform of the household registration system, the enrollment school shall require their guardians to provide the household registration information before the replacement of the new book, and determine their enrollment qualifications before and after.

(8) In accordance with the provisions of the Compulsory Education Law, household registration is the legal basis for school-age children to enroll in school, and real estate is a policy provision for taking care of the enrollment of specific groups.

(9) Due to the uneven population distribution and school layout in Qi County, and the irregular shape of the block, the nearest school does not mean the closest school in a straight line.

(10) The right to interpret and make the final decision on the division of the enrollment scope of urban schools belongs to the Education and Sports Bureau.

Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced
Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced
Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced
Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced

Qi County Compulsory Education School Enrollment Consultation Telephone

Consultation hours

Weekdays 8:00-12:00


Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced
Latest! The enrollment scope of primary and secondary schools in Qi County was announced