
How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

author:Cover News

Cover News Reporter Yang Ruiwen Ganzi Photo Report

On June 24, the 318 "China's Most Beautiful Plateau Landscape Avenue" organized by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism was launched.

From the 24th to the 28th, the wind collection activity entered Ganzi Prefecture, along the National Highway 318 to explore the Xiongqi natural landscape and cultural and folk characteristics, and feel the new momentum and new achievements of the integrated development of transportation and tourism in Sichuan.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

The wind collection group walked into Ganzi

According to public information, from January to May 2023, the average daily equivalent traffic volume of National Highway 318 (Sichuan) will reach 6,700 vehicles, an increase of about 20% compared with the peak season in 2018, becoming a popular choice for self-driving travel.

As one of the popular routes for travelers to enter Tibet from Sichuan, how to change from a "transit station" to a "destination" for passengers, and a "flow" into a "retention", the reporter found the answer in this G318 most beautiful landscape avenue "Looking for New Notes".

New influencer check-in points

Deep mountain artificial lakes and free hot springs on the roadside have become the "new favorites" of cultural tourism

When the car drove on the winding mountain road on the plateau, the beautiful scenery reflected along the way attracted reporters to marvel, and they took out their cameras to record the natural scenery and cultural customs along the way.

National Highway 318 starts from Huangpu District, Shanghai, and ends in Shigatse City, Tibet, with a total distance of 5,476 kilometers, the most famous of which is the Sichuan-Tibet line from Chengdu, Sichuan to Lhasa, Tibet.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Cuopugou Scenic Area

In addition to the well-known traditional scenic spots, the emerging Internet celebrity check-in points in Sichuan continue to be new.

Walking into the Cuopugou Scenic Area located in Batang County, Ganzi Prefecture, which is close to the National Highway 318, is a comprehensive scenic spot integrating snow-capped mountains, grasslands, hot springs, forests and lakes, and is also the only 4A-level scenic spot in Ganzi Prefecture that can drive into the whole process.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Reporters soaked their feet in the roadside hot spring in Cuopugou

All the way straight in, the deep mountain Cuopu Lake is like a secret place, surrounded by forests and sparkling. When the reporters opened the car window, the strong smell of sulfur came to their nostrils, and the steaming wild hot springs on the roadside attracted everyone to take off their shoes and socks to enjoy the free "foot bath spa" on the roadside.

It is understood that the hot springs here are the largest hot springs in Sichuan Province, with thousands of springs, and the clouds and mist are filled every morning, like a fairyland.

These wild temperatures can reach temperatures of up to 80 degrees Celsius, and visitors can enjoy the unique hot spring eggs and corn that give the taste buds a unique experience.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Roadside hot springs can be found everywhere in Cuopugou

According to the relevant person in charge, the scenic spot is currently making every effort to build a 318 hot spring theme village, through the research and development and upgrading of the special catering of hot springs, and the combination of local characteristic catering and hot springs, enriching products, giving tourists more choice, improving consumption desire and increasing income.

On the other hand, with the successful completion of all the tasks of the first water storage in 2023 at the Lianghekou Hydropower Station of the "Super Project", a large artificial lake with an area of more than 1,900 square kilometers has been formed at the convergence of the Yalong River, Xianshui River and Qingda River.

After the morning light is faint, after the mist dissipates, Tianlong Lake reveals its "true face", it is not difficult to find that compared with the common sightseeing places along the 318 National Highway such as glaciers, primeval forests, meadows, Tibetan villages, etc., Tianlong Lake is one of the few scenic spots along this highway that is associated with the modernization project, and has obvious differentiated tourism resources.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Tianlong Lake Scenic Area Sichuan Observation Xiong Gang photography

"Relying on the artificial lake Tianlong Lake Scenic Area being built, we are also striving to enrich the territory of Yajiang's cultural tourism experience, so that Yajiang will change from a 'transit place' to a 'destination'."

Zeren Wengmu, deputy director of the Tourism Service Center of Yajiang County Culture, Radio and Tourism Bureau, said that at present, Tianlong Lake Scenic Area is planning the experience projects that can be accommodated in the scenic spot.

At the same time of planning and building, the basic service facilities of the scenic spot have also begun to take shape, and homestays, tourist service centers, tourist toilets and seven camping terraces have been completed, with preliminary reception capacity.

In July, Yajiang County plans to take advantage of this year's Year of the Dragon to carry out a self-driving tour promotion activity in Tianlong Lake, inviting well-known off-road self-driving tour teams to take the lead in experiencing this new scenic spot. "Compared with ordinary car self-driving tours, we mainly target more 'hardcore' off-road self-driving tours and RV camping groups, attracting them to have the opportunity to stay in Yajiang for a few more days."

New forms of consumption

Travel photography, homestays, and boutique camping revitalize the local economy

Xiao Xue, a traveler from Mianyang, Sichuan Province who loves to travel to the west of Sichuan, has noticed some new changes: in the past, the hotel choice in Ganzi Prefecture was single and relatively concentrated, but now you can find high-quality boutique homestays in many places, and the quality of living during the trip has improved, and the travel experience is also better.

In recent years, taking the opportunity of rural revitalization and counterpart support, many places in Ganzi have relied on local resources to establish homestay hotels in the way of "enterprises + cooperatives + farmers".

"On weekends and holidays, we are almost "hard to find".

In the Kaniang B&B in Kaniang Village, Litang County, the relevant person in charge introduced that the county party committee and government cooperated with local villagers to renovate the houses of the villagers around the concept of integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Litang County Kaniang Village Ka Niang B&B

With the help of unique natural resources, the entire B&B integrates museum exhibitions, hot springs, tea rooms, conference rooms, starry sky tents, cafes and other formats. In order to enrich the accommodation and travel experience of tourists, the B&B also provides special services such as Tibetan costume shooting and horseback riding.

She said that since the official operation in 2022, the occupancy rate of homestays has reached more than 50% from March to May, and the occupancy rate has reached more than 95% during the tourist season from June to October.

If the consumption experience is good, the customer flow will naturally not be less. According to the relevant personnel of the Litang County Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the county will receive a total of 3.192 million tourists in 2023 and achieve a comprehensive tourism income of 3.51 billion yuan, and in the first half of 2024, the county will receive a total of 1.003 million tourists and achieve a comprehensive tourism income of 1.1 billion yuan.

On the other hand, as a famous tourist attraction, the Tagong Grassland Scenic Area in Kangding City has also introduced new consumption formats on the basis of traditional horse-leading services.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Tourists in the Tagong grassland are taking pictures according to Wang Lei of China News Service

"This year, there are more than 50 new travel photography stores in the grassland scenic spot of Tagong Town, and more than 10 new boutique homestays."

Shilang Qudeng, a member of the political and legal committee of Tagong Town, Kangding City, introduced that according to the diversified consumption needs of tourists, Tagong Grassland will introduce new consumption formats such as extreme sports, horseback riding experience, and professional travel photography.

He introduced that at present, the scenic spot is making every effort to promote the extreme sports club and the Muya girl photography area project, which will become a happy paradise integrating grassland flight experience, hot air balloon experience and grass skiing project by setting up a variety of participatory and interactive amusement products. Relying on the grassland landscape and the unique ethnic culture of Tagong, the Muya Girl Photography Area project creates a very stylish photography base, prolongs the stay time of tourists, and increases the sense of experience of tourists.

New Cultural Tourism Project "Incubation"

The second phase of Yan Hong Ancient Street in Li Tong will open next summer at the latest

Walk into Renkang Ancient Street, Litang County, Ganzi Prefecture, a national tourism and leisure block. The reporters strolled through the streets and alleys of the ancient town and felt the strong Tibetan cultural atmosphere. Shops, handicraft shops and specialty food stalls along the street are plentiful and visitors can taste authentic Tibetan cuisine and buy unique handicrafts.

The reporter learned that at present, Litang County is speeding up the construction of the second phase of Renkang Ancient Street, and is striving to build the world's largest Tibetan village community "Thousand Tibetan Villages" 4A scenic spot into an encyclopedic scenic spot of Tibetan culture.

How do I change from "Stopover" to "Destination"? G318 Landscape Avenue explores a new path for the integration of transportation and travel

Thousands of Tibetan villages according to the Litang County Bureau of Culture and Tourism

"There are 72 formats in the first phase of Renkang Ancient Street, including travel photography, cultural and creative gift shops, traditional catering, accommodation, etc., and at present, 10 formats have been attracted in the second phase of Renkang Ancient Street."

Zewang Quzhen, head of the scenic spot creation office of the Litang County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, revealed that the second phase will be completed to meet tourists in the summer of next year at the latest.

Looking at the overall situation from a corner, the "incubation" of new cultural tourism projects has been non-stop and burst out with strong vitality.

The person in charge of the county revealed that at present, the local government is still actively promoting the demonstration section of the integration of culture and tourism on the G318 line, which is currently in the design feasibility study review stage and construction design stage. In the future, the construction of tourism service facilities will be carried out in the demonstration section of National Highway 318 to make up for the shortcomings, drive and activate the tourism industry and tourism resources along the 318 main road, and promote the construction of Daocheng Yading-Litang-Maoya Grassland-Batang-Daocheng Yading tourism boutique route, which will become the business card of Litang County's traffic and tourism integration.

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